Mimic (The Prodigy Chronicles, #2) (2024)

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen

1,688 reviews612 followers

April 24, 2019

Book – Mimic
Author – C.L. Denault
Series – The Prodigy Chronicles #2
Cliffhanger? - Yes
Publication Date – March 22, 2019
GenreScience Fiction
Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary copy generously provided by the author through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts - Story
I requested this book through NetGalley without reading the first book in the series, so after I was approved for an ARC – I immediately had to purchase “Gambit” to start the story…and the whole time I was praying that I would like the story.

How excited I was when as soon as I started reading Gambit…I was hooked. I couldn’t put the book down and fell in love with Willow (well, I can’t say love cause she is a spoiled brat and ends up getting everyone in trouble). And….this didn’t stop in the second book either. She was just as bad – every time you would think she got the hint and was ready to grow up and do the right thing…she would fly off the handle and start making bad decisions.

I love the characters in this book – they all have been developed and are very easy to relate to. Commander Reece is perfect and he comes across as the silent brooding type. Just enough patience to put up with Willow – now that’s true love!

There are secrets everywhere in this book and I can’t wait to find them out in the next book in this series!

Reason for Reading – Requested through NetGalley
Story – 4 out of 5 Stars
Steam – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Angst – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Writing – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Content Flow – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Read More from Author? Yes
Recommend To – Lovers of YA SciFi

    4-or-more-stars arc-reviewed cliffhanger

Cindy ✩☽♔

1,186 reviews965 followers

Want to read

April 21, 2020


Wow, I waited so long for this book to come out yet I somehow missed it’s release date by over a year? Lol well glad I decided to check this on a whim.


Omg, when will there be news on this!?


1,524 reviews56 followers

April 26, 2019

First, I have to mention that I love the cover art. So eye catching! Mimic is a sequel, and I liked it equally as well as the first book in the series. Willow definitely has some growing up to do, but it's part of her characterization that she continues to develop maturity. She is well written with just enough angst for a teenager. The story develops at a steady pace with action enough to maintain intrest. The motivations of all characters are questionable, and the story will leave you wondering who to trust. Overall, I enjoyed Mimic.


1,708 reviews186 followers

May 31, 2019


Rating up because of my love for Book 1. Hoping this is just suffering from book 2 syndrome...

    2019 dystopian fantasy

Chelsies Reading Escape

631 reviews400 followers

Want to read

March 24, 2018

At this point Im assuming this book will never come out :(


Norah Una Sumner

859 reviews509 followers

Want to read

March 31, 2019


    i-need-this-in-my-life super-nice-authors

The Reading Raccoon

921 reviews117 followers

June 29, 2020

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this review copy of Mimic by CL Denault.
Mimic is the second book in the Prodigy series about a lost heiress with supernatural powers in a dystopian future London.
Overall this was a solid second book in a series and I would rate it somewhere around a 3.5-3.75. Willow is still trying to gain foothold in The Core and her lack of experience and immaturity shows. It is easy to get frustrated with her as she fumbles through everything and overreacts to almost every situation. I’m not sure where the author was going with the addiction storyline because it gets dropped pretty quickly. I also wish there was less emphasis on “the Tiger” and Joshua because I find these more paranormal aspects to the plot a little corny and unnecessary since there is already a lot going on.
Overall, I’m looking forward to future books in the Prodigy series and hoping that Willow grows up a little and comes into her power.


61 reviews

March 23, 2020

Complimentary copy generously provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Mimic, The Prodigy Chronicles #2, by C.L. Denault has beautiful cover artwork. This book follow the first book in the series, Gambit. The story follows the main character, Willow Kent, who definitely needs to work on her maturity development. There is some love drama that unfolds and develops. The first book was nore exciting than this one, but this one was enjoyable. Ohhhhh man, what a clifhanger ending (hopefully you like cliffhangers). Since there was such a gap in between the first and second book, I hope I don't have to wait as long for book 3!

