Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

PA6S5 THE CLARION-LEDGER, JACKSON, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1947 Exhibition Baseball LEGAL NOTICE Avil lOih. unta 10 00 AM. iwaetr (X Public Sf-T F.O B. Jsckpon. SprtfM-unr.

win fnmish'd "PS.Ii th Hihr piroi "'T quarter. 3550 Narib Ssui SWU JCSoa R. BMDLET. rmuiMr Mar Jl. SS.

35. 3. rt. 28. 3.

Pr- W.J. Lowe Dies Sunday At Age Of 93 W. J. Lowe. 93.

passed away at his home. tS Poindexter street. Sunday afternoon following an illness of only a few weeks. A lilelong resident of Hinds county. Mr.

Lowe had lived in Jackson for the past 35 years. He was a member of the Board of Deacons I i hi- -r;" -r u4eMtt to the line, where ttteKmav." I t-- Purser iCilSySa I Hewitt Jy At Miami Beach. Fla. Boston (N 000 000 0000 5 0 Pittsburgh 010 000 lOx 2 5 2 Elliot, Barret. 5, Heintzelman (7 and Masi.

Camelli; Roe, Strin- cevich (4 and Jarvis; Homer Fletcher PGH 2nd; WP-Roe; LP Elliott. TREASITHT DEPARTMENT. ftt Dutnct Supfrruor. A.ronoi Tk VnH. B- and at- ra aI niff.

I of Calvary Baptist church tended the Beacon Bible Class. He i H.u.lsif:,. 'V was a retired merchant and farmer. I i3 churoiet Tuor ssb. mow Besides his wife, he is survived tiJAO? ru fce2.

dv iv.o sons. w. L. Loe and A. S.

Ior Prefh Mwwr c.r.nM. Lowe: three daughters- Xfrs. J. m. i trni 3.

imt. hi Watkms and Farmer, all PM prwi orieu under of Jackson and Mrs Wai-pr rai.i. JT cod, rrea c. At West Palm Beach. Fla.

Golden (jloves winners in the recent tournament spon- Philadelphia ioo ooi 1003 0 0 rored by the Clarion-Ledger and Junior Chamber of Com- i P1HlalelphiaT fA P00 000 000 4 2 rnerce can Ret their jackets Monday by calling on Johnny nifk? lJalton at Yll South Parish street at his National Products lan Rospy; Homer Verban Pha office He promises prompt service and no attempt to 1 fI 7th- sell you spinach, boys the Hinds Junior college lads had At oriando'Tru their jackets delivered yesterday It was regrettable Detroit 100 0056 13 1 i iuicuic. Krar.acniiaren: i March 24. and rSSSfc oae 4 1 srreat-great-grandchild rTinerai services will be held til 1 SUV- 5 1 irom the Calvary Baptist cl urch at 1 p. m. Monday, with Dr.

Claude that delivery has been delaved. but the snortinc gnnHsl3515111 0001111037 to rKJwen, me kv. i. f. Metis of Ack erman.

and the Rv. rnum w-r Presto Cookers National Canners Burpee Canners Enamelware Cast Iron Ware business is still suffering post-war cramps. Optimism was rampant among 1 derson of Grenada officiating. Kretlow, Gorsica 6, Gray r9 1 and Riebe; Wynn. Masterson 6) and Mancuso, Ferrell; Homer Mchale Det.

4th; WPMasterson; LP Gray. interment will be in Lakewrwi Memorial Park. miss, btate fans over the weekend i after that 20-20 practice game per-; and counting on local fans to formance at Starlcville ininK tnai an even SPUT- in tne con- the rival Fla. lensive 1 clubs showed plenty of of- ''c acuicvc-, abilities, and the Maroon i ment for the Bengals, than a clean saCu quite pepped up as a re- Lth breathers spaced find clubs showed dentv of of- "rence is a more glorious achieve- the At Lakeland, fans are 000 001 000 0006 8 8 2 i-Jt honorry pallbearers will be? the Board of Deacons and mem- bers of the Beacon Bible Class at' Calvary Baptist church The active pallbearers will be Or-' ria Ausun, John Watts. Ross.

