Sickly Sweet II - Chapter 7 - LavendulaChronicler (2024)

Chapter Text

Angel and Syrup woke up in their classic way. That is, Angel woke up first and then woke Syrup up with a bite to his neck. Syrup then giggled and kissed Angel as consciousness came to the both of them, aided by the siren call of arousal. Their hands ran over each other, only stopped from falling right into coitus by Fat Nuggets hopping on the bed and demanding breakfast by standing on Syrup’s back.

So they got dressed and did a hit of something to get them the rest of the way to awake before going to scrounge up some food. By the time they got to the lobby, everyone else was already up and waiting, though Charlie looked like she hadn’t laid down. For days.

Her coat was off, the sleeves beneath were rolled up. Her hair was a mess and she was in front of a corkboard, frantically moving pinned notes around while muttering to herself.

Syrup’s eyes went wide. “Ooh, who got donuts?” He asked, hopping over the couch’s back and grabbing the most frosted ring from the box as he leaned back.

“Uh. I did.” Pentious said, standing next to Vaggie near the couch where they were both staring at Charlie with concern as Angel sat next to Syrup, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

“What’s wrong with Blondie?” He asked, looking to Vaggie.

He was suddenly pushed to the side as Charlie’s hands clamped onto Syrup’s shoulders. “Syrup! Good, you’re up!” She said at speed. “We need to find your parents. We’ll do a big reunion thing. You’ll hug. We’ll learn a big lesson about the importance of family! And! Togetherness!” She said with a wide, worrying grin, giving Syrup a little shake with each of the last three words.

Vaggie carefully grabbed Charlie and pulled her away, only partly spurred by the frighteningly overstimulated look in Syrup’s wide eyes.

“Okay, let’s take a break.” Vaggie said, maneuvering Charlie to an armchair.

Angel gently scooted close to Syrup’s side, giving him a quick check as the mouse shook his head. Angel put a hand to his shoulder before looking to Charlie. “Seriously, Charles. Ya look terrible. D’ya even sleep last night?”

The word jerked Charlie up and she moved back to the board with haste, pushing Vaggie out of her way as she went. “Ohhhh, I don’t have time for sleep anymore, Angel. We have one month before the Extermination. That’s only seven hundred and thirty hours! I can’t afford to waste any of them!” She said and perked up. “Oh!” She said and swung her gaze around. “Pentious!”

Pentious’s eyes went wide and he leaned away.

Charlie made up for that by marching toward him. He leaned back more as she got closer until he was nearly laying on the floor. She leaned over him with a manic smile. “How about you make something for Syrup and Angel? Gifts! To solidify your friendships!”

“Uh.” Pentious said, turning a nervous gaze to Syrup and Angel’s violently judicious expressions.

Vaggie gently grabbed Charlie once again and started to move her back to the chair. “Babe. We’re out of time. That’s fine. It happens. Nobody’s blaming you for not doing the impossible in six months.”

“I didn’t even know we were gunning for getting this done before this Extermination.” Syrup said.

“Yeah, why didn’t ya say anything?” Angel asked. “We woulda tried harder.” He said, smirking as Syrup giggled.

Charlie turned on them like like they had just spouted gibberish. “What did you think I was trying to do?”

They both shrugged. “Seein’ what stuck.” Angel said.

Sir Pentious straightened up and gave Charlie a nervous smile. “Experimentation is a vital part of the process of creation.” He said, trying to be the supportive one for once.

Look,” Vaggie said after a silencing glare to the guests. Her expression softened as she turned back to Charlie. “We can agree we need more time, right?”

Charlie groaned and sagged like the weight of her quest was all falling on her at once. “Yes!” She said with that groan. Then her expression brightened and she turned to Vaggie. She looked so disheveled, the view was more scary than it should have been. “You have an idea!” She said and rushed to Vaggie, taking her hands. “Oh, of course you do!” She said as she started to spin with her girlfriend. “You’re so smart and supportive and tenacious and-”

Vaggie ripped the bandage off mostly to stop the effusive compliments and make Charlie focus. “We could try to talk to your Dad.”

That slammed on the brakes. Charlie stopped the spin so suddenly Vaggie stumbled. “What!?” She asked as Syrup started to choke on his donut. “N-No way.” She said, turning back to her board with spiteful determination. “We don’t need him.”

“I’m not saying we do.” Vaggie said, following, pleading. “But he could get us a meeting with Heaven, couldn’t he?”

Charlie sighed. “We tried that, remember? Adam was an asshole.”

“Ya tried to talk to Heaven and they sent down the guy in charge of slaughterin’ us every year?” Angel asked with folded arms. He exchanged a quick glance with Syrup. They both recognized a setup when they saw one.

Syrup scoffed, breaking the eye-contact with a roll of his eyes as Angel reclined contemptuously on the couch. “Heaven’s full of assholes, what a surprise.” The mouse said.

“I’m sorry, I think I’m missing something.” Pentious said. “Why would Charlie’s dad be able to get us a meeting with Heaven?”

Vaggie turned to Pentious, only kept from yelling at the three by the knowledge of how useless that outburst would be. “She’s the Princess of Hell, Pentious.”

Pentious blinked at her, his eyes wide.

“Her dad is Lucifer.” Syrup added.

Pentious looked to Charlie, then back to Syrup with a triumphant smirk. “Nice try, Syrup. I’m not falling for that one.”

“Syrup’s not lying.” Charlie said, her tone subdued as she pulled her coat back on. “It’s just been… a while. Since we talked.” She said, her honesty compelling her to add, “A few years.” Under her breath.

Syrup’s eyes went wide. “Oh, and you’re trying to get me to reconnect with my parents?”

“That’s different!” Charlie said, turning on him with wide eyes. “Things between me and Dad are… weird. Bad weird.”

Syrup rolled his eyes, calming down only when Angel giggled and nuzzled into him.

Charlie.” Vaggie said softly. “This is the best we have. We know he can get us there, we just have to ask him.” She smiled. “Easy, right?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Syrup said. “There’s nothing easy about dealing with that guy.”

“You would know?” Husk asked. There was only so many times you could say ‘Lucifer’ in Hell before all in earshot took notice.

“I would.” Syrup said with a glare.

Angel leaned over the couch’s back to match it. “Watch it it, Whiskers. My Firebug’s connected.” He said, looking to Syrup with a smile. He dragged a finger under Syrup’s chin, making the mouse relax and smile at him. The spider jerked a thumb at where Alastor was sitting at the bar. “Ask your boss.”

The King’s f*cking scary.” Syrup said. “He’d bring the Hotel down on top of us if we pissed him off.”

“He wouldn’t.” Charlie said defensively. “He’s just… embarrassing. And…” She shrugged, working hard to describe the bad behavior of someone she, at the end of the day, deeply loved. “Aloof.” She settled on.

“Aloof. Ahuh.” Syrup said with a roll of his eyes. As far as he was concerned calling Lucifer aloof was a bit like calling a steel wool sponge bath ‘a bit uncomfy’.

I know,” Vaggie said gently, her hand to Charlie’s face to turn her gaze toward her. “You and your dad don’t get along. But maybe this could change that?” She said with a soft smile. “We could explain things, show off the Hotel… stuff like that.”

Charlie took a breath. “Okay.” She said, giving Vaggie a smile. “You’re right. Of course you’re right.” The smile fell. “We have to try something. I’ll call him.” She said and pulled out her phone as she walked away to try and get some privacy.

Alastor, from the bar, watched her go. He had been drinking in her display of panic with relish at first. When news of leaning on the familial connection came forth, he went stock still, excited to see if he’d be so lucky for that to come to fruition without his input.

Alastor, after all, was well aware he was not someone to whom the universe owed a great deal of luck.

His gaze turned to Syrup. He grinned. “So, Darling.” He said evenly. “What’s the old boy like?”

Syrup shrugged. “I don’t know?” He said and screwed up his expression, missing how every other ear, doubtful though they were of Syrup’s connection with reality, focused on him. Even Niffty stopped and stared, though she had a large bug at the end of a needle to keep her calm. “Old?” Syrup tried. “Like, when those big yellow eyes turn on you, it’s like you can feel every year behind them.”

“Ya got a crush on this guy too, Firebug?” Angel asked with a smirk. “You’re gettin’ all… poetic. Ya don’t normally do that unless you’re talkin’ about my tit*.” He said, pointing a hand to his chest.

“I don’t.” Syrup said with a glare that made Angel’s brow quirk. “I’m with Charlie. The guy sucks and this is a bad idea.”

“Fiddlesticks!” Alastor said, standing up with a wide grin. “Why, such an ancient well of evil and sin could do nothing but brighten the atmosphere around here!” He said, standing up with a finger in the air. He started to stroll through the lounge, artistic eye turned to the lobby as a whole as his hand went to his chin. “A royal reception. Oho, yes. A banner! Catering! Oh, it’s been far too long since I hosted!” He said, his hands clasped to his chest in excitement. He turned to Husk suddenly. “Get out the large bowls and drag down a table, Husker! We have a VIP to attend to! The Hotel’s very first!”

Drag down a table?” Husk asked. “From where?”

“Oh, I put them all in the storage room.” Alastor said with a grin, his hands folding behind his back.

“Where’s the storage room?”

“The top floor.” Alastor said, his grin growing.

Husk growled.

Charlie stepped back into the lobby, sighing. “Okay, he’ll be around in an hour.” She said, her hand ran over her hair. She froze and pulled a stray strand taut, looking at it. “Oh. Oh, god. I need to clean up.” She looked around. “Okay, uh-”

But Alastor was already laughing. “Niffty, we’ll need a nice spread. Chips and dip. Cheese and crackers. A lovely punch. The works!” He turned to the guests. “If I could enlist your help for a spiffy banner to hang over the room. Nothing extravagant, just something like ‘Welcome, O Sovereign of The Inferno’ or similar.”

“How about ‘I’ll suck your dick’?” Angel countered with lidded eyes.

“You already tried that one on him.” Syrup said.

Angel gave him a confused glance.

“Alastor.” Charlie said, carefully approaching, stepping around a dashing Niffty. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting the Hotel ready to host, my dear.” He said before calling out. “Better make it two tables, Husk!”

“Okay.” Charlie said. “But why?”

Alastor looked down at her with wide eyes before giving a soft smile. “It’s my Hotel as much as yours, isn’t it? I can’t have her looking frumpy and unbuttoned in front of the highest authority in all of Hell!”

“But you want it to fail.”

Alastor chuckled and shook his head. “I want to see demons fail, my dear. Not you.”

“Okay, but those-”

A hand went to her should and turned her around before Alastor started walking her to the stairs, his eyes closed. “I’ve attached my name to the Hotel now, Charlie. I simply can’t allow it to go under without doing all I can to assure otherwise. Likewise for keeping her safe and standing.”

Charlie furrowed her brow. “Oh, um. Okay.” She blinked. “I don’t think I understand.”

“Then just accept that I’m here to help.” Alastor said, giving one last gentle push to urge Charlie toward the stairs. “Now, you go freshen up and leave getting things ready to me.”

Charlie took one last moment to try and understand before settling on smiling at Alastor. He was helping. That was the important thing. “Thank you, Alastor.”

Alastor tilted his head, beaming at her. He watched her go for a moment before turning to see Vaggie glaring at him. He gave her a winning smile as he started to stroll back to assist with preparations. “Is something wrong, Miss Vaggie?”

“What are you doing?” Vaggie asked, her eye narrow.

