Regional Management Board · 2015-08-09 · Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (2024)

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (1)

Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014


Regional Management Board

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th October 2014 commencing at 1900 at the Holiday Inn, Guildford.

Present: Roger Penfold (RFP) Chairman Jim Boucher (JB) Board Member

John Davies (JD) Board Member Brian Deval (BD) Board Member Ray Hedger (RH) Board Member

Ivan Horsfall-Turner (IHT) Board Member Alan Lewis (AL) Board Member

Roger Prior (RGP) Board Member Shelley Robinson (SR) Board Member

Gary Shields (GS) Board Member Geoff Stokes (RGS) Board Member

Also in attendance (non-voting): Rosa Gallop ASA Club Development Officer Josh France Minute Taker

93 Apologies Apologies had been received from: Chris Lee (CL), who had been admitted into Hospital that morning Darren Wilmshurst (DW)

94 The Late John Carrie RFP informed that Board that John Carrie (latterly one of the Region’s custodians) had passed away that morning. The Board stood in silence in memory of John.

95 Water Polo Rosa Gallop gave a presentation outlining the vision for Water Polo development in the South East Region. The Board thanked Rosa for her attendance.


Minutes of meeting held on 04 September 2014 The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting subject to the corrections below: John Davies was in attendance Minute 85 insert the word ‘be’ Minute 89 renumber the subdivisions of this item Minute 89/1, Agreed 1 to be changed to ‘the targets for locally deployed’ Minute 89/2 to be changed to ‘to note the steps that the SGB taken’ Minute 90 to be rewritten by RGP Minute 91 to be changed to ‘ he had been informed, albeit informally, that 4 open water clubs’

Action: RGP/BG

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Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014


97 Matters Arising 87 Divisional Business Manager Interviews for a new Divisional Business Manager were unsuccessful, and the position had been re-advertised 89/1 Letter received from Hampshire RFP had circulated the text of a draft letter to Chris Bostock, arising from the decision at the last meeting Following full discussion, It was decided that the Board would defer writing to Chris Bostock pending a report from JD, following further discussions with Hampshire County ASA.

Action: JD Matters Arising schedule The Board noted that items 10, 11, 12 and 21 on the schedule circulated prior to the meeting had been completed. RFP reported that he had carried out the action in items 36 and 41. On item 26, BD advised that the Swimmeets website was currently hosted in the US which might present some data protection issues. Under the Data Protection Acts, personal information had to be kept in the UK or Europe. This needed to be investigated to ascertain whether there was a legal issue.

Action: RFP 98 Appointment of Vice-Chairman

Ray Hedger was appointed as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

99 Appointment of Board Member Responsible for Finance Gary Shields was appointed as Board Member Responsible for Finance for the ensuing year.

100 Appointment of Board Sub-groups and Liaison Members The Board reviewed the pattern of sub-groups and appointments, and made adjustments and appointments. It was agreed: 1 To maintain the current liaison members, with the exception of Masters which would remain vacant, due to Board representation from that discipline, and Swimming, where DW was appointed, subject to his agreement.

Action: RFP to contact DW

2 That the Communications’ Group should recommend terms of reference to the Board, for approval.

Action: BD

3 That the terms of reference of the Finance Group be amended by deletion of reference to the Regional Director, and the substitution of “divisional office staff” in items 3 and 7.

Action: RFP/BG to revise

4 That the terms of reference of the Development Group be amended by the

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Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014


inclusion, under “activities”, of “To recommend a development plan to the Board”. Action: RFP/BG to revise

5 That the membership of the Communications’ Group be: Brian Deval, Chris Lee (subject to his agreement), Roger Penfold and Shelley Robinson, for the ensuing year.

Action: RFP to contact Chris Lee

6 That the membership of the Finance Sub-Group be: John Davies, Stuart Fillingham, Roger Penfold, Roger Prior and Gary Shields for the ensuing year

7 That the membership of the Development Group be: Jim Boucher, John Davies, Ivan Horsfall-Turner, Alan Lewis and Roger Prior for the ensuing year.

101 Dates of Meetings 2014/15 The following dates were agreed for meetings of the Board Sunday 23rd November 2014 Tuesday 9th December 2014 Wednesday 7th January 2015 Sunday 15th February 2015 Monday 16th March 2015 Tuesday 12th May 2015 Wednesday 10th June 2015 Thursday 9th July 2015 Monday 7th September 2015 Tuesday 13th October The ACM was arranged for Saturday 12th September 2015

Action: BG to book accommodation

102 Approval of Payments and Change to Bank Mandate The Board reviewed the list of persons authorised to approve payments from, or sign cheques drawn on, the Region’s bank account. It was agreed 1 To authorise Gary Shields as an approver of payments/signatory on cheques, instead of the Regional Director. 2 To adopt formally the resolution required by HSBC Bank plc to give effect to the above decision.