E. M. Bntt. J. Lee Denson JTry Jones and B.

B. McLendon. km tyi nf th cinart im. through card. CAPITOL HARDWARE CO.

C19 W. Capitol Street Detroit (B Team 000000 OOi 0001 2 9 2 Prendergast, Katz (6), Connell 9 and Just; Newhouser, Gentry (10) and Erautt; WP Connell; LP Gentry. pressed many as being the best 111 at ole Mlss coaches don feel in years and this harbinger of re-1 100 Pessimistic about Rebel pros-surgent power may well serve as a Pects for 15 indicated by warning to-Maroon opponents. remarks before the Oxford iRotary club last week when Ath- And speaking of football pros-1 i-ti nirennr t3h smitv. This Week's Special! Rotarian himself, marched the boys At Havana, Cuba.

Cuban All Stars 000 400 000 4 10 4 Brooklyn 034 302 OOx 12 18 1 pects, some of the scribes around the Big Eight eon loop are already attempting to build the Jackson 1 Tigers up to a point that seems a Dit high to us Certainly we're going to have a better team this up to town and put on the program "We are going to have an im- proved ball club next season. Head Coach Johnny Vaught told the club, LEGION CHAMPS The Tupelo Legionnaires came through in the Legion basketball tournament last night to win the crown for 1947. Members of the team are, row. left to right: Walter Martin and Dud Bryant. Back row, Roger Bryant, manager; Arlis Ricks, George Prather, Lyle Bullard and Mitch Grissom.

(Photo by Cliff Bingham) Consuegra. Donoso (3y, Napolies i Our first game with Kentucky is fall than last and the new rn 4 1 and F. Guerra; Lombardi, Miner i7), and Edwards; WP Lombardi; LP Consuegra. Chamber Directors Say Firemen Halted Major Catastrophe The board of directors of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce at Us regular meeting took occasion to express thanks and appreciation to the Jackson Fire Department for the efficient work in the Heidelberg Hotel fire of Sunday. March 16.

"All the elements of a major catastrophe were present, but due to the fine work of the fire department, hotel emploves and police io-ce the fire was brought under Tf Morton Lieutenant "SPARTAN" TENNIS RACQUET Regulorly $5.95 roach, Doss Fulton, is frank to say win Jt take SQme more and wind that part of the credit will Bo With State's scalp," he continued. Scrap Crawley who taught a lot VaUght said some 23 of the men of boys a lot of football last fall on the ad laat were fresh. Jlr out even me raosi opumiMiu cmi- nriH thv h. (m- At St. Petersburg, Fla.

St. Louis (N ..000 001 2O0--3-7-O New York A ....000 000 000-4-1 Brecheen, Dickson (4), Pollett (7) and Garaglola, Wilder (Reynolds, Byrne (7) and Niarhos, Bylvestri WP-Dickson; LP-Reynolds. proved for 1947 playing. In addi Honored By Navy Lt. Felix Ernest Ward.

USN. of Morton, husband of Mrs. Peggy Winstead Ward, has received the permanent citation for the Gold Star in lieu of his Third Air 4sJ mate of the loeal charges is to win a portion of our game: certainly not all of them! Fu.lon is going at this business in a way calculated to build for the future, rather than attempt an all-victorious season for 1947.. He's taking on MORE Big ElghUeen teams, instead of less 95 2 Ir- 1 KuX tion six new men of outstanding ability have been with the squad since beginning of second semester i Coaches Buster Poole and Jim Whatley told of the ends, guards and tackles. Poole said end play was perhaps the weakest spot but there were sqme good men for the 1 rwAcitirtno WhflHpv Qtatpri that he 3 9 Moisture Proof Silk Strings 0 Leather Grip wunout joss of life or in jury Chamber Manaeer W.

Medal from Secretary of the Navy At Tampa Fla. Boston At 000 500 020-7-10-1 Cincinnatti (N 003 000 120-6-8-1 Klinger (7), Dorish (9) and Hayes, Wagner (7) Peterson, James Forrestal, for tht wrote Jackson 'Fire Chief L. F. McDonald yesterday. "rr 7 Jackson's Greatest Selection of oi lutico barf fnnr crnarrK Erautt6, and Lamanno homers- Lt.

Ward, currently serving at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas, earned the award for scor- Adams i rrrrH c. rw in the rnnfprpnrp. i Willliams Bos 8th (1 On) PonTand 'or. Tennis Needs for the Ama- Portland. Ore 'n and Lamanno Cin ing bomo hits on a Japanese engine A.

Johnson. 45. pleaded guilty to teur or Expert Cin 3rd (1 on) 6th (1 on) i tackles, too. were strong, centers ia little weaker Hovious unempiovment benefits while piloting a torpedo bomber In last year working part time Torpedo Bombing Squadron 4, at-" He owes the unemnlovm i listed some outstanding backs and that the backfield showed At Mami Fla. plenty of promise and he was fairly Brooklyn (B-team 100 100 001- tached to the TJSS Essex.

mission $125. 3-9-0 well satisfied with prospects. During the war citations were temnorarv. or inconmlete. for se- JK.

1 The court suspended sentence after Johnson, now reallv Jobless. I curitv reasons. promised to repay the $125 out Dial 7 COMPANY Amita St. Louis fA 000 100 000-1-5-1 Higbe. Pallca (7), and Howell Mun-crief, Kramer 6 and Moss homer -Berardino STL 4th WPHigbe, LP -Muncrief.

At Wintergarden, Fla. Washington (B-teamt AO 041 141 Text of the full citation is as fol-; ct this year's unemployment ben-lows efiu. "For meritorious achievement In aerial flight as pilot of a torpedo 45! Old Age Policy Pays Up to $100 a Month Needed Protection, Ages 65 to 85. Costa Only 1 Cent a Day The Postal Life Casualty Insurance Compajiy. 2079 Postal Life Building.

Kansas City 2, has a new accident policy for men and women of ages 65 to 85. It pays up to $500 if killed, up to $100 a month for disability, new surgical benefits, up to $100 a month for hospita4 care and other benefits that so many older people have wanted. And the cost is only 1 cent a day, $3.65 a yearl Postal pays claims promptly; more than one-quarter million people have bought Postal policies. Thia special policy for older people Is proving especially attractive. No medical examination no agents will call.

SEND NO MONEY NOW. Just v4 rlence and complete actli 1 1 a can solve all your mortgage prob- Our wide OANS Washingt (B-team) (A .041 0000 141-11-7-3 Chattanooga (Sou) .450 003 100-13 I -10-2 i Aloma, Cary (1, Dixon (5 and i Majeski Jones, Barton (5. Zawol-; ski (9) and Valdes WP-Jones; LP- Calvary To Conduct Training Classes Training Union Study course will be held this week at the Calvary Baptist church with Shelby Price, general training union director of the meeting, in charge, assisted by Mrs. L. H.

Yarborough. Classes will, begin at 7 p.m. and close about 8:45 each evening. The theme of the course "will be "Book of Books." The text for the Juniors will be "My Bible," with Miss Eugenia Binns, sophom*ore at Millsaps college instructing the class. Intermediates will study "Growing in Bible Knowledge" under the direction of James Coney, sophom*ore at Mississippi college.

"Books of the Bi-Mm" will be the title of the Young Cary. hom*oer in Torpedo Bombing Squad- ron 4. attached to the USS Essex. 1 during action against enemy Jap-! anese forces in the Tokyo Area cn Feb. 17, 1945.

Participating in an attack on a large enemy aircraft engine assembly plant, Lt. (then Lt. (jgi'Ward scored bomb hits on' the target despite intense antiair- 1 craft fire and enemy airborne fighter opposition and contributed materially to the heavy damage in-i ilicted on the plant by the strike group. His skilled airmanship, cour-1 age and devotion to duty were in i keeping with the highest traditions i of the United States Naval Service." 5 ri Gl FHA CONVENTIONAL REMODELING COMMERCIAL At Los Angeles, Cal.t m1 Chicago (A) 000 030 000 3 1 i 'iOtr 1 tl Akfi' xv I 0 as Cleveland (A) 020 330 12x 11 15 0 Feller, Gromeck (8) and Hegan. Ruffing, Smith 6 and Tresh.

Homers Seerey, 'Cleveland, 2nd (1 on) and 4th (2 on). Winning pitcher. Feller; losing pitcher, Ruffing. JfJTALTVf writ your name, aaaress ana peopie's course of study, witn Mrs age the name, address and rela lamn Street, educational di tary Harold Parrott of the podgers. The charges, filed by MacPhail against Rickey, concerns the alleged statements by the Brooklyn 121 N.