“Why, Miss Vaggie.” Alastor said, voice dripping with artificial innocence. “You get upset when I don’t help, you get suspicious when I do.” He turned to face her again, smiling smugly. “I’m beginning to suspect that you don’t like me.”

Vaggie sighed and shook her head. “Whatever. I-” Her gaze turned. “Hey! Angel! Do not draw a dick on the banner!” She said, storming to where only Pentious was happily putting a welcoming message on the decoration.

“It’s art!” Angel said with a wide smile. “For a King’s refined palette. He’ll get it.”

Vaggie swiped the marker from Angel’s hand. She turned to Syrup. “Is he high?”

Syrup snerked. “Are you joking? I’m high.” Syrup said, doodling a little star on the banner. Or it might have been an explosion. “If you want us up before noon, we’re gonna get co*ked up.”

“It’s nine thirty at night.” Husk said, starting up the stairs.

“It’s nine thirty in the morning.” Vaggie corrected.

Husk stopped to pull out a flask. He took a few glugs from it. He put it away. “Oops.” He said.

Vaggie pinched the bridge of her nose and muttered. “Sangre de los santos. ¿Qué les pasa a todos ustedes?”

Да, да. Я злая сука.” Syrup said with a smirk. “We've heard it before, Vags.”

Alastor watched the proceedings. Honestly Vaggie was the funniest one here. He walked to Syrup. “Here, Darling, take these.” He said, handing over a box of nails. “Careful, they’re sharp.”

Syrup giggled. “Oh, I’ll be careful alright.”

“Splendid!” Alastor said. “I’m going to assist Niffty in the kitchen. I have a recipe that is perfect for the occasion.”

“I,” Vaggie said. “Am not letting you in the kitchen unsupervised.” She said and moved to follow him. Leaving, against everyone’s better judgement, Pentious, Angel, and Syrup alone.

It took Pentious a few seconds to realize what had happened. He had leaned back a bit to examine his handiwork when he realized there was only one person standing between him and Syrup and it was Angel.

Pentious carefully slunk around Angel until it was literal. Then his curiosity got the better of him. He cleared his throat. “So, uh, how do you know the King, Syrup?”

“How do you think? I’m a whor*. He hired me.” Syrup said, focus almost entirely consumed by the small doodle of himself and Angel he was doing. His eyes went wide and his phone rang as Angel strolled around to look at his work over his shoulder.

“Hey Stoly.” Syrup said, waving the marker through the air as Angel leaned over his shoulder. “I was just about to text you, actually. See, Charlie’s dad is coming to visit and I- Hello?” He said. He looked at his phone and shrugged before leaning over his work again.

Angel pointed at the doodle. “I’m taller than that.” He said with a smile.

Syrup rolled his eyes. “It’s just our faces.”

“Should just be my face.” Angel said, leaning closer to Syrup. “Yours should be buried somewhere.” He said as he nuzzled into Syrup’s cheek as the mouse giggled.

“You had sex with the King?” Pentious asked, the familiar flirting enough of an anchor to find his voice again.

“Not really.” Syrup said casually. “Honestly, if I wanted to impress, I’d say he cooked me dinner.”

“Holy sh*t, really?” Angel asked with a laugh. “Why are you so afraid of this guy? He sounds like a puff pastry.” Angel asked. Then his smile fell. “What?” He asked, defensive in the face of Syrup’s glare.

Syrup sighed and turned back to his doodle. “Nothing.” He said. He looked to Pentious. “Are ya gonna help, Penny? Or just stare?”

Pentious winced a bit and then his eyes went wide. “Oh! I’ll get the egg bois to help! It’ll go by in a flash with them.” He said and slunk to the stairs as Syrup shouted refusals went ignored.

The tables were set up and the spread was set across them. Alastor even set up a decoy plate of miniature eclairs that Syrup had already polished off. The banner was up and welcoming and free of dicks. Streams and balloons had been spread around at Charlie’s insistence. The Hoteliers hung around and behind the tables, waiting for the party with a guest list of one to start.

“So…” Angel said, leaning down on one of the tables. “Is he gonna want us to kneel or anything?” He asked with a smile.

“I… really hope he doesn’t.” Charlie said as she stared at the door, tapping her fingers together. “I’ll… if he does, I’ll stop him.”

“Ya don’t gotta.” Angel said with a roll of his eyes. “I’m willing to take one for the team.”

“Seriously, you don’t remember?” Syrup asked.

Angel looked at him with a co*cked eyebrow.

“You tried that already.”

What?” Angel asked, straightening up as Charlie started to grind her teeth. “When?”

“Like, a month after we met.” Syrup said, head tilted. “On the phone? You offered to suck his dick.”

Angel put a hand to his chin, his face screwed up with the effort of recollection. On it’s own, Syrup’s help didn’t narrow the pool. “What’d he say?”

Syrup shrugged. “Dunno, but it got right to you. You refused to say another word to him.” He gave Angel a smile. “You were actually blushing really hard.”

That seemed to settle over the assemblage more than anything else Syrup had yet said about the sovereign. What vast forces in the very heart of Hell itself were that powerful?

Angel, though, looked thoughtful. He was remembering the events that Syrup had mentioned, tied together only via their proximity to his Firebug. As far as Angel was concerned, there was barely anything else worth remembering. He looked to Syrup again. His eyes focused on Syrup’s gold teeth, and then narrowed.

Angel opened his mouth to say something else but he was cut off by a knock at the front door. Three loud, reverberating thuds perfectly spaced apart.

Syrup carefully crouched behind the table.

“Why do people always knock?” Husk asked as Charlie moved to the door. “It’s a hotel.”

“Perhaps we ought to make the sign bigger.” Alastor said thoughtfully.

Charlie took a breath and opened the door, loyal Vaggie a few steps behind her. The blonde got to the first ‘D’ in “Hi Dad.” Before two arms, one holding a cane topped with an apple, looped around her waist and gave her a crushing hug.

“Charlie!” Cried out a voice that was entirely different from what Syrup remembered and still heard in choice nightmares. Lucifer lifted Charlie a couple inches off the ground and swung her in the air in the exuberance of the embrace.

Syrup blinked. It was the same demon. It had to be. Same suit. Same figure. He could even pick out the voice, though the tone and modulation had changed entirely. Granted, the white top-hat was new.

“It is just… absolutely great to see ya again, Kiddo.” Lucifer said, grin just a touch too wide and brow unable to hide his worry. “How’ve ya been these… y-years?”

Syrup’s eyes narrowed. Even the cast to Lucifer’s features was different. The posture was hunched and frantic as he darted around Charlie like an emotionally-damaged puppy, laughing and making desperately bad jokes. He, well, he looked like Charlie. Down to the neurotic marrow.

Then Vaggie was introduced as ‘My girlfriend’ and it looked for a moment Lucifer might explode.

Vaggie gave him a nervous smile and stuck out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.” She said, painfully aware that there was a very limited choice of lines in this situation.

“Sir?” Lucifer asked and gave a halting laugh. “Whoa! Hey, there’s no need for that kind of language!” He said and gripped Vaggie’s hand, using it to pull her into a hug as powerful as the one he gave Charlie. “You can call me Dad!”

Uhhhh.” Vaggie said, shooting a look to Charlie.

Charlie had covered her eyes with her hand.

The hug was released and Lucifer took a step back. “Or, you know. Dark Lord, King of Evil, The First Fallen, Prince of Lies, Lord of Overlords…” Lucifer went on, picking a bit of fuzz off his jacket and flicking it away. He gave Vaggie a wide grin, as sincere as his daughter’s. “Your Majesty will do in a pinch!”

He’s joking!” Charlie said suddenly. “Hahahaha.”

Syrup’s focus was pulled away from the trainwreck by Angel’s hand sliding across his forehead.

“What?” Syrup asked, batting the hand away.

“I’m makin’ sure ya don’t have a fever.” Angel said with a smirk. “I thought you were hallucinatin’ again.”

“f*ck you.” Syrup said. “That was only that one time.”

Obviously it wasn’t.” Angel said, a hand on his hip. “You were flinchin’ at that loser.” He said, pointing another hand at Lucifer as he fawned over Charlie.

“You don’t even remember him!”

“I remember that this ain’t the guy I talked to.” Angel said, his voice slowly shifting into a growl. “You didn’t even say how small he was!”

“How was I meant to?” Syrup asked. “I didn’t realize! The only people I’ve got to compare him with are me and Valentino!”

Angel narrowed his eyes at that and turned his gaze to Lucifer.

“Guys.” Charlie said wearily as she approached, interrupting whatever thoughts were rocketing through Angel’s head as the short figure in white trailed right behind her. “Please don’t fight in front of my dad.” Then she turned to Lucifer with a small smile.

He wasn’t paying attention, though. He was looking around the lobby with a smirk. “You know, you really cleaned up the place.” He said. “The only co*ckroach I’ve seen has been the one that young woman is carrying.” He said and chuckled. He stopped. “Is that a bar? Why is there a bar here?”

“Hey!” Angel shouted across the lobby, making Lucifer turn and, for the first time, actually look at the guests. “Don’t even think about it. We’re keepin’ that.”

Lucifer suddenly turned on Charlie. “Hah, I-I mean, don’t let me stop you if you want to party.” He said, leaning on his cane with “Heck, your dad knows about partying. I can show you a co*cktail. Knock back four of ‘em, you’ll pass out, guaranteed.”

“Four?” Angel asked, vastly unimpressed.

Charlie gave a rapid laugh. “Dad, come meet our guests.”

“Your guests.” Lucifer corrected with a small smile.

Charlie ignored him. “Sir Pentious.” She said, moving next to the snake with a hand on his shoulder.

Pentious stared at Lucifer for a moment.

Charlie smiled at him. “Say hello, Penny.” She said gently.

Pentious looked from Charlie to Lucifer again. “Salutations?” He hissed out.

Charlie didn’t let him flounder, swiftly moving on. “This is Angel Dust.”

Angel leaned down to better fit into the king’s eyeline as he gave a little wave with his fingers. “Hey there.” He purred. “I do specials for the rich, y’know.”

Charlie laughed and moved to Syrup, giving him a pleading glance to try and silently convince him to behave himself. “And this is Syrup.”

The King suddenly went very still. An eye narrowed a fraction as his brow arched above, like he was suddenly doing some very complicated math. “Oh.” He said. “Syrup. How…” The smile seemed to grow brittle as his eye flicked to Charlie for an instant. “Nice to see you again.”

Angel suddenly leaned between Syrup and Lucifer, eyes a glare. “Alright, yer highness. How about ya take a step back and blink a coupla times before we start to charge.” He said before stepping close to Syrup and taking up a defensive posture beside him, a hand on Syrup’s shoulder. It was a familiar stance to him at this point. He was communicating that anyone having trouble with Syrup also had trouble with him.

Charlie stared at Lucifer for a moment, wringing her hands. “Dad… do you know Syrup?”

“I told you he did!” Syrup said with reflexive defensiveness.

“We’ve… crossed paths a couple times, yeah.” Lucifer said to Charlie.

Charlie put a hand to her chest, her brow knit. “So… did you actually make him point a gun at you?”

Syrup saw the little tension in Lucifer’s throat as he swallowed. He looked from Charlie to Syrup and back. Suddenly, a look of realization crept over his face and his focus went to Syrup completely. “You… didn’t think the gun was real, did you Syrup?”

“What?” Syrup asked.

“Here, look.” Lucifer said with a smile, holding up a finger as the other hand reached into his coat. Every eye went wide even before the pistol traced with blinding white runs was produced. There was a collection of uncertain muttering and nervous shuffling as every demon leaned away from Lucifer. Just in case.