Action: RFP/GS/BG

103 Matters Referred from 2014 ACM The following matters had been referred to the Board by the ACM: Appointment of Vice-President – it was agreed that the role of Vice President should be advertised on the website, with a closing date for suggestions of 08 December

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Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014


2014 Action: RFP/BG

Appointment of Custodians – RFP reported that Margaret Tuppen (Brighton SC) had agreed to be a custodian of the Region.

104 ASA Council Meeting 2014 The Board was advised of the appointment of 5 further delegates to attend the ASA Council and the list of “starred items” for that meeting. The Board ENDORSED the appointment of Eileen Adams, Ken Adams, Brian DeVal, Ellie Purvis and Shelley Robinson as delegates to the 2014 ASA Council, and Mollie Lewis and Peter Robinson as reserve delegates. It was reported that Peter Robinson would be attending in place of George Adamson, who had withdrawn. The Board noted and endorsed the list of “Starred items” on the ASA Annual Report and Accounts.


Development Matters and Proposed Appointment of Additional Regional Club Development Officer The Board was informed about Development Plans for the sport within the South East and a proposal that a further Regional Club Development Officer (RCDO) be employed to support these activities. Following a full discussion, it was AGREED 1 To approve the concept of the circulated Development Plans in general, with a view to further discussion at the away day,

Action: JD/RFP/BG

2 To agree to the funding of activities listed in the report, drawn from the plans that can be carried out in the remainder of the current financial year, within overall budgetary provision.

Action: JD/GS/BG

3 To request that disciplines base their future budgets on development plans for their area.

Action: RFP/BG

4 To agree to the recruitment of a further RCDO in the current financial year, to be employed by Freedom Leisure.

Action: JD/IHT

5 To agree the circulated job description for the post, subject to the post being responsible to the Board and managed day-to-day by the Divisional Business Manager. 6 To appoint a sub-committee, comprising of John Davies, Ray Hedger, Ivan Horsfall-Turner, Alan Lewis and Shelley Robinson to direct the recruitment process and make the appointment.

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Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014


Action: JD, RH, IHT, AL, SR

106 Water Polo Bursary Application It was agreed to make an ex gratia payment of £200 for Trevor Jones towards the cost of a Coaching Water Polo course.

Action: AL/BG 107 Service Level Agreement with ASA South and West

The service level agreement was noted.


Affiliations and Resignations New Affiliations University of Southampton SC Cranleigh School SC Resignations None Enquiries None Transfers None Change of Name None

Action: BG 109 Correspondence

The Board were made aware that Paul Davies had resigned from his position with the ASA with immediate effect in the week prior to the meeting.

110 Chairmen’s Committee The Board noted an e-amil from Jane Nickerson effectively being the notes of the meeting of the Chairmens’ Committee held on 1 October 2014. Regional chairmen had reviewed the outcome of a survey about regional boards.


Any Other Business 1 David Flack, Chairman of South West Region invited RFP to an ASA SW Board meeting, it was agreed that David Flack would be invited to a future South East board meeting, in return.

Action: RFP

2 A donation of £50 to a charity was agreed in memory of the late John Carrie. Action: RFP/BG

112 Date of next meeting

The Board’s Awayday - Sunday 23rd November 10am - at the Holiday Inn, Guildford

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Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (9)

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (10)


Being able to achieve qualifications locally

Regular education workshops

Attending training sessions with achieving coaches

Ensure that the correct information and software is available

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (11)


Knowledgeable Coaches

Identify players from a young age

Have training venues for all levels of commitment and ages

Clubs Network to ensure water time and sustainability

Work with the local swimming clubs for fitness and passing on of


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Training for officials and workforce available locally

Clubs work together to ensure workforce

is able to attend the required courses

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Banbury ? Milton Keynes

Oxford Oxford University


Andover Basingstoke Christchurch

Guildford – Excel Guildford University

Portsmouth Reading

Southampton Southampton University

Brighton Crawley

Hastings/Bexhill Marlins


Dover Hythe

Faversham Folkestone Maidstone Sevenoaks

Tunbridge Wells

RTC Crawley

RTC Basingstoke

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Help All Clubs to gain Swim 21 to give access to South East Region Bursaries

Regular Coach Development Days

Annual Subscription to

Super Coach on Line for each Network

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (15)

Any questions ?