Lamr Dial 2-ZM1 tlonshlp of your beneficiary and wa will nend a policy for 10 days' FREE INSPECTION. No obligation. Write today. rector of Northside Baptist teaching the class. Rev.

O'Brien will instruct the adult class. Their text will be "Our ByDle." At Oakland, Chicago (N) .600 003 20011 10 4 Pac. Oakland 001 000 001 2 9 4 Homers Nicholson, Chicago, 6th (1 on). Winning pitcher, Wyse; losing pitcher, Pippin. ACTION APLENTY Dwinton Stringer, Jackson American Legion cen- commissioners at ter is shown above, with the ball, as he attempted to get going private box during a recent exhibi-after a rebound off the backboard.

Aubrey Chambers, No. 44. left, i tion game between the Yankees comes in to give a helping hand, while Bob Garrett, No. 41, tried to get and Dodgers at Havana. The Yan-out of the way and allow Stringer full control of the ball.

Two uniden- kee prexy also charged Durocher tified Shu'lita players add to the troubles of the Jackson players. and ParroU with slander on him-The local quintet lost by the score of 23-22. (f hoto by Toy Garris). self and employees of the New York BHOTS Top Cracker Batsman Signs After Holdout Siege Of One Month club. The charges are an outgrowth of bad feeling between the two club heads which had not got.

beyond the sniping and blasting stage until March 12 when MacPhail filed formal charges with the McFhail, Durocher To Meet Face To Face With Chandler MIL 111 Atlanta. March 23 (INS -Ted Cieslak, top hitter of th 1946 Southern League champion Atlanta Cracker signed tonight for the 1947 season after a month long holdout. Cieslak received an unannounced increase in salary over last year. Sarasota, March 23 For Ford Frick of the National, to first time since they statred tend- A 1 1 1 1 1 I uiiiu Wiseman lasv cr. me i In addition to MacPhail's charges.

Chandler also is in receipt of a formal complaint by Dressen who will assert that his reputation was damaged when Rickey was quoted as saying he "once fired Dressen for consorting with a gambler. 1 0' I Cracker slugger will play In the simgmg mUa at eacn omer several; outfield this year. He is expected months ago, Col. Larry MacPhail thin? about the matter shall be I by club officials to be in shape for 0f the New York Yankees and Man-! present," Chandler stated. "I want the start of the regular season.

ager Leo Durocher of the Brooklyn i 10 at tne botom of this." He led the Southern League In Dodgers will meet face to face when Not a11 the 22 witnesses are runs batted in with 119 in 1945 and thev annear here before Baspball known, but it has been learned with eOR A cuaMC 3H UiPcV BLADE finished second In that department in 1946, He batted .363 and .354 In 1945 and 1946 respectively. John Gouras Brings Bride From Greece Commissioner A. B. Chandler in an a great deal of surprise that one unprecedented hearing tomorrow be Frank McKinney, president that mav produce some sensational of the Pittsburgh Pirates, results. Another witness for MacPhail Some of the edsre was taken off I wl11 be Scout Ted McGrew, former-the terrific tension when Branch I lv wlth the Dodgers and with Pitts-Rickey, president of the Dodgers burgh.

and one of the principals involved. 1 Other witnesses called besides the notified Chandler todav that he i main principals involved include would be unable to attend the Sara- i Part owners Dan Topping and Del Buy Where Your Cash Speaks With Firm Authority" iBrTttCf-- 'John Gouras, Jackson cafe manager, has recently returned from a 5 sota squabble because of the death weoo, Manager Bucky Harris, and Coaches Dressen and Corriden of of his brother-in-law. John Moulton. on at you mifttbortiood ttor FEZ BLUES! writ Itr.m IImM Ct. Ittii 2.

1. T. ft II if ,4 ft? the Yankees; and part owner Walter O'Malley and traveling secre- i i fa Ladies 6-Diamond WEDDING SET 1 trip to Greece with a bride. The couple were married on the island 1 cf Patmos in July. On a wedding trip to this country they flew via i Rome, Paris.

Lisbon, Newfound-! land and New York to Jackson. 1 Following a visit with John Gazes, a nephew of the bride, at Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Gouras will I make thetr home in Jackson. See Us For Your Building Needs 10K Gold $11.95 Now In Stock Veos Wall Tile Asphalt Tile Flooring Cork Tile Flooring Aluminum Window Screens Eagle Insulation Weatherstripping Caulking Attic Fans Installations by Factory-Trained Men Rickey left Havana, where the Dodgers are training, by plane for Lucasville, Ohio, to attend the funeral services.

Rickey said he had asked for a postponement of the hearing but the commissioner declined his request. Contacted in Sarasota, Chandler acknowledged receiving Rickey's written request for a postponement but said: "The hearing will start at 2 p.m. tomorrow as scheduled. That's all I want to say." Just what effect Rickey's absence will have on the hearing was under-termined immediately. In some quarters it was felt that even if Chandler had intended to announce his decision promptly at the close of the closed session, which was quite unlikely anyway, that notion now was out.

Except for his statement on Rickey, Chandler has maintained a discreet silence since his "if I find that someone has done something that I consider detrimental to the game, somebody may wind up getting kicked out of baseball" crack. At no time has he given a hint of what to expect. But this did not prevent the spring training grapevine, despite Rickey's absence, from buzzing with rumors Thomas Lee Philips Dies Here Sunday Thomag Lee Phillips, aged 70, passed away in Jackson at noon Sunday. A native of Edenburg. Mr.

Phillips formerly made his home in Rankin county, Route four, Jackson. He was a member of the Methodist church. He is survived by one brother, W. F. Phillips of Carthage.

The funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Monday from the Pine Grove church, near Edenburg, with the Rev. L. Walter Evans officiating.

Interment will be In the family cemetery. Picayune Voted Into BUILDERS SPECIALTIES CO. Phone 1-5254 269 E. Pearl St. Opposite Post Office EVERSHARP A PEN $8.75 Are you sotting aside a portion of your income to build a cash reserve to meet fixed expenses such as taxes, rent, home payments, and insurance? Are you building a "cushion of vish" to take care of unexpected expenses It's a smart idea.

Regular deposits in a Savings Account at this bank will do it. We invite you to open an account at your next opportunity. COMMERCIAL Coast League Biloxi, March 23 The Missis has 1 ranging from the banning of both sippi coast baseball league AH Price Plsf ferl Tx USE THIS COUPON FOR MAIL ORDEKS voted to admit Picayune as an MacPhail and Darocner to a "you've been naughty boys, now be nice or else" reprimand by the commissioner. To all questions put to him late last night. Chandler had one stock reply, "no comment." One "thing is certain, however.

i club in the organization. Other teams in the league are i Pascagoula, Ocean Springs. D'Iber- 1 ville Biloxi, Mississippi City, Bay St. Louis, and Slidell. SUdell, Biloxi Bay St.

Louis and Paseasoula have drawn opening LUMBER CEMENT PLASTER SAND GRAVEL City Coal Lumber Co. RAT BARRETT Jeweler L57 E. Capitol Jackson. Mis. I am eoeloftinc Pie ate send the renewing He mi: A44 3 as SO for Sit ln 4rtl Tu Where row Cash Speaks With mlna Authority i day games, Easter.

Slidell will I Chandler is good ana sore at cer-plav host to Picayune. Ocean I tain Individual connected with the Springs will invade Biloxi high i game. He is cetermir.ed to put an p-rk, Mississippi City will travel end to such bickerings as have to Bay St. Louis and DTberville marked the MacPhail-Rickey-Du-! will engage Pascagoula at the Pas-' rocher feud. He cht7s this bad i cigoula park.

6ebaU publicity. The high commissioner is equally Mr. and Mrs. L. V.

Ashlev and i determined to obtain every bit of Lynda of Jackson and Mrs. N. G. evidence he possibly can. He has 1 Hickman of Louisville visited with "subponeaed" 22 witnesses and has i Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. -Williamson in asked the two league presidents, Monticello. Will Harridge of the American and i GROWING WITH JACKSON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JEWELERS Canto Phone -K3 Jackson 157 E.

Capitol 8treei Phone 4-8371 341 Bailey Ave..

Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.