See?” Lucifer asked, waving the gun around, causing the crowd to grimace and lean away. Then he pointed the gun at his temple. He pulled the trigger before anyone could object. Pentious screamed as a little flag sprung out of the end of the barrel with a little ‘fwip’ and unfurled.

It said ‘Bang’ in a pleasant golden script.

“It’s just white paint on a fancy gun.” Lucifer said as he carefully wound the flag again, Charlie pinching the bridge of her nose behind him. “Y’know! As a joke!” He said as he pushed the flag back into place with a finger.

“A… joke?” Syrup squeaked.

“Yeah!” Lucifer said with a grin. “I guess that cute little face was more scared than normal when I did that, huh?” Lucifer asked, reaching a hand out to pinch Syrup’s cheek.

Angel slapped his hand away.

Lucifer pouted and rubbed at the struck hand before Charlie gripped him and pulled him away to try and introduce him to Niffty instead.

“Well… he’s not what I expected.” Sir Pentious whispered as he slithered up to join Angel and Syrup. “Was he always like this?” He asked.

“No.” Is all Syrup managed to say.

“Eh.” Angel said, a hand still around Syrup’s shoulder. “He’s cute, but I ain’t sure about his attitude.” Angel said before gasping and leaning down, wrapping an arm around Syrup’s shoulder and pulling him close. “Wait. Shut it. Fireworks.” He said with an evil grin, pointing to where Charlie was introducing Lucifer to Alastor.

“This,” Charlie was saying, “Is the Hotel’s sponsor. Our biggest support, really.” Charlie said as Lucifer’s brow furrowed. “Alastor, this is my Dad. Lucifer.”

Alastor grinned widely as he stuck out his hand. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir! It’s been a long time coming, if I may say so.” Lucifer looked at the hand with a tight mouth for a second before taking it and giving it a shake. He was very obviously unhappy as the shake went on, Alastor happily chattering throughout. “Though Charlie is hardly being entirely forthright. The fact of the matter is that I’m her biggest supporter. Why, I have been since the day I met her. Not that the delightful thing makes it difficult.”

Ahah.” Charlie said, looking down with a bashful smile. “O-Okay, Alastor.”

Lucifer looked to Charlie with wide eyes. Then back to Alastor. He smiled and tugged his hand free. “Second biggest supporter.” He said with a tense smile, his hand flexing.

Alastor shifted to stand next to Charlie. “Why, I thought this place would wear out it’s welcome in a week, but Charlie here keeps every day full of rainbows.”

Alastor, I… really?” Charlie asked, turning toward him.

“Oh, undoubtedly!” Alastor said, a hand going over her shoulder.

“Man,” Angel said from the audience. “Now I know that Smiles there’s into cucking, huh Firebug?” He turned to Husk. “Why didn’t ya tell us?”

“Ya need to be told Alastor likes to piss people off?” Husk asked.

“Yeah.” Angel said with a smirk. “Cos he leaves me the f*ck alone.” He said, running a hand up his side. “He knows better than to f*ck with all this.”

“He’s f*cking with Lucifer right now.” Syrup said in a distant sort of way, less to counter more to just make sure the fact was registering properly to himself.

Already Lucifer’s posture was aggressive and he was glaring up at the Radio Demon.

“Cos your guy is a pushover, Firebug.” Angel said. “I bet Niffty could spook him. Show’s how good your judgement has gotten. Smiles is right. Ya move too fast.”

“I’m gonna f*ckin’ kick your ass, Angel.” Syrup growled.

“Whoa, hey! What’d I do!?” Angel said, two hands to his chest.

“First of all ‘my guy’?” Syrup said in a way that made Husk roll his eyes and Pentious back up a foot. “Get bent. Sorry for thinking we should watch where we step for once.”

Angel’s eyes narrowed and he leaned down. “You’re talkin’ like you don’t trust me.”

“Guys!” Charlie shouted again, this time with more force. They straightened up and pouted like scolded children as Charlie turned back to her dad. “Sorry, aheh. They’re… passionate.” She said, but Lucifer wasn’t paying attention, already nose-to-nose with Alastor. Or trying to be. Alastor was hardly going to do him the favor of leaning down as the King stood on his toe tips to try and reach him.

You’re smiling an awful lot for someone who hasn’t heard a joke.” Lucifer observed dryly.

“I haven’t heard one, sir, but I find that good humor abounds.” Alastor said and his eyes narrowed. “For those who look for it.”

Lucifer chuckled through his teeth. “Yeah. I bet it’s… laughs-a-minute around here.”

“Owed entirely to your charming daughter.” Alastor said. “You must be so proud of her.”


“Okay!” Charlie said, gripping Lucifer’s hand. “Tell you what. How about you get to know some of the guests too!” She said and tugged him in front of Angel and Syrup. Then she gently released his hand and stepped behind the two of them, like a child about to show off something for show and tell. Something she didn’t realize the complete danger of.

“So, this is Angel and Syrup.” She said. “And they’re dating.” She said proudly. “They love each other very much.” She looked from one to the other. “Right guys?”

Angel and Syrup glared at each other. They kept glaring at each other. The glares intensified as they leaned toward each other, neither wanting to flinch first.

“Are they okay?” Lucifer asked, unbothered.

“They’re fine!” Charlie said, doing the flinching for them as she gently pushed them apart. “Th-They just. Um… They’re honest with their feelings.”

“Ahuh.” Lucifer said with a smile.

Hey, f*ck you.” Angel barked at the monarch.

“Syrup!” Charlie said at speed, crouching to get on level with Syrup. “Is very smart and creative.”

“Oh yeah?” Lucifer asked. “What’s he make?”

Charlie froze at the question. “Uh…”

“p*rn.” Angel said, leaning down into Lucifer’s face. “Ya got a problem with that, doorstop?”

And Angel!” Charlie said, gripping the spider tensely by the forearms. “Is… Also creative and passionate.”

Lucifer stared at him for a moment. “He has a nosebleed.”

“Ah! Dammit!” Angel said, turning his face away to wipe at the neon-pink streak of blood above his lip.

You did blow without me?” Syrup accused.

“Just a little!” Angel said with a glare. “Just to perk myself up before his Royal Smallness showed up.”

“Okay, let’s try to talk to Pentious.” Charlie said at speed, dashing around the pair to grab Lucifer’s hand again and tug him along.

So Angel and Syrup were left alone. Angel examined his nails as Syrup rubbed at his arm.

“Thanks for… running interference.” The mouse said softly.

Angel gave a small shrug. “Yeah, no problem.”

Lucifer, meanwhile, was planted in front of Pentious.

Sir Pentious is an inventor!” Charlie said. “He built that big blimp parked by the Hotel!”

Oh good.” Lucifer said, brushing off his coat. “I was afraid it was some bonkers extension.” He said with a hand in the air and an incredulous expression.

“Well, aheh, he’s said he has some ideas about that, actually.” Charlie said and turned to Pentious’s wide-eyed expression. “You can tell him.”

Pentious only stared at Lucifer for a few more seconds before the only thing that was bouncing around in his head was let out. “Did you really have sex with Syrup?”

The familial resemblance between Charlie and Lucifer was emphasized when both of their smiles fell and their eyes went wide.

“What?” Charlie asked.

“I’m a whor*!” Syrup yelled. “We’ve been over this. How else would I know your dad? I figured it went without saying.”

Charlie looked to Lucifer. He looked like he had just eaten a lemon. He looked to Charlie and then swallowed.

“Yep!” He said suddenly, voice strangled. “I-I did, yeah. Haha!” He said and cleared his throat. “I, uh… I had sex. With Syrup. Because I’m… the King! And that means… concubines. And stuff.” He said and adjusted his tie.

“What about Mom?” Charlie asked, the tone of her voice making Syrup tilt his head.

“I have my needs.” Lucifer said, refusing to meet Charlie’s eyes. “I-I mean, uh. Physical ones. It’s not like I was lonely.” He insisted, laughing nervously.

“So, making him dinner was part of the sex?” Pentious asked. “I know Syrup and Angel get… weird with things.”

Lucifer stared at Pentious for a moment, his teeth grit.

He was saved by the doors flying open and a loud, piercing voice shouting an enthusiastic greeting through the lobby.

Syrup looked to the front doors and reeled. It was one of those little reminders he still needed now and then. This was Hell and he’d be here forever. It was only thrown into sharp relief when he saw someone who still held onto styles that had long past. Alastor didn’t count. He was already so alien in a million other ways that simply being old-fashioned hardly registered, but the creature in front of him was an honest-to-god flapper girl. Stouter than he had come to expect from the imagery usually applied to the word, but helped along by the fact that this individual seemed to have undergone no major transformation between life and death. Oh, sharp teeth and black eyes, sure, but other than that she looked nearly human. Of course, that only added to Syrup’s discomfort at this point.

An itch started to crawl up Syrup’s spine but was clamped down by Alastor’s voice calling out in turn.

“Mimzy!” He shouted, arms wide, King forgotten. He strode to the diminutive sinner and gave her an all-encompassing hug.

“Lookit you!” The small woman said, her voice squeaky. “Dapper as ever. Why didn’t you tell me you were back in town?”

Alastor waved a hand as Angel and Pentious shot questioning looks to Syrup. He could only shrug at them.

“Oh, I would have, but I’ve just been terribly busy. There’s so much to do. So much to keep track of. You know what it’s like.” Alastor said and turned his head with a grin. “Speaking of.” A hand went to cup around his mouth. “Syrup! Darling! Come meet a friend of mine.”

Syrup stepped toward the two wearing a suspicious expression.

Alastor gave a wide smile to the small woman. “Mimzy, this is Syrup. A new friend of mine. Freshly fallen.”

“I’ve been here for three years.” Syrup said as one of Alastor’s hands went to his shoulder. He was staring at Mimzy, if only for the novelty of not having to tilt his head so far back to look at someone.

“Barely any time at all!” Alastor said. “Syrup, this is Mimzy. An old friend from life.”

Syrup blinked. “Oh. Uh. Okay.” he said and put out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oooh.” Mimzy said, a hand to her cheek. “So this is the new friend of yours I’ve heard about.” She said, giving Syrup’s hand a dainty shake as she looked at him with lidded eyes. “So polite too. Enchanté.”

“Alright.” Syrup said uncertainly. He looked over his shoulder at where Lucifer was being convinced of something by Charlie. “Uh, Alastor, can we-”

“What brings you to my neck of the woods?” Alastor asked.

“Oh, you know how it is. I was just in the neighborhood. I heard you were around here and thought I should make sure you were behavin’ yourself.”

Alastor beamed at her.

“But with your little friend here,” Mimzy said, looking to Syrup with lidded eyes again. “I’m sure you don’t need me. He looks like such a little gentlemen.”

“Well,” Alastor said, patting Syrup between the ears. “His impeccable manners are a balm in these uncouth times.”

“Hey Syrup!” Angel called. “If ya got a secret second life, ya gotta tell me!”

Alastor detached from Syrup and put a hand to Mimzy’s back. “Here, let me introduce you around.” He said with a smile. “This is Angel Dust and Sir Pentious. The guests of this little Hotel.”

“Nice dress.” Angel said, a hand on his hip. “Can ya tell me where ya got it? It’d look better on me.”

Alastor moved on like Angel hadn’t said anything. “Of course, you recognize my loyal staff, Husk and Niffty.”

“Oh, nice to see ya again, Husky.” Mimzy said.

Husk stared at her as Niffty waved with total enthusiasm from her spot near the floor. “Yeah.” He said.