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (16)

APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCE The Constitution provides for a “Member of the Regional Management Board responsible for finance”. The postholder is one of the Officers of the Region. Roger Penfold held that post from the establishment of the Region until 31 March this year. The present post holder if Gary Shields. The Board is requested to appoint one of its number to this role for the ensuing year (or a longer period, if that is thought appropriate).

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APPOINTMENT OF BOARD SUB-GROUPS AND LIAISON MEMBERS PURPOSE OF REPORT To enable the Board to review the pattern of sub-groups and appointments, and make any necessary adjustments and appointments. PROPOSED ACTION The Board is requested to 1 DECIDE whether to continue the regime of appointing liaison members for

each discipline, and, if so, MAKE those appointments for the ensuing year (or longer if felt appropriate).

2 REVIEW and/or AMEND the terms of reference of its Communications and

Finance Groups. 3 APPOINT the membership of the Communications and Finace Groups (if

retained) for the ensuing year. 4 REVIEW and/or AMEND the terms of reference of the Development Group. 5 APPOINT the Board representatives on the Development Group for the

ensuing year. SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1 The Constitution provides that the “Regional Management Board shall appoint

such persons and sub-bodies as are in its opinion necessary to deliver the sport, and shall determine their terms of reference and methods of operation”.

2 The Board has previously decided to appoint managers for the disciplines, on

the recommendation of the disciplines concerned, and to leave the managers to arrange such support mechanisms, eg committees, as are deemed appropriate for the disciplines concerned. The managers customarily join the Board for 2 meetings each year.

3 Purely for the record, the present managers are:

Disability Swimming – Sue Barker Diving – Frank Clelow Masters – Geoff Stokes Open Water – Keith Barber

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Swimming - vacant Synchro – Kate Coupar Water Polo – Trevor Jones

4 It has been the Board’s previous practice to appoint members to act as liaison

between the Board and the disciplines. In many instances, the Board has consciously selected non-matching Members, ie a person who is not necessarily identified with the discipline concerned.

5 The present appointees are:

Disability Swimming – Roger Prior Diving – Ray Hedger Masters – Gary Shields Open Water – Ivan Horsfall-Turner Swimming – Shelley Robinson Synchro - Roger Penfold Water Polo – Alan Lewis

6 The Board is asked whether it wishes to continue the practice of liaison

personnel, and, if so, to make appointments for the ensuing year (or longer period if that is deemed appropriate).

7 Members will recall that the Board has previously appointed 2 functional sub-

groups – for communications and finance – and has also established a Development Group.

8 The present terms of reference for the Finance Group are set out in Appendix

1 hereto: The terms of refernec for the Communications’ Group have thus far eluded discovery. The present members of those groups are:

Communications – Brian deVal (not then a Board member), Roger Penfold, Shelley Robinson, a representative of the webmaster

Finance – John Davies, Stuart Fillingham (not a Board member), Roger Penfold, Roger Prior, Gary Shields.

9 The Board is asked to review the terms of reference of the 2 sub-groups,

amend them as considered appropriate, and make appointments to the groups for the ensuing year.

10 The current terms of reference of the Development Group, adopted in

December 2012, are attached as Appendix 2. The present members of the Group are XXXXX

11 Again, the Board is invited to review the terms of reference (John Davies has

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (19)

commented that they need adjustment) and make appointments to the Group for the ensuing year.

RFP 24.09.14

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APPENDIX 1 FINANCE GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE (adopted November 2005) 1 In conjunction with the Regional Director, to recommend an annual budget for

adoption by the Board 2 To recommend to the Board, annually, the affiliation fees to be levied on

clubs 3 In conjunction with the Regional Director, to monitor income and expenditure

against approved budget, and report thereon regularly to the Board 4 To advise the Board on proposals for expenditure not reflected in the

approved budget 5 To review the annual accounts of the Region, prior to their submission to the

Board or the independent examiner 6 To advise the Board on proposals relating to possible borrowing 7 In conjunction with the Regional Director, to review, from time to time, the

Region’s financial systems, and to report thereon to the Board 8 In conjunction with the Development Group and the Regional Director, to

review regularly performance against the agreed Development Plan, and the sub-regional development plans, to ensure timely submission of claims to the ASA and other funding bodies.

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ASA South East Region Development Group: Terms of Reference

Objective To promote the development of swimming within the South East Region

Scope The Development Group covers all disciplines of the sport with regard to clubs, networks, teachers and coaches, volunteers and officials licensing. It also includes development activities for speed swimming: for other disciplines these are handled by their own specific group.

Activities • Support the development of clubs with accreditation to Swim21 through the work of

Aquatic Officers, the Regional Club Development Officer and the Swim21 panