The Little Prince (Wizard101) (2024)

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Characters[] Dialogue[]

For the Quest in Pirate101, see The Little Prince (Pirate101).

"The Little Prince" is a Mainline Quest in Wizard101 and the 48th Mainline Quest for the Wallaru storyline. It was released on live servers with the rest of the Wallaru expansion on November 27, 2023. The Quest continues from "Red Ned Redemption" and leads to "Drop Bear Gorgeous."


In order of appearance:

  • Ned Collie (Ned_Collie_WL-WOBB)Jason Liebrecht
  • Judge Veg (Judge_Veg_WL-WOBB)J.M. Specht
  • Matilda Collie (Matilda_Collie_WL-WOBB)Valerie Redd
  • Luigi di Mario (Luigi_di_Mario_WL-WOBB)Mike Sears
  • Huntsman Toadie (Huntsman_Toadie_WL-WOBB) — Unknown
  • Judge Hopner (Judge_Hopner_WL-WOBB)Brian Jepson
  • Joan Locke (Joan_Locke_WL-WOBB)Jenny Larson
  • Sandiago (Sandiago_WL-WOBB)Scott Jones


Previous: "Red Ned Redemption"

(Talking to Ned Collie in the Wobbegong Territory)

Ned Collie: Wait! Why are there hoof prints here?
Judge Veg: Seems someone found your hideout first. We'll guard the exit. Wizard, you can handle this.

(After entering the Hostage Cave)

Matilda Collie: I told you to get, you lousy neigh-sayer. These are my hostages and they ain't leavin' just cause Prince Mario says so.
Luigi di Mario: *Yawn* Sorry, threats, boring. Toadies, eat- wait... wait one second. Is that the Wizard? THE Wizard? The one my little bro is always whining about?
Luigi di Mario: Luigi di Mario, Prince of House Mario, at your service. Well, I say service. I know, I know, people often go blind basking in my presence.
Luigi di Mario: But don't, we've got stuff. Honor and all that. You offended the family Mario on Novus, so I plumbed the depths of a fallen world for toadies...
Huntsman Toadie: That's us.
Luigi di Mario: That's right. To hunt you down and bring you to me. But they failed. Of course. And I hear you already scrapped my theme park venture. No big deal.
Luigi di Mario: I'm the Hunter of Giant Ghosts, Stepper-Onner of Angry Mushroom Things and Stomper of Thwompers. The park was just... a hobby, I guess.
Luigi di Mario: Uh-huh, uh-huh, Dingoes, ranchers, disruption *YAWN* Sorry, peasants, boring.
Luigi di Mario: So let's fight - Scion of Bartleby vs. Champion of House Mario - legends in the flesh. And, yes, when I defeat you, I will sign your gravestone.

(Cheat voicelines when fighting Luigi di Mario)

Luigi di Mario: I use the best Power-ups!
Luigi di Mario: You bring the fire, I bring the flower!
Luigi di Mario: Shadow Pips? *Yawn*

(After defeating Luigi di Mario)

Luigi di Mario: Oh, so this is what losing feels like? I don't like it. Not a bit. Hate this world. Back to Novus then. Rematch soon, yes?
Judge Hopner: Finally! Someone's come to free us. We've been living off Marleymite for days. Terrible stuff.
Joan Locke: It is an acquired taste. Now, shall we?
Matilda Collie: No, you shall not! You are still hostages of the Collie Gang until-
Ned Collie: Mattie, is that you? It's alright. We made a deal.
Matilda Collie: Oh. Then you're all free to go.

(After exiting the Hostage Cave)

Judge Hopner: Ned Collie! You're under arrest.
Ned Collie: That I am. That's the deal. Take me back to Hope Springs, Judge. I won't fight. I want me day in court.
Judge Hopner: We'll see about that. I don't know what you did, Wizard, but it seems I owe you many ta's again.
Matilda Collie: Hope you know what you're doin', Ned. I'll look after things here and arrange a lawyer. I know one who puts on quite a show.
Judge Veg: And you're the Drover Ned captured?
Joan Locke: Quite. Not what you were expecting, I'd wager. Have you made camp yet? Let us go there and I'll tell you my tale.
Judge Veg: Wizard, I'd like to come along. Freddie's still out there and he's kind of my fault. I want to help you stop him. And meet this Nothing again, if I can.

(Talking to Joan Locke in the Wobbegong Territory)

Joan Locke: Right. First thing's first. My name is Joan Locke, of the Royal Marleybone Cane Resort Expedition. We came here to build a resort, you see.
Judge Veg: That makes you sound more Townie than Drover.
Joan Locke: It does, doesn't it? That's how it started. But, you see, I wanted the authentic Wallaru experience. So I did the Walkabout.
Joan Locke: Not the fake simulation they sell you in cities. The real thing. I traveled the wastes, dug for drops of Dream Water...
Joan Locke: Prepared myself to pass the Great Barrier and enter the Dreaming itself. So true was my intent, the Drovers let me through...
Joan Locke: ...And I dreamt. I lived my hopes in an instant and made them true. The reality... disappointed. That's when my priorities changed.
Sandiago: Fascinating. If you two are close with the Drovers, might you help us treat with them? We also seek to pass the Great Barrier.
Joan Locke: You seem... familiar. But, yes, it is the least I can do. The Drovers are based in the Eucalyptus Forest. Follow me.

(Talking to Joan Locke in the Eucalyptus Forest)

Joan Locke: Quite the sight, isn't it? This is the home of the Wallaru Drovers - those who abandoned corrupt cities not to seize the Dream, but protect it.
Joan Locke: Specifically, to protect this... the Pink Lake - the last of the Dream Waters not trapped beyond the Great Barrier.
Next: "Drop Bear Gorgeous"

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The Little Prince (Wizard101) (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.