Kei • fiction court •

791 reviews89 followers

November 21, 2019

I absolutely loved Gambit and I was pleased to find out that Mimic follows the same path, intriguing plot with that amazing writing and the setting of this is just exceptionally well thought-out. Dystopian with a touch of medieval, but set in the future with people who have powers, it's so good! Reece quickly became a favorite and Willow is just as adorably and likeable.

    2019 arc-copy net-galley


531 reviews7 followers

April 26, 2019

Wonderful follow-up to 'Gambit.' Just as with the series opener, the complex and developed characters were the best part of this book; their motives, their secrets, their interactions. Author C.L. Denault’s characters kept me guessing right until the new cliff-hanger ending; not a bit was predictable. The plot moved forward at a comfortably steady pace, never a dull moment, and nothing felt rushed or forced.

‘Mimic’ is available now; a must-read for fans of well-written YA romance, adventure, or dystopia with developed characters and settings.

I voluntarily read a Review Copy of this book. All opinions stated are solely my own and no one else’s. Read more reviews! http://dreamerjbookreviews.blogspot.com

    1st-arc-ng dystopia fantasy


78 reviews

October 21, 2019

I received a complimentary copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the author and NetGalley!

Actual rating probably somewhere between a 3.5-4, which means rounding up!

I was a little torn on this book, because I think I would have liked it better if I hadn't read Gambit. I hated Reece and all the romance in Gambit, and it did affect my enjoyment of it. I liked this book more because it felt a lot more about Willow and her powers.

The negative:
The whole Toby thing was left so unresolved that it bothered me, and the big reveal with the beacon was a letdown to me. I was also a little disappointed in the reveal on how those with powers came to be.
I was also disappointed in the amount of Morrigan in the book. The reasoning made sense, but I just really want to meet her.

The neutral:
This is something that I didn't take issue with, but I think some readers could. The overall tone of the book was very "angsty teen". Think Harry Potter circa Order of the Phoenix. Realistically, though, this is exactly how a teen WOULD probably act in a situation like Willow is in.
I'm still not totally sure how I feel about "the Tiger". In Gambit, it felt overly cheesy, but in this book, it did seem more like it could be leading to something.

The positive:
I love a training montage. I also love all the cool tech that Denault thought up, from big to small. The inclusion of hackers and the interesting skill there were everything I wanted from a systems analyst (when she's writing it into a dystopian YA novel, anyway)!
There was much less of Willow denouncing all Core clothing as slu*tty, and shaming other women, which I appreciated.
We got to learn about some really interesting skills in this one, as well as some history, giving us some context on how everything got to be the way it is now.
We got to see Willow be a badass!

If you were a little disappointed in Gambit because it was missing a bit of the dystopian or futuristic feel, or if you also really hated Reece, or wanted more skill battles, then I think you will also like this one better!


78 reviews

October 21, 2019

I received a complimentary copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the author and NetGalley!

Actual rating probably somewhere between a 3.5-4, which means rounding up!

I was a little torn on this book, because I think I would have liked it better if I hadn't read Gambit. I hated Reece and all the romance in Gambit, and it did affect my enjoyment of it. I liked this book more because it felt a lot more about Willow and her powers.

The negative:
The whole Toby thing was left so unresolved that it bothered me, and the big reveal with the beacon was a letdown to me. I was also a little disappointed in the reveal on how those with powers came to be.
I was also disappointed in the amount of Morrigan in the book. The reasoning made sense, but I just really want to meet her.

The neutral:
This is something that I didn't take issue with, but I think some readers could. The overall tone of the book was very "angsty teen". Think Harry Potter circa Order of the Phoenix. Realistically, though, this is exactly how a teen WOULD probably act in a situation like Willow is in.
I'm still not totally sure how I feel about "the Tiger". In Gambit, it felt overly cheesy, but in this book, it did seem more like it could be leading to something.