Alastor pulled her along again. “And here’s Vaggie, Sir Pentious again, for some reason, and Dear Charlie. The Hotel’s proprietor and a most gracious host. Oh, and this is…” Alastor said, stepping in front of Lucifer. He stopped and tilted his head. “Hmmm.”

Lucifer’s brow co*cked and his smile grew tense. “Really?”

Alastor snapped his fingers a couple times. “It’s on the tip of my tongue.”

“We met five minutes ago.” Lucifer said, his voice nearly a growl.

“Ahah!” Charlie said, stepping between the two. “Alastor, uh, me and Vaggie were going to show my Dad around the Hotel, so-”

“A capital idea!” Alastor said. “Me and Syrup can join you.”

What?” Syrup asked from in Angel’s arms.

“Oh.” Charlie said with a brittle smile. “Your friend-”

“Mimzy will be fine down here. She knows what Husker’s for.”

Husk looked from Alastor to Mimzy. “Yeah.” he said again and turned to the bar. “C’mon, Mimzy. I’ll get you a drink.”

“Okay.” Charlie said and gave a smile to her dad. “Hah. Um, so let’s start with the rooms.” She said and started toward the first floor. Lucifer followed, his head turning and catching Angel’s gaze by chance.

It was unhappy. Angel’s eyes flicked to Syrup for an instant before going back to Lucifer. He pointed two fingers toward his eyes then thrust one at Lucifer like it was a knife.

Lucifer blinked at him in utter confusion.

Alastor watched as Lucifer turned to follow Charlie. Then he looked down to see Syrup all but cowering behind him. He sighed. “Darling, I have to say this is more than a little unbecoming of you.”

“I’m being f*cked with, I know it.” Syrup said.

Alastor rolled his eyes and put his hand on Syrup’s shoulder, gently urging him out and along. “Now, now. One must maintain a certain amount of poise and decorum even in trying times. So, let’s see a smile, dear boy!” Alastor said with a grin so wide that his eyes closed as he started to trundle after the trio with Syrup in tow.

Leaving the rest of the Hoteliers behind as they crowded around the bar. Angel and Pentious both perched on stools, leaning on the bar as they watched Mimzy sip a gin and tonic.

Angel and Pentious shared a glance before looking back to Mimzy. “So.” Angel said. “You and Smiles, huh?”

“Oh yeah.” Mimzy said casually. “Like I said, me and him go way back.”

Angel rolled his eyes in thought. “So, like… what’s his… deal?”

“You don’t know?” Pentious asked. “I thought everyone knew.”

Angel turned on his stool to give Pentious a tight-mouthed glare. “So what’s his deal, Penny?”

“Why are you all calling me that?” Pentious asked.

“Answer the question.” Angel said.

Pentious paused, tapping his fingers together. “He’s really powerful.” He said and thought very hard for another moment. “The Vees don’t like him.” His brow furrowed and his hand went to his chin with the depth of his recollection of all he knew of The Radio Demon. “He’s scary.”

Angel sighed and turned to Mimzy again. “So, what’s his story?” He asked before Husk placed a co*cktail in front of him. Angel took it and fluttered his eyelashes at the bartender. “Thanks, Whiskers.” He said, his voice thick and sweet.

Husk only rolled his eyes.

“His story?” Mimzy asked with a smile and a little giggle. “His ‘work’?” She tilted her head. “You were makin’ eyes at Syrup. Ya worried about him?” She asked with a smirk, a hand going to her drink and dragging a finger around the rim.

“Are ya jokin’?” Angel asked, lifting his drink. “Syrup’s got Smiles wrapped around his finger.” He said with a shrug, his eyes closed in a proud expression.

Husk watched Mimzy’s reaction very carefully.

Mimzy looked at him and winked before crossing her legs. “Ya don’t gotta tell me. Al’s a big softie under it all. And that Syrup character is cute as a button.”

Angel sighed and leaned on the bar, head propped up with his hand on his cheek. “Ain’t he?” He asked. He shot a wink to Mimzy. “Ya wanna show? Me an’ him do a killer double act.”

“Nah, I never pay for my own entertainment.” Mimzy said. “But, y’know, I’m curious about my old friend’s new friend.”

Angel straightened up on his stool with a smug smile. This was his area of expertise. “Oh, Syrup ain’t nothin’ special.” Angel said with a casual shrug before his smile split into a grin. “He’s just a guy with a triple-digit body count.”

Mimzy gasped. “No! That little guy?”

“I know, right?” Angel asked, leaning forward. “Ugh, he’s just the cutest.”

“With a knife?” Mimzy asked.

“Nah.” Angel said. “Mostly with fire and explosions.” He gave a sigh as he looked to the middle-distance.

“Ohhh.” Mimzy said. “The devious sort.”

“Exactly.” Angel said distantly, through a small smile.

Pentious cleared his throat gently. “Um, so. Has Mister Alastor always been so… awful?”

“Oh, absolutely.” Mimzy said pleasantly. “They say that his broadcast went up the moment he manifested in Hell, you know. Of course, if that was true, it woulda been just silent either way. Until a voice came on. Screaming in utter terror and pain. It wasn’t alone for long. Another joined it. And another. It was only when Overlords started vanishin’ that people started to sweat. Alastor never gave any hints, though. He just smiled, went on with his work, and let people figure it out for themselves. He comes into this naturally, y’know. Maybe that’s why he likes your little friend.” Mimzy said and then giggled. Her voice hadn’t wavered from sounding like she was just describing a friend’s hobby.

“Huh.” Angel said. Then he shrugged and leaned back. “Nah, I still don’t get it. So he’s tough. Big deal.”

“You’re not going to do something?” Sir Pentious asked.

“About what?” Angel said, tipping his head back along with his glass to finish his drink.

“About Syrup hanging out with Alastor?”

“Why would I?” Angel asked. “Like I said, Syrup’s got Smiles wrapped around his finger.”

“He’s the most feared demon in Hell.” Pentious said uncertainly. “You don’t think he has, you know, designs? Plans? I’ve been assuming that this whole time.”

“Planning for what?” Angel asked. “We’ve seen scarier.” He jostled his glass, making the ice clink. “Hey Whiskers. Lemme get another.” He said to the empty space behind the bar.

Angel blinked. Then he grinned. “Oh, sh*t yes.” He said and scrabbled over the counter. “I’ve been waitin’ for this to happen since it’s been installed.” He said, grabbing at bottles.

Pentious watched Angel before turning to Mimzy. “Miss Mimzy. What about you? You’d know when Alastor’s planning something, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course I would. That one’s easy.” Mimzy said and flashed Pentious a cheeky smile. “If ya think Alastor’s plannin’ somethin’, check the calendar. If the day ends in ‘y’, Al’s plannin’ somethin’.”

Charlie had just gotten finished explaining the layout of the rooms in desperate detail. Syrup looked to Lucifer. The King hadn’t looked to him or Alastor since they left the lobby. His focus was entirely on Charlie as she happily, if nervously, explained every bit of furniture in the room to his unimpressed expression.

“Of course,” She said, “We’re not against our guests personalizing their rooms.” She perked. “Oh, Syrup. Maybe we could show off your and Angel’s room.”

Syrup scoffed. “Oh, you don’t wanna do that. Especially not with your dad here.”

Charlie’s smile froze. “Let’s show off the facilities!” She said suddenly and moved to the door. The rest of the group followed. Syrup stayed by Alastor’s side, the Radio Demon’s casual pace letting them lag behind the rest of the group.

Enough for Syrup to whisper, “What is going on?”

Whatever do you mean, dear boy?”

“Lucifer? You? Him? I’m just-” His ear twitched. “Behind us.”

Alastor and Syrup stopped and turned just as Husk rounded the corner.

“Husker!” Alastor said, hoisting his cane up and gripping it under the head. “Is something the matter?”

Husk looked over his shoulder. “Uh, yeah.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Because, you know… Mimzy’s here.”

“Aw, is she gonna try and kill someone?” Syrup asked before looking up to Alastor, arms crossed. “Alastor? I don’t have to tell you what’ll happen if one of your friends hurts Angel.” He said with a finality that tickled embers across Alastor’s ribcage.

Husk stared at Syrup for a moment. “You didn’t even tell Syrup?” He asked Alastor.

“I can’t imagine what there is to tell.” Alastor said.

Husk growled for a second before looking to Syrup. “Mimzy only ever shows up when she needs somethin’ from Alastor. That bitch is nothin’ but trouble.” His gaze shifted back to The Radio Demon. “Who knows what kinda demon she f*cked with this time.”

Syrup furrowed his brow and then looked up at Alastor. He looked back to Husk. “So?”

“Exactly!” Alastor said. “So? Who in their right mind would cross me?” Alastor asked with a triumphant smile to Syrup before turning to follow after the tour. Syrup shrugged at Husk and followed in turn.

Husk sighed. “Look, Boss. You’ve been gone a while.” Husk said and Alastor’s eyes snapped onto Syrup. “And people… talk. You’ve-”

Alastor suddenly turned on Husk. “People can talk all they like.” He said, interrupting with precision. “I’ll take care of whatever happens on hotel grounds and you,” Alastor said before his voice went sarcastically sweet and he reached up to grab Husk’s ear. “Just keep pouwing dose dwinks, Husker!” Alastor said before leaning back again to dodge the swipe Husk took at him.

Husk growled. “You may own my soul, but I ain’t your f*ckin’ pet.”

Alastor laughed and gave his head such a smug tilt it did a little twist on his neck. “But you are!” He said with nothing short of sheer joy. He turned on his heel and started down the hall again. “Come along, my boy!”

Husk ground his teeth as he growled.

Maybe Syrup was right. Maybe it was the little bit of himself, his past as an Overlord, that Husk kept in his head that did it. Syrup had been wrong about the drinking, though. Husk did that so the Overlord could stay afloat. Maybe he was floating too much now and that’s why he said it.

Maybe it was the way Husk’s eyes met Syrup’s. The way the mouse’s hand was around his throat. The sad little shrug Syrup gave him before turning away to catch up with Alastor. Husk didn’t want a sad little shrug like that from a sad little demon like Syrup.

Maybe he just forgot. Everyone forgets, now and then. Husk didn’t consider that he’d get a reminder when he said it. Or maybe he did and he thought it was worth it.

Sometimes you had to make a gamble.

So nine words were sent bouncing down the hall. Husk saw Alastor come to a dead stop. He saw the lights flicker. It was only when he saw Syrup’s ears go flat did he realize how much he had f*cked up.

“What did you just say?” Alastor asked pleasantly, turning to slowly stare at Husk, his eyes gone to dials.

The shackle formed around Husk’s neck in an instant, tugging him to the ground before he could answer. “Uh, n-nothin’.” He tried.”

“Darling?” Alastor said. “Syrup? My burning little shadow?”

Syrup swallowed and turned his head to look at Alastor. His grin was wide and unfriendly. Syrup wondered, not for the first time, if the dials turned one way or another and what that might change. Probably something about pain. “Y-Yeah, Alastor?”

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how sharp your sense of hearing has gotten. Can you tell me what Husk said?” Alastor asked, his head tilting with an unnerving snapping sound from his neck. “Since his memory is… playing up.”

“Uh…” Syrup said and licked his lips. He was still having trouble processing it himself. “He said-” He started, eyes going to Husk.

“Look at me Syrup.” Alastor’s voice whipped out like a stroke lightning and just as crackling. Syrup flinched and hunched, turning back to Alastor.

“H-He said, ‘Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.’”

Syrup watched as Alastor’s chest inflated with a deep breath. “I thought so.” He said and turned back again, but not before giving Syrup a glance.

‘Watch,’ the glance said, ‘And learn.’

A glowing green chain appeared around his cane, or maybe, Syrup thought in a distant kind of way, the chain was always there and it had merely become visible. Either way, Alastor gripped the chain and pulled it taut as he stepped toward Husk.

“If you ever say that again,” Alastor said, stepping forward as he wound the slack around his cane. Husk desperately tried to back away without actually turning from Alastor, like showing him his back would make things infinitely worse. “Then I will rip your soul to shreds,” Came the still-pleasant voice, though the static itself sound enraged. Syrup blinked as, in between the flickers of the lights, Alastor’s strides grew longer, his antlers sharper, branching off each other into terrible shadowy spires. His arms got long enough to brace his hands against the ceiling as he strode toward Husk. “And broadcast your screams as a warning to every miserable wretch,” And suddenly he was back to normal shape and size to lean into Husk’s face, like the built up anger and bile was stacked onto and subsequently released with the word ‘wretch’. “Who dares to question me.” Alastor finished, his smile mere inches from Husk’s eyes.

“Understood.” Husk whimpered at speed.

“Lovely.” Alastor purred and straightened up, twirling his cane as the chains and shackle dissipated. He turned on his heel and tugged on his coat. “Always a pleasure to chat with you, old boy!” He said and started to stroll down the hall again. “Come along, Syrup.” He said as he passed the mouse.

Syrup stood still, staring at Husk. He was still shivering on all four son the carpet, staring at Alastor like he couldn’t even see Syrup. In a way, it was funny. Syrup didn’t expect to see fear like that from anyone who wasn’t him.


Syrup turned in a flinch and saw Alastor grinning at him. “Come. Along.”

The mouse did a little dash to catch up. Alastor gave him a pleasant smile before starting to stroll again. Syrup kept pace. He chanced another glance over his shoulder before looking back up at Alastor.

He was smiling like the outburst hadn’t happened.

“Uh-” Syrup started.

“Pick your words carefully.” Alastor said. His voice was casual but his eyes narrowed a fraction.

Just we lost Charlie.” Syrup said, his ears low.

“Oh.” Alastor said and adjusted his monocle with an air of mild embarrassment. “Well, that’s for the best. Now we’re well out of it.”

“Well- what?” Syrup asked, the past minutes nearly entirely forgotten in the cluttered smoke of his head. “Out of what?”

“Lucifer’s way. Well, Charlie’s way too, but it’s hardly like I ever let that concern me.”

“What?” Syrup asked. “Alastor, you’ve been stepping on his toes since he showed up! Why do you care about getting out of his way now?”

“I was only teasing the old boy, Darling!” Alastor said, tilting his head toward Syrup a bit as he smiled. “Goodness knows somebody has to.” He looked to Syrup’s uncomprehending expression and sighed. “Darling, he told you. He told all of us. To our faces, no less.”

Syrup blinked up at Alastor.

Alastor sighed and shook his head. “Recall his list of epithets. Skip ‘Dark Lord’ for me. That one is so overwrought.”

Syrup blinked again. “Uh.” He said and shrugged. “King of Evil?” He tried, head tilted as he watched Alastor’s face for any hint. “The First Fallen? The Prince of L-” He said and blinked. “Really?”

“Oh, absolutely, dear boy!” Alastor said. A hand went to Syrup’s shoulder and pulled him close. “I only offered to join out of obligation. I’d like to be as far from him and Vaggie as possible.”

Syrup shook his head and pushed Alastor away, the confusion getting to him. “What does Vaggie have to do with it?” He sagged. “Is this some ‘oooh, my daughter’ bullsh*t?”

“If that were the case, do you think he’d let dear Charlie spend any time with me?” Alastor asked. “I’m afraid it’s a bit more… fundamental than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Lucifer’s aversion to Vaggie is so base that it may as well be a fundamental rule of the universe.”

Syrup’s tail gave a whip-flick and his eyes slowly went wide. “Are you saying Vaggie’s an-”

“Ah ah!” Alastor said, swiftly covering Syrup’s mouth. “Don’t spoil the show, my dear.”

Vaggie hadn’t said much through the tour. Charlie was better at all the talking at the best of times, but fact of the matter was that she’d had nightmares about meeting Charlie’s dad. Granted, the nightmares hadn’t been like this.

This was worse.

It was like he always had to fill the air with some joke. And sometimes he’d try and get Vaggie in on it.

What was the appropriate response to the King of Hell nudging you with his elbow going ‘eh, eh?’

Still, Charlie was here, and every time Charlie smiled at Vaggie, Vaggie smiled back.

Until Vaggie’s ears perked at the sound of Lucifer, his voice oddly subdued, saying, “We lost your friends.”

“What?” Charlie asked, turning around.

“Syrup and… Syrup’s tall friend.” Lucifer, looking disinterested. “I mean, the one in red, not the one in pink.” He paused. “Why does Syrup have so many tall friends?”

“He’s short?” Vaggie tried, smiling at the sovereign in a show of good will. “Cos everyone… looks tall… next to him.” She said to the expression Lucifer was giving her.

“sh*t.” Charlie said and quickly added. “Sorry Dad.” She groaned. “Uh, look. I’m gonna go look for them. Make sure they’re, aheh, staying out of trouble. Vaggie, you go on without me-”

“Please don’t.” Vaggie said.

“-I’ll be right back.” Charlie said as she dashed down the hall.

Vaggie sighed as Charlie disappeared from view, feeling it was a bit unfair to be left alone with both the King of Hell and her girlfriend’s dad. She tried to recover, though, turning back to the hall and smiling.

“Well, uh, so,” She started. “Okay, each floor has its own washer and dryer. Charlie says she wants to-”

“Do you think I don’t know?” Came a voice from behind her. A voice that fell on Vaggie’s ears like a glacier falling off an ice sheet. The hair on the back of her neck rose. Her eyes started to water. Her heart pounded in her ears.

She slowly turned to see only Lucifer still standing there, grinning at her casually. One hand behind his back.

“Did… you say something? Sir?” Vaggie asked uncertainly. Her eyes darted around for danger, or they tried. They kept falling back on the small blonde figure.

“Do you think I can’t smell it on you?” Lucifer asked, taking a step toward Vaggie.

“I’m sorry?” Vaggie said, taking a step back, slowly coming to the terrible realization that Syrup had been telling the truth.

“Oh,” Lucifer said with a little tilt of his head downward, “You only think you’re sorry.” Lucifer said as he took another slow step forward. “You think you have fallen as far as it is possible for one to fall. Know that I speak from experience when I say there is so much more down waiting for you.” Another step. One of the lights blew out.

Vaggie felt her back touch wall. She pressed herself against it.

“Let me make myself…” Lucifer said, still grinning that wide, easy grin, “Perfectly, crystalline ice, purified water, cloudless-day’s-sky clear:” Lucifer leaned forward. Vaggie tried to lean back through the wall. The lights flashed around her, on, off, red. “If you hurt her, or, heh heh, heaven forbid, this is some kind of trick-”

“It’s not.” Vaggie said swiftly with a little shake of her head. “It’s not, I promise.”

Then I will show you just how much down is left.” Lucifer said, still grinning. “I might even make more. Just. For. You.”

The lights all came on and stayed on just as Charlie suddenly stuck her head around the corner. “I can’t find them.”

At the same time, Lucifer snapped up straight and turned to give Charlie a nerve-ridden smile. “Uh oh. Ahah, those two look like a couple of tricky raccoons, you know? With sharp teeth all ‘gnar gnar’.” He said, lifting up his cane in both hands like they were little paws as he mimed gnawing at the stick.

“They’re… fine, really.” Charlie said, approaching. “Just… Syrup sometimes can’t help himself is all. And Alastor is, uh… he’s… you know…” She said, trailing off as her focus shifted. “Vaggie? Is something wrong?”

Vaggie was still pressed against the wall, chest heaving with her breaths as she stared at Lucifer. Her eye went to Charlie. “Uh.” She said.

Lucifer smiled at Charlie. “Oh, she’s fine. The dryer down the hall exploded. It made her jump.” Lucifer said with a little giggle.

“Ugh, again?” Charlie asked, taking Vaggie’s hand. The white-haired demon calmed down as Charlie smiled at her.

“She’s a real puss*cat, Sweetness.” Lucifer said, his tone gone into a strange mix of pride and purr that made Charlie close her eyes. There was a resounding bang down the hall that made the lights flicker. “Ope, there goes the dryer.”

Charlie groaned. “Dammit.” She said and looked down the hall the way she had come. “Syrup!?”

Lucifer tilted his head and furrowed his brow. “Syrup destroys the appliances?”

No!” Charlie and Vaggie both said, Vaggie sounding more desperate.

“He just…” Charlie said, running a hand over her hair. “Stores… stuff. Around.” She said and chuckled nervously. “We’re working on finding them. Don’t worry.”

Lucifer cast his eyes around the hall. “What would I have to worry about?”

Mimzy was earning points with Angel by fawning over Fat Nuggets. He was on his back on the couch as the shorter sinner rubbed at his stomach.

“Aww, he’s so cute!” Mimzy said. “I just can’t get enough of him.”

“Yeah.” Angel said, watching the pig lovingly. “He’s the second-cutest fella down here.”

“Who’s the first?”

Angel gave another sigh and his eyes unfocused. “Syrup.” He said.

“The little guy?” Mimzy asked, carefully setting Fat Nuggets aside as she slid closer to Angel. “He is pretty cute.”

“You should see him dance.” Angel said and giggled. “Or fight.”

“Hey, if Alastor lets him hang around, I bet he’s like a little hand grenade.”

Angel’s face suddenly slipped into aggravation. “It ain’t ‘let’.” He barked, leaning forward. “Smiles is the only one around here who sees what’s in front of him.”

Mimzy leaned back. “Whoa, alright honey. Settle down. I getcha. I get the feelin’ you and Alastor have a lot in common.”

That got Angel to calm down. He laughed as he leaned back. “Nah.” He said. “He tries too hard.” He said and he pointed to himself as he crossed his legs expansively. “This? This is au naturale.” He said and struck a pose, two hands on his legs, the other two emphasizing his chest.”

Then he managed to perk up even more as Alastor and Syrup descended the stairs. “Where’s the Royalty?” Angel asked with a smirk.

Syrup split off from Alastor and planted himself next to Angel on the couch. “Eh, we lost ‘em. You know Charlie. She got too excited about the tour and sped off ahead.” He said as Angel pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Two white sticks were produced with a hand as two more hands wrapped around Syrup and pulled him close. Angel stuck a cigarette into each of their mouths.

Syrup produced his lighter and lit both at once. The distance between them held as they smiled at each other, the smoke mingling.

“Charlie’s big reunion got ya interested in meetin’ your folks any?” Angel asked as Alastor walked to the bar where Husk was polishing a glass silently.

“Are you joking?” Syrup asked with a smile. “Even if I was wrong about Lucy, those two can barely stand each other. Hardly inspirin’.”

Angel laughed. “Right? Ain’t it hilarious?” Angel said, tugging Syrup close. “She’s all ‘oooh, ya gotta solve your problems.” He said, nuzzling the mouse as they giggled. “Then she crumbles when her own problems show up at the door.”

“I don’t even get what the big deal is.” Syrup said. “Who doesn’t have a f*cked-up relationship with their parents, y’know?”

Or their kids.” Mimzy said, scooching toward the two. “So, Syrup. How did you and Al meet?”

Angel snickered. “Meat.” He said, tugging Syrup onto his lap, a hand going around his stomach.

Syrup giggled. “Same way I bet a lot of people meet him. I wanted something from him. Just a couple days after I dropped in.”

Mimzy’s face went carefully blank. “And… how far back was that?”

“Three years.” Syrup said.

“I met him first.” Angel said proudly. Mimzy was unable to stop her eyes from rolling. “Our anniversary is comin’ up soon, Firebug.” Angel said, his voice in the teasing oscillations. “Ya got any guesses for what I gotcha?”

Mimzy’s mouth went tight was she leaned on the armrest while Syrup giggled.

“Is it a gun?” Syrup asked.


“Oh!” Pentious said, looking up from where he was tinkering on a pistol-shaped device. “Is it-”

“Shut the f*ck up!” Angel said, glaring at him. “If you ruin Syrup’s gift then I’m shovin’ it into whatever hole would be least comfortable.”

“Well!” Mimzy said brightly, straightening up. “What did you want from-”

“Oh Mimzy!” Sang a voice from outside, sounding from a bullhorn. “Let’s not make this difficult. Just come out and I promise I’ll skullf*ck your carcass for stealing from me, you bloated hag!” Then there was just enough of a pause for a breath. “And ask Syrup to come out with you, darling. I want to impress him.”

Husk looked up at Alastor. “Told you.” He said.

Alastor didn’t twitch. “Niffty? Be a dear and lock the door, would you?”

Niffty dashed over to the door with a giggle and climbed up to slam the deadbolt home.

Syrup’s ears perked and his eyes went wide. “Was that a catapult?”

“What?” Angel asked before a boulder crashed through the Hotel’s frontispiece and landed in the lobby.

Alastor closed his eyes.

Charlie was already on her way down, having seen the approaching attack from a high window. Her shoes hit the floor just as the rock came to a stop. “Oh no! Okay, uh, e-everyone to the… cellar?” She said shakily.

Alastor turned just as Vaggie and Lucifer came down too. “Worry not, dear Charlie. I’ll take care of things.” He said, adjusting his bow tie.

“Yes!” Syrup said, jumping to his feet. “How do you-”

“Just me, Darling.” Alastor said as he strode to the door. “I need to,” He paused to adjust his cuff and brush off his coat. “Remind these reprobates that I still put on a phenomenal act all on my own.” He shot Syrup a vicious grin.

Okay, um, A-Alastor.” Charlie said as the front door opened to meet The Radio Demon’s stroll. “T-Try to go easy on them? At least? Maybe?” She called after as Alastor strode out, humming to himself.

Then the screaming started.

Syrup and Angel moved watch from the door. Charlie and Lucifer just behind them.

“Eh.” Angel said with a shrug and folded arms. “I still ain’t that impressed. I mean sure, now he’s thirty feet tall, size difference, step on me daddy, whatever. I could wipe the floor with these punks.”

“Oho, boy.” Lucifer said. “So much for your sponsor, huh Sweetness?” He asked as Vaggie glared at his back. “Yeah, he’s looking pretty far from rehabilitation.” He said and chuckled before his smile fell. “Did he just eat a guy?”

“Yeah he did.” Angel said with a smirk before leaning forward to call out, “Hey Smiles! Ain’t you the one always telling Syrup to take his time? Chew yer food!”

Well, you know I hate to say I told you so.” Lucifer said to Charlie, grinning “Buuuuut, I do keep telling you that if you want to actually help Sinners, the best thing you can do is just smack ‘em down whenever they get too big for their britches, you know?”

Vaggie’s eyes narrowed. She gripped Syrup and suddenly yanked him away from Angel’s side.

“Hey, you like games.” Lucifer said. “Think of it like whack-a-mole!” He gripped his cane with two hands, swinging the apple-shaped top downward. “Bonk, bonk, bonk, huh?” He asked. “It’s the best-”

“Hey Dad.” Vaggie said.

Lucifer turned to look at Vaggie and how she was holding Syrup’s arm.

“Vaggie, what are you doing?” Syrup asked, held back only by the uncertainty of whatever the white-haired demon was planning.

“Syrup said he needed to talk with you about something. About something that happened around the time you guys last spoke.”

Syrup’s eyes went wide and he started trying to pull himself out of Vaggie’s grip. “Vaggie what the f*ck are you doing?” He asked, voice panicked.

Lucifer raised a skeptical eyebrow. He turned to Charlie, whose eyes were downcast. “I better see what they want. I’ll be right back.” He said and spun on his heel.

Angel rolled his eyes. “Hey, y’know that’s my boyfriend.” He called, arms wide, as Vaggie tugged Syrup away. “I’d like him to stay by me for a half-hour.” He said before straightening up and scoffing. “Y’know Charles, I gotta say I ain’t exactly wowed by your dad.” He said, his arms folding. Then he heard something that made his eyes go wide.

He looked down to see Charlie, her shoulders heaving, a hand over her eyes.

Angel rubbed at his face aggressively. He clenched his eyes shut and tilted his head back. Then he sighed and put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.

“Alright, Charles. Take it easy.” He said, his voice weary. “So your dad’s a dick, big deal.”

Charlie sniffed a bit before turning her head to look at Angel. “Angel… are… are you trying to comfort me?”

“What else do ya want from me?” He asked, wearing his frustrated face. “Just stand here and let you cry? You think I wanna watch that?”

Charlie looked at him with a wide smile and damp eyes. Then she leapt forward and wrapped her arms around him.

“Hey!” Angel shouted and tried to push her off.

Vaggie dragged Syrup to the lounge, behind the corner. Even Husk had sighed, put down the glass, and gone to watch Alastor, leaving nobody else to see them.

Lucifer was right behind them and it was like a switch was flipped as he turned the corner, his expression became the essence of smugness, complete with that wide, easy grin. “Yes, Miss Vagatha?” He said, voice like a funeral bell falling onto marble.

“Okay, what the f*ck is this?” Vaggie asked, eye wide like before a prize fight.

“He who wears the crown must bear the weight of many hats.” Lucifer said.

“I don’t think that’s what that aphorism means.” Syrup said.

“It means whatever I say it means.” Lucifer countered smoothly.

“Yeah, I get it.” Vaggie said. “You don’t want Charlie to see this side of you.” She said and looked to the side for a moment. “Or. You don’t want us to see that side of you?”

“It is such a quandary, isn’t it?”

“I’m not afraid of you!” Vaggie said in a rush.

Lucifer tilted his head at her. “Yes. You are.” He said. “Syrup wouldn’t be afraid were he in your situation.”

Syrup and Vaggie exchanged a glance.

“Observe.” Lucifer said and turned his focus to the mouse. “Syrup?”

Syrup shrunk a bit. “Uh-”

“I’m going to kill Angel Dust.”

The events happened too quick for Vaggie to follow with her eye. Lucifer’s arm was out and Syrup’s throat was lodged in his hand. The only hint of any intervening time between the two states was the dissipating sound of Syrup hitting Lucifer’s palm at speed.

Lucifer turned back to Vaggie with a grin as Syrup tried to claw and swipe and thrash at him. “You see?” Lucifer asked. “It is funny, though, that you think fear is a mark against you. To fear and persevere is the very essence of bravery.” The grin seemed to grow even more smug. “Charlie knows that.”

Vaggie tore her eyes from where Syrup was trying to gnaw at Lucifer’s wrist, growling and snarling out Russian. If Lucifer wasn’t going to do anything about that…

Vaggie took a breath to steel herself. She narrowed her eye at the sovereign of Hell. “Is this the part where you ask if I love her?”

“I don’t particularly care if you love her, Vagatha. I care about the important things.”

Vaggie stared at him for a moment. “What?”

“Will you keep her happy? Will you keep her safe? Will you stay by her side when all else have fled her?”

“What’s the difference?”

Lucifer grinned at Vaggie for a moment, outstretched arm an iron bar unmoved by Syrup’s thrashing. “What a predictable answer. Still, that’s hardly why you called me, yes?”

Vaggie stared at him for another second before taking a breath. “She just wants to go to heaven to talk. Okay?” She asked, keeping her voice steady through sheer force of will. “Why are you against that?”

Lucifer chuckled. “Because I know what she will find there. It will be what I found there. What you found there. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

Vaggie’s eye snapped to Syrup but he seemed fully focused on his attempted assault. Even as it slowed down a bit.

She looked back to Lucifer and swallowed. “You aren’t helping her at all, though. You could do… anything?”

Lucifer looked taken aback. It was obviously something he was unaccustomed too. “Help? Vaggie, look at her.” He said, nodding his head in Charlie’s direction.

Vaggie leaned around the corner. Charlie was hugging Angel tight, despite the spider’s obvious displeasure at the situation. She was smiling so wide her eyes were clenched shut.

“She doesn’t need help from me.” Lucifer said, his voice so soft Vaggie suddenly turned to face him again. He was still grinning wide, but Vaggie only looked for a moment before her gaze went down. Lucifer had dropped Syrup, leaving him sprawled across the floor.

“Poor thing tuckered himself out.” Lucifer said and looked down at Syrup. “Isn’t it funny? Strength enough to make Heaven quake.”

“What?” Vaggie asked. “You think they’re…” She shook her head in sheer disbelief. “Afraid of Sinners? They just… look down on them. The Exterminations are a-a f*cking sport to them.” She said, before realizing just how angry she was getting. She took a deep breath and saw that Lucifer was still only grinning at her.

He rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Well, you’d know better than me, I’m sure.” He daintily adjusted his tie with a thumb and forefinger. “Now-”

“But don’t you care about them? Us?” Vaggie asked.


“You haven’t done anything about the Exterminations! Don’t you care?”

Lucifer gave a glance to Syrup. He shrugged. “Not particularly.”

Vaggie sagged, the anti-climax of the answer took the wind from her. “Charlie does.” She said, eyes on the floor.

Lucifer took a breath. “I know.” He said, and Vaggie furrowed her brow at the sound of his voice. It was almost familiar, in an ethereal sort of way. When Vaggie looked up again, she only saw Lucifer still grinning.

A long moment seemed to pass as Lucifer stared at Vaggie.“Now,” He said, “Is the part where I ask if you love her.”

“Of course.” Vaggie said at once. She had been anticipating the question.

“How much?”

Vaggie hadn’t been anticipating that one, but it was easy. “So much.”

Lucifer blinked slowly, his grin seemed to grow. “A deal then. I will get Charlie her audience with heaven. You will accompany her.”

Vaggie stared at him with a wide eye, frozen in terror at the idea. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“Oh, where would we be if I made things easy for you? Or, you know, anyone down here.” Lucifer said before grinning for a moment. He extended his hand. “To fear and persevere…”

Vaggie sighed. She closed her eye and slowly reached out. She felt her hand gripped and then shook.

“What are you doing?” Lucifer asked.

Vaggie opened her eye. “Oh.” She said and relaxed from her braced posture. “I, uh, thought there’d be some big flash of magic… or something.”

Lucifer released Vaggie’s hand. “I don’t need that sort of thing, Vagatha. I need only my word.” He said and then held up his hand. He stared at it. He sighed. “This is why I keep my distance from her, Vagatha. A single afternoon and I’m already dictating her life, controlling her girlfriend.” He took a deep breath, his eyes closed but that implacable grin remained unmoved as he sighed. “Oh… me.” Then he rolled his shoulder. “Shall we?”

Vaggie stared at him for a moment, her brow concerned as she hugged herself. “You won’t… tell her, will you?”

Lucifer stared. Then shook his head. “The truth is a funny thing, Vagatha. You will find it is rather inevitable.” The grin grew. “You will find… that it hurts.” He shrugged as he turned away from her. “And to continue your level of clarity, Vagatha, love you though my daughter may, I… will relish the sight of you hurt.”

The cream-colored convertible had taken up rear position behind where the leviathan demons had massed. They were running past it now, fleeing at the sight of an Alastor and all the reminders of what he could. Fibonacci didn’t look at them. Good help being hard to find was hardly surprising, after all, and he was hardly going to waste the effort of yelling at the little cretins.

Reclined in the back seat with his feet up on the car’s frame, Fibonacci puffed on his cigar as he tried to do some calculus around a splitting hangover. How much had the loansharks given him since he had bought them out? Was he breaking even? Because whatever ones Alastor left alive he’d have to show worse to. You were nothing without your reputation.

Fibonacci tilted his head to watch as Alastor stomped up to the car in his monstrous shape. Like Fibonacci would flinch at that.

“Do you think you could put down Sizzers for me, Mister Alastor?” He asked loudly. “He’s harmless, I promise. He’s just a little-” There were screams and wet crunching sounds. Fibonacci put on his unimpressed face. “Well, thank you, Mister Alastor. Now I shall have to drive myself home.”

Fibonacci shifted his long legs to swing his feet over the car’s door and onto the ground. He snapped his fingers and a butler stepped from his shadow as Alastor returned to a more socially acceptable height.

“Hello again, Fibby.” Alastor said happily as he tossed the mangled body of the sharky hellborn away. “How interesting to find you on Hotel grounds.” His eyes narrowed. “Uninvited.”

“On business.” Fibonacci corrected primly. “I have a right to chase down people who owe me.”

“And I am obligated to keep the Hotel safe.” Alastor said, his eyes narrowing, his grin wide.

Fibonacci gained an expression of pleasant surprise. “Mister Alastor? Are you alright?” He asked, unable, or not even trying, to keep the smirk from his face. “You’re looking a tad feverish, darling. A bit heated. Rough day?”

Alastor’s grin seemed to grow. “I’m only surprised at the caliber of your business.” Alastor said with a shrug. “I thought the various dog and pony shows on your little paddleboat kept you in overpriced cigars and gaudy suits on their own.”

Fibonacci took a buff from his cigar with a smile. “Aha.” He said with the smoke. “They do. And in everything else I like. But this keeps my hand in.”

“Oh? Been at this a while?”

“A few years.”

“How many is a few?” Alastor said, the hunter to the rabbit approaching its trap.

Fibonacci missed the warning signs, instead only getting aggravated at the line of questioning. “How am I meant to keep track?”

“I wonder…” Alastor said, his eyes rolling up. “If Syrup could help you remember.”

Fibonacci hesitated just a moment too long. “I don’t know what you could mean.”

No? I shall have to talk about it with him, I suppose.” Alastor said.

Fibonacci scoffed with such force his gaze was thrown away. “You may talk to Syrup about whatever he wants. He’s an adult, and so are you.” He said and his voice dropped to a scornful volume. “Despite all evidence to the contrary.”

Alastor leaned into his gaze with a grin. “How much is it worth to you?”

“I’m sorry?” Fibonacci asked, genuinely off-balance.

“I will find out what you don’t want Syrup to know.” Alastor said with a little shake of his head. “It’s only a matter of time, I assure you.” Alastor said, smiling as Fibonacci’s eyes narrowed. “How much is it worth that he doesn’t learn?” Alastor’s grin grew into a worrying rictus. “Your soul?”

Fibonacci leaned back for a moment before giving a loud laugh. “You’re out of your mind, Alastor.”

“No.” Alastor said so sharply Fibonacci flinched. “That would be you, trying to make a deal with my employees thinking I would not find out.”

“Hmm.” Fibonacci said, taking a puff on his cigar. “Could have been me, I admit.” He said innocently. “I’ve been in a bit of a state lately. I’m only just coming off the end of an absolutely deadly bender.”

If only.” Alastor muttered. He looked over his shoulder to the Hotel. He saw Charlie and Angel hugging and Husk watching from the Hotel door. “The time for truths between you and him was on your boat, you know.” Alastor said slowly. “After he was finished moaning your name.”

Fibonacci blinked and knit his brow. “Excuse me?”

Oh, he didn’t?” Alastor said with an apologetic hand on his chest. “My mistake.” Alastor said, and then turned his head so he could look down his nose at Fibonacci. “You see, he moaned mine.”

Fibonacci’s eyes went wide. For a moment. Then, all at once, his cigar was crumpled in his fist, his beak locked into a grimace and seemed to grow points, and his free hand went to Alastor’s lapels, pulling the grin close. “You… are asking for it, you miserable old fart.”

“Every day, chum.” Alastor purred and then tilted his head out of the way so Fibonacci could see Syrup at the door now too, slightly wobbly, but staring at him.

Fibonacci growled and ground his beak.

Alastor’s hand gently enclosed around his wrist and removed the bird’s hand from his suit. “Kindly clear out from the premises before I hurl that automobile back to the river with you strapped to the hood.” He said with a smile before turning back to the Hotel. He looked over his shoulder. “Unless, of course, you wished to make a fight of it.”

Fibonacci seemed to consider the question very very carefully. His eyes went to Syrup at the Hotel and then he turned back to his car where the butler was already holding the door for him.

Alastor turned back and took a breath. Exercise like that was as good as a steam bath. He started to stroll back to the Hotel.

Mimzy met him halfway to the door. “Phew, you haven’t lost your touch, huh Al?”

“I think it’s time for you to leave, Mimzy.” Alastor said mildly.

“Wha? Al I just got here.” Mimzy said with a confused smile. “We still gotta lotta catchin’ up to do. Not to mention I still wanna talk to your friends.”

Alastor didn’t spare a glance at Mimzy. “Not only did you bring chaos to the Hotel’s doorstep, you did so leading someone with a personal grudge against… someone I am looking after.” He turned to grin at Mimzy. “A fact I will only examine further the longer you outstay your welcome.”

He turned away and started toward the Hotel again as Mimzy scoffed.

“Fine! This place is makin’ ya soft anyway, Al. I bet that kid you’re spendin’ so much time with ain’t helpin’ either.”

Alastor grinned and laughed to himself. “Oh. If only you knew.” He said before going through the Hotel’s door and slamming it behind him.

“Not bad, Smiles.” Angel said. “I give ya a…” Angel said, a hand going to his chin in thought. “Eight outta ten.”

Syrup gave him a gentle bat with the back of his hand.

“I missed nothing important I trust.” Alastor said

“Eh, not much.” Syrup said. “Charlie sang a bit, had a tender moment with her Dad. Normal sh*t.” He looked up at Alastor. “What?”

“Are you alright, Darling?” Alastor asked. “You’re looking a tad out of sorts.”

“Oh, that’s my fault.” Lucifer said from further in the lobby where he was holding Charlie’s hands. “I was talking about Julian fries when-”

“Это чертовски не смешно!” Syrup shouted before one of Alastor’s hands landed on his shoulder.

“Now now, dear boy. No need to get so worked up over a joke.” Alastor said.

Lucifer smiled. “Oh so now you’ll admit my jokes are funny?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean your words.” Alastor said.

Lucifer chuckled darkly.

Dad.” Charlie chided softly.

Lucifer suddenly looked harried. “Alright, alright.” He said, rubbing at his face. “I’ll… see what I can do.” He said and suddenly held up a warning finger. “No promises, okay? I, aheh, really don’t have the pull you think I do, Sweetness.”

“But I know you’ll do your best.” Charlie said with a smile. “I believe in you.”

Even, or especially, to Syrup and Vaggie, that seemed to melt some part of Lucifer. “I believe in you too.” He said.

Charlie gave him a small smile. “So you think I can do it?”

“I…” Lucifer said and froze, the follow-up question obviously not anticipated. “Think there’s nobody else who’d even try. Trying counts for a lot, you know.”

Charlie’s smile fell.

“Look look look.” Lucifer said, a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Just… think about how wrong you’ll prove me, huh?”

“You could just, you know… believe in me and be right?” Charlie tried, smiling again.

“I’m right enough times.” Lucifer said with a wave of his hand. “Certain ways of thinking are, aheh, hard to break out of, y’know?” He leaned in and gave Charlie an all-encompassing hug. He broke it and started walking toward the door.

“Hey!” He said. “If nothing else, ya cleaned this place up nice. Wasn’t it a total sty before you moved in?”

“Ugh, don’t remind us.” Angel said with a roll of his eyes as Lucifer passed.

“The fact the place is still standing probably proves me wrong enough too, huh?” He asked Charlie over his shoulder, his tone encouraging. “Maybe you’re onto something with this after all.” He said and snapped his fingers.

A golden ring appeared in the air in front of him. A portal hanging in the air through which was the interior to somewhere dark and red and gold. He turned to give another look to Charlie. He waved. “Good luck, kid. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Charlie said without a moment of hesitation or an ounce of uncertainty.

Lucifer smiled through the worry and turned back to face the ring. Owing to how his head turned, his gaze met Alastor’s. Only for a moment, but Alastor’s brows shot up and he took a breath so sharp his back arched. It wasn’t until Lucifer left did Alastor let the breath out between his teeth.

Angel gave a long groan, sagging. “Man, that sh*t was a pain.” He said, straightening up and primping his hair. “I thought more people around would make sh*t more interestin’.” He said as he walked to the lounge.

“You can’t say it wasn’t interesting.” Syrup said, following.

“Actually, I’m starting to see Angel’s point of view.” Pentious hissed. “Maybe a low number of guests is best.”

“Don’t agree with me.” Angel said, flopping onto the couch and giggling as Syrup flopped on him in turn. He looked to Charlie’s soft smile. “What?”

“I just… wanted to thank you all for your help.” Charlie said and turned to the staff. “All of you.”

“We didn’t even have a choice.” Husk said.

Shush.” Niffty said swiftly from his ankles.

Husk rolled his eyes.

“We… don’t even know if it’ll work, though.” Vaggie said cautiously.

“No, look.” Charlie said, approaching her, propelled by enthusiasm. She took Vaggie’s hands. “We just need to talk to them. Getting up there will be the hard part. Once we talk to someone – who isn’t Adam – I’m sure they’ll hear us out.”

Angel smiled at Charlie for a second before turning to Syrup. “What do you think, Firebug?”

“I wouldn’t put a dollar on that bet.” The mouse said with a raised eyebrow.

Charlie turned away from Vaggie who took the opportunity to look very nervous. “Syrup,” Charlie said with a smile, “You… need to work on your optimism.”

“Convincing those winged freaks about the hotel would do it.” Syrup said.

Leading by example! Good idea.” Charlie said before gasping. “Oh! Oh my god. I’ve got to pack!”

“Pack?” Vaggie said. “Babe, we don’t even know-” She said to Charlie’s back as it sped up the stairs.

It was later. Drinking had happened. A celebratory round of extreme drinking started by Angel and Syrup that turned into goading Sir Pentious into drinking far, far more than he should or, indeed, could. They had left him passed out on the lobby floor and laughed all the way to their room, where Syrup paused at the door.

“Hey, look.” Syrup said, holding Angel’s hand. “You go on without me. I gotta go talk to Alastor about some stuff.”

Angel rolled his eyes with a smile. “‘Some stuff’, ahuh. You just want more deer dick, don’tcha Firebug?” Angel said, but his expression fell at the sight of Syrup’s face.

Syrup sighed. “Just… something I’ve gotta check.”

Angel’s eyes narrowed. “Is Smiles in trouble?”