The positive:
I love a training montage. I also love all the cool tech that Denault thought up, from big to small. The inclusion of hackers and the interesting skill there were everything I wanted from a systems analyst (when she's writing it into a dystopian YA novel, anyway)!
There was much less of Willow denouncing all Core clothing as slu*tty, and shaming other women, which I appreciated.
We got to learn about some really interesting skills in this one, as well as some history, giving us some context on how everything got to be the way it is now.
We got to see Willow be a badass!

If you were a little disappointed in Gambit because it was missing a bit of the dystopian or futuristic feel, or if you also really hated Reece, or wanted more skill battles, then I think you will also like this one better!

Danielle Syers

16 reviews1 follower


October 17, 2019

The premise of this series is something that I don’t always shoot for because I am not a huge science fiction fan however, I am a HUGE dystopian fan, so I tend to pick those all up. I chose not to judge these books by their genre until I actually read them. I did not read Gambit yet, so I had to go back and read Gambit before continuing—boy was I glad I did. It was like being dropped from the tallest freefall in the country… I LOVED IT. I could not put it down from chapter 1 until I was basically done with the book and had to put it down to start school. I finished Gambit up quickly and began to read Mimic which was the same exhilarating feeling BUT EVEN MORE. It was WORSE this time the freefalling feeling and I absolutely loved it (and I hate freefalls!).

Mimic has a striking cover which can pull many students in and even many adults who read YA without being too… YA if you know what I mean. The insides of this book were striking, in vivid detail, and kept you salivating for more. You can’t just finish one page with this thriller—you just keep going, just like potato chips. Of course, the main character is a bit of a ditz sometimes and you just want to yell but she’s lovable all the same and makes mistakes that you would make yourself in this time in the book.

The characters are semi-relatable—if you can realize it is science fiction and a dystopia, which makes students want to read more with it. Once they can’t connect—you’ve lost them. Here, this book allows for everyone to connect in a way that is simple but captivating. I would certainly purchase this book and suggest it to my students whenever they came in looking for a great science fiction.

I was provided an ARC from NetGalley in lieu of an honest review.

Brandy Renee

13 reviews3 followers

July 13, 2019

This book was amazing! It's been a long time since I started a new series or read a new author and was blown away. The characters were well developed and engaging. The storyline and world building were brilliantly well thought out and designed while describing nonexistent technology in a way the reader understood it and it never felt impossible (think "light swords" in those star movies) The clear division between the "have" and "have nots" is blatant and the author does a great job of showing the turmoil and guilt of the FMC at having to experience dual walks of life and finding beauty and pain in both. The FMC's torment of trying to decide between protecting her protector/love and saving an innocent man who trained, and cared for her as a child is heartbreaking. All the while her powers growing stronger and having someone hunt her at every turn. In a new world where nothing is as it seems and the rules of life she knows no longer exist or apply. She is being used and seen as a commodity by her biological mother and blackmailed to keep the secret of her abduction as a baby. The ending shocked and intrigued me. I am only hoping it won't be 4 years between books like the last two now that I have discovered this amazing series! C. L. Denault is an author worth praising. She has given me a fresh genre to sink my teeth into. I will be sharing this series in all my book clubc and online groups. Simply amazing!

Sari Bailey

184 reviews4 followers

September 5, 2019

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I am so glad that I got to read Gambit and Mimic back to back.. Now if we could get the third installment like yesterday… That would be great.

This book is wayyy more intense than its prequel. Willow develops her abilities more and discovers ones that vastly surpass all expectations. SHE HAS A FREAKING TIGER GUYS. I love that this book doesn't shy away from Willow also being a typical teen. All teens have those emotional moments that make them seem like a know it all or a brat. Willow is absolutely no exception. I love the attraction between Willow and Reece.. Come on y'all.. We are all shipping that.

This book really just has everything from political alliances to complicated relationships. One of my favorite things about Denault’s writing is the realistic protagonist development. Everything just seems to naturally grow and flow. Denault has built this amazingly realistic world that I just want to immerse myself in and never leave. Mimic will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. What motives to the people around you really have? Would you make the same choices? Who can you really trust? I found myself nervously excited at every page turn. Put C.L Denault on your list of authors to watch.. We got a gem here!


846 reviews9 followers

April 13, 2019

I received this novel from net galley and the publisher. Thank you!
Wow! This novel was a great sequel to the first book in the series! The plot thickens as Willow Kent develops her abilities, discovering ones that surpass expectations. Her powers are developing, with the help of her tiger. Willow can be a "brat", but what 16 year old who was uprooted from the only life she has ever know would be amicable to that? Willow develops her relationship with Commander Reece, both attracted to the other. However, Willow is engaged. Reece continues to protect Willow, even if it does not always appear so. Willow is keeping secrets though, and it has an impact on her, for she will be torn when various situations happen throughout the novel. The arrival of new Commander has an effect on Willow, for she senses something off about him. Willow knows her mother is up to something, but does not know all of what she intends to accomplish. Willow does not completely trust her parents, yet there are few people she can trust. With Mercer still attacking, anyone can be working for the enemy and anyone can betray. Who's side is everyone on and what is their end game? Looking forward to the next novel in the series!


477 reviews17 followers

April 22, 2019

“I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Finally! After patiently waiting I was able to get hold of the second book. Sadly, it did not exceeded my expectation since the first book was really great. More like DAMN GOOD. I enjoyed reading this book, but not as much as I enjoyed the first one. Whereas the first book was packed with action and a total page turner, the second book lacked the action I was looking for. It is safe to say that maybe because the second book was primary an introductory about what life is inside the Core. Still, I very much enjoyed how Willow was starting to manifest her skills. And how powerful and promising she could be on the coming sequels. There are chapters that would really keep you on edge, sometimes I found myself very eager for some Protagonist to drop dead. Hahaha.

This sequel will surely make you question who are the real enemies and who are an ally among the characters. There are a-lot of intriguing questions surrounding Willow’s powers.

Overall, it is a good book. And I will surely be waiting for 3rd book. I just wish it will be soon enough after the cliffhanger at the end. ☺️❤️



1,124 reviews24 followers

October 18, 2019

I was very excited for the past 2 years for this book. I even reread the first one a few months in readiness.

The book picks off right where the first ends and I'm not sure why but I couldn't get into for quite a while.

All of sudden, Willow just annoyed me and I was get sick of hearing about the tiger. She does questionable things and is then surprised when she's called out on them.

The book was too long and fillery and I nearly only gave it 2.5 stars but the last 20% or so redeemed it and now I want to know where the story is going.

A somewhat disappointing second book with a good enough ending to make you want to read the third book.

Rita Agenstein

4 reviews

April 4, 2019

Mimic surpassed my expectations in every way!!! In this sequel to Gambit, Willow Kent's journey is even more harrowing. She contends with deep feelings for Reece, her skills becoming stronger with each use, and the unrelenting presence of the tiger within her. The added pressure of two commanders in her life is almost more than she can bear, especially when one of them is cruel and heartless. Mimic is a cannot put it down book with many twists and turns. The cliffhanger is killer!! Loved it!!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Shari B

192 reviews8 followers

May 2, 2019

I wish I would have read the first book, I didn't know this was a sequel! But I got through it. Hundreds of years into the future and people have evolved into almost super human beings? Sounds like what they are already predicting. The society takes away people who are "normal". There's a lot of warring going on. Something Willow, doesn't understand but is in the middle of it and sometimes makes mistakes that cause chaos. I dislike her mother! But Reece? Yum. There'll be a third book for sure. Love the cover, butterflies can mimic each other.



235 reviews3 followers

March 15, 2020

Loved this book! I need the next book yesterday!

The only problem I had with the book was Willow's attitude. But i have to keep telling myself that she is 16 and is going to make dumb decisions.

I have so many questions that I need answered and I know it is going to be awhile before the next book is released, and it is going to feel like forever!

If you havent read this series yet I would highly recommend it! I have read the first one twice and I will probably reread them both when the next book is out.

Kelly M

61 reviews

August 15, 2021


I really enjoyed this series. Willow is such a sassy amazingly strong young woman who gets taken from the only life she’s ever know and gets thrown into a world full of elites/prodigy’s as the heiress of one of the most powerful family’s all while trying to navigate her gifts and the darkness inside of her, she betrothed to the heir of another powerful family who wants her for her gifts, she’s betrayed by those she comes to love and her own birth parents are using her for their own gain. I cannot wait for book 3 to find out what happens next


683 reviews47 followers

June 13, 2019

I received a free copy through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Willow is a real teenager. Man, the stupid things she does! And that is what makes her real, and relatable to an extend. During all that she has to deal with, all that she goes through, she remains a person with flaws as well as strengths. I often wanted to shout to her while reading, 'don't be stupid!'. At those moments I hated her, and loved her at the same time.



120 reviews1 follower

July 2, 2019

Denault has created another masterpiece in a character driven novel, which (despite the presence of constructively and plot-driving character flaws), manages to snare the readers attention with its skilled writing style and symbolism. Using the flawed characterisations, Denault manages to ensure that the MC Willow, develops into a mature young young women, by facing perils and consequences in a realistic setting.


173 reviews2 followers

November 11, 2021


One of the best books I’ve read all year! Willow is a determined girl, removed from her village and thrust into an entirely new environment, where she doesn’t know the rules! She finds herself a pawn in a bigger game, and has to learn how to make moves and who to trust. All whilst also learning what her new skills are and how to use them. Add in a dissident or two, a few sexy men, a pre-existing betrothal (with more rules) and chaos follows Willow everywhere!

Brandy Renee

13 reviews3 followers

July 13, 2019

This book was amazing! It's been a long time since I started a new series or read a new author and was blown away. The characters were well developed and engaging. The storyline and world building were brilliantly well thought out and designed while describing nonexistent technology in a way the reader understood it and it never felt impossible (think "light swords" in those star movies) The clear division between the "have" and "have nots" is blatant and the author does a great job of showing the turmoil and guilt of the FMC at having to experience dual walks of life and finding beauty and pain in both. The FMC's torment of trying to decide between protecting her protector/love and saving an innocent man who trained, and cared for her as a child is heartbreaking. All the while her powers growing stronger and having someone hunt her at every turn. In a new world where nothing is as it seems and the rules of life she knows no longer exist or apply. She is being used and seen as a commodity by her biological mother and blackmailed to keep the secret of her abduction as a baby. The ending shocked and intrigued me. I am only hoping it won't be 4 years between books like the last two now that I have discovered this amazing series! C. L. Denault is an author worth praising. She has given me a fresh genre to sink my teeth into. I will be sharing this series in all my book clubc and online groups. Simply amazing!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Nicole Strand

251 reviews5 followers

November 7, 2019

I have to say, I did not read the first book but I totally plan to. In the descriptor it says theres enough information about the first book scattered throughout to make up for starting this one without reading the first and I agree. The book has likeable enough characters and great pacing so that you dont get bored of it. It makes for a good, quick scifi read.


137 reviews4 followers

August 16, 2019

After being accepted for an ARC I realized it was the second in a series, so I went back and bought book 1 and read it. I was hooked! There were so many twists and turns and the detail in each scene is wonderful and easy to imagine.

Faye Gallagher

577 reviews3 followers

December 5, 2019

Compromise can be dangerous

I found Willow's outbursts annoying but one has to be kept reminded that she is only a teenager and showing typical teenage arrogance and angst albeit in an atypical environment. Loved the story nonetheless and looking forward to the next book.


300 reviews25 followers

Want to read

December 31, 2019

I decided to DNF this @ 25% because I just couldn't stand the MC and how annoying she is and how everyone is obsessed with her. BUT I have hopes that I'll pick it back up sometime around 2020 and give it another try.

    dnf dropped-temp netgalley
Mimic (The Prodigy Chronicles, #2) (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.