Syrup shook his head. “No no. Just… gotta ask some questions about our work, y’know?”

That made Angel’s eyes go wide as he smiled. “Oh yeah? Well, you go and plan whatever nutty sh*t you two are gonna get up to.” He said and leaned down to give Syrup a kiss. “Just be sure to invite me along for the show.”

They split off then, Angel sliding into the room with a little finger-waggling wave.

Syrup ascended through the Hotel’s stairs until he reached the red-lighted hall that hosted Alastor’s room. He found the door adorned with the deer skull and knocked.

Alastor answered promptly with a smile. “Syrup, my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Syrup smiled back and rubbed his arm. “Uh, business? Aheh. I had a question about, y’know… Art.”

Alastor’s brow rose. “Mechanical or philosophical?”


Alastor’s eyes closed. “Hmm.” He said and turned. “Well, I suppose I already had my fun for the day.” He said as he turned back to his room. “Come in, Darling. As it happens I just put on some hot chocolate.” He said as he took occupation in one of the tall armchairs by the fireplace. There were already two steaming mugs on the table in between them. Alastor gestured to the other seat. “What’s on your mind?”

Syrup stared at him for a moment, his brow knit. He looked away as he started to walk, a hand running over his hair. “It’s just that… you once told me that anger and revenge are poisonous motivations.” He said as he sat. “And… I admit to… having a hard time squaring that, you know? I mean, I’ve been chewing it over since you said it.” Syrup said and Alastor nodded, a master to a thoughtful pupil. A chef to an appropriately hungry client. “Like, if someone pisses us off, then we have to hit back, don’t we?”

“Of course we do!” Alastor said, crossing his legs and tossing a hand in the air joyously. “We are allowed to get angry, Darling, goodness knows, but that’s nothing to act on. It can fuel your actions, yes, but, in such a case as what you present, then you should act with the goal of enforcing respect and etiquette.”

Syrup took a breath. “So…” He said, twiddling his fingers. “When Husk said… that thing he said, you weren’t acting because he pissed you off?”

He had been staring at his twitching fingers as he spoke, clicking his claws together. It was only when the sentence was finished did he dare look up at Alastor. The Radio Demon was staring into the fire, his rictus grin fixed wide.

Syrup couldn’t help but swallow.

Gingerly, Alastor picked up his mug and sipped from it. He set it back down. “By rights, I really should have done far worse than leave him with a fright and a warning. So no. I wasn’t.” His eyes slid over to Syrup. They were the only part of him that moved. “I recommend you pick your next words carefully, Syrup.”

Syrup took a breath. “Who’s holding your leash, Alastor?”

With a loud click, Alastor’s eyes went to dials. “Not what I had in mind!” He said, not shouted, but like someone had turned his volume up so high the speakers were peaking.

“Alastor!” Syrup said defensively. “What do you expect me to think when I hear that sh*t!?”

“I-” Alastor said and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, he seemed to regain control of himself. “It would be for the best if you forgot that you heard that.”

“How am I meant to do that?” Syrup asked. “Look, Alastor.” He said, standing up and in front of The Radio Demon’s chair, the fire roaring behind him. “I’m not some freshly-fallen dupe anymore. I know how this works.”

Alastor stood too, back ramrod straight. “I don’t like insulting you, but about this, you know nothing. For now, it’s better that way.”

Syrup bristled a bit. “How?” He asked, brow furrowing. “I’m sick of sh*t I have no context for coming around and biting me in the ass down here.”

“I would never-” Alastor loudly said before taking another breath. “The only person’s mistakes that I would allow to harm you are your own.”

The anger seemed to leave Syrup. He gave his head a little shake. “Mistake?”

Alastor’s hand was suddenly around Syrup’s shoulders. “Thank you for stopping by, my dear. Always a pleasure to hand down some advice. I hope you have a lovely evening.” He said politely but at high speed as he pushed Syrup to the door and out it. The door slammed shut behind him.

Syrup turned and immediately knocked again, trying the handle. “Alastor? Tch, c’mon!” He shouted as he pounded. “Alastor! You’re being a brat!”

Syrup gave up with a sigh, his body sagging. So even someone like The Radio Demon could get caught up in a bad contract? Weird. Syrup wondered what Alastor got out of it before his ears twitched.

“Huh?” He asked looking upward. He was on the top floor, so…

It was small work to get to the roof at this point. He didn’t even bother going back to the stairs. He squeezed into the crawlspace through a hole in a broom closet that he didn’t even make. From there it was just a matter of scrabbling up and along boards and vents. A trapdoor was pushed open and Syrup peered out from the gloom at Charlie. Her phone was to her head and she was pacing back and forth.

“He seemed…” She said as Syrup slunk from the shadow of the trapdoor to the shadow behind the access door. “Better? I-I mean, he… he still misses you. Obviously. But, um, I got him out a bit! He talked to some sinners! He was… nice to them? H-He likes Vaggie, at least.” She said and sighed as she turned. “I just- f*ck!” She shouted at the sudden sight of Syrup smugly sitting on the parapet, his legs crossed.

“I-I’ll call you back.” She said and hung up. “Syrup? Can you please not?”

Nope.” Syrup said, his tail coiling as he smugly smiled at Charlie. “What was that?”

“I was just… talking. To someone.” Charlie said and held the phone away as Syrup hopped off his perch and approached with mischief in his eyes.

I think I can guess who!” Syrup said in a sing-song tone. He giggled. “You getting the big guy in trouble with your mom? I can give some tips on that.”

Charlie winced. “I’m not telling her you and my dad…” She trailed off, unsure how to finish that sentence.

Syrup rolled his eyes and decided to cut Charlie some slack. “We didn’t really screw.” He said. It wasn’t a lie, exactly.

“Really?” Charlie asked.

“Yeah.” Syrup said. He sweetened the pot with another bit of helpful technically-truth. “He never even undressed.” He knew he could count on Charlie’s naivete. There were all sorts of incredibly indecent acts one could participate in while fully clothed.

Charlie sagged a bit in relief.

“Don’t look like ya just dodged a bullet.” Syrup said with a smirk. “I’m f*cking great at my job.” Syrups aid, putting a hand to his chest. “Frankly, everyone should pay me to f*ck them.”

“You just don’t seem like his… type.” Charlie said.

Syrup waved a hand. “Eh, he only wanted me cos I didn’t know who he was. Someone who’d talk to him, y’know?”

Charlie paused for a moment before softening by magnitudes. “He was lonely.” She said sweetly.

“Sure.” Syrup said without hesitation before leaning forward and pointing at Charlie’s phone. “So just tell her how pathetic he is, but, y’know, make it sound like concern.”

“I… Sure.” Charlie said with a smile.

“C’mon, I’m trying to help.” Syrup said, reaching for Charlie’s phone.

Charlie held it up out of his reach. “I-It’s fine. I’m just… telling… my mom… how the Hotel’s going.”

“Obviously?” Syrup said with a co*cked eyebrow. “I saw how you were looking at your dad. You want to give him a hard time.”

“No!” Charlie said.

“No?” Syrup asked. “Why not?”

“Because he’s my dad.” Charlie said uncertainly. “And I love him.”

Syrup stared at Charlie for a second. He sagged a bit and rolled his eyes, accepting that Charlie wasn’t going to do anything fun. “Fine.” He groaned as he turned back to the access door. He giggled and looked over his shoulder as he walked. “Ya tell her about Alastor yet?”

Charlie winced through a wide smile. “Not… exactly.”

Syrup giggled and smirked smugly at her. “Yeah, I’d keep that one from my mom too.” He said with a flick of his tail as he turned to the door again. Then he paused and turned. Charlie tilted her head as he leaned against the door.

“Look.” Syrup said, his eyes down out of embarrassment. “Angel’s right, you know.”

Charlie furrowed her brow. “About what?”

“Well,” Syrup said with a smirk, “A lot of things.” He said before pushing off and stepping toward Charlie again, the smirk softening a bit. “But specifically about your dad. I know family is, like, a whole thing for you.” He said, his hands going up sarcastically. “But… like… your connection to them isn’t who you are.” He looked up at Charlie and sagged. “Oh, please don’t cry. I’m tryin’ my best here.”

Charlie smiled at him as she wiped at her eyes. “I know. It means a lot to me. It’s just that… you and Angel have come so far.” She smiled. “You’re proving my dad’s full of sh*t.”

Syrup covered his mouth with a hand as he giggled. “And you’re tellin’ us we’ve come a long way.” He said and turned back to the door. “I just wanted to say to quit moping so much. You bring the whole room down.”

Charlie smiled softly at Syrup’s back as he opened the door. “Sure thing.” She said before Syrup closed the door behind him with his tail.

Angel smiled when the door to their room opened. He was reclining on the bed, laying on his side. He had been obviously and desperately waiting for Syrup. He was totally naked and the sheets had been arranged to give only the barest hint of modesty. He looked like a centerfold. More like a centerfold than normal.

“Hey Firebug.” He purred.

Syrup smiled at him. “Боже, ты потрясающий.” He muttered before leaping at Angel.

The spider laughed loudly as he failed to catch Syrup with anything but his body. His hands quickly went to work, hugging and undressing.

“What’d you want from Smiles anyways?” Angel said before kissing at Syrup’s neck.

The mouse giggled and shrugged. “Nothing. He’s just being weird.” Syrup said and giggled.

“What else is new?” Angel asked before roughly gripping the back of Syrup’s head and pulling his face into his chest.

Syrup gave a grunt. He managed to tilt his head enough to look at Angel, a small smile on his face.

What?” Angel asked, tilting his head.

“What’re your odds on Charlie actually convincing Heaven of anything?”

“Oh, I’m with you, Firebug. This is gonna be a tragedy for her.”

Syrup giggled and pulled himself out of Angel’s grip to start crawling up his body. “No problem for you, huh? I saw you get all huggy with her.”

Angel pouted for a moment before reaching up and pulling Syrup downward until their noses were touching. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” He teased with a grin.

Syrup giggled. “I guess if we gotta stay here I’d rather not listen to her bawlin’.”

“Zactly.” Angel said. “So we gotta be prepared to cheer her up when she comes home all depressed.”

“Bet it’ll be even harder to sneak drugs in with her lookin’ at us with those big wet eyes.” Syrup said, letting his own already-big eyes go even wider.

Angel giggled and pulled Syrup down into a kiss.

The funny thing was Syrup was so used to his nightmares he could only recall the vague shape of them now. He was inured to them. This one had even been expected. Syrup knew seeing Lucifer again would do this to him. He sat up, hand to his mouth as he bit back sobs. The images of crowbars and rope and Angel’s pained expression already fleeing his head.

Angel, as ever, followed his boyfriend in groggy slow-motion, hands gently winding around the mouse. “It’s alright, Firebug. I gotcha.” He muttered in a half-conscious daze. His eyes opened slightly in the gloom of their dark room. He whispered into Syrup’s ear, “Want me to return the favor?” He growled.

Syrup took a few more deep breaths before he could process that he couldn’t process Angel’s question. “Huh?” He asked, looking up at Angel.

“Charlie’s dad was a pushover. I could yank out a coupla his teeth. If ya want.” Angel said with a grin. “Even the score, y’know?”

Syrup’s brow furrowed. “Angel. He’d actually kill you.”

“So? Ya want me to do it or not?”

Syrup laughed before hanging off Angel so that they both fell back onto the bed. “You’re a sweetheart, Pushki.”

Angel’s arms wrapped around Syrup tight. “Like you wouldn’t do the same thing for me.”

Sickly Sweet II - Chapter 7 - LavendulaChronicler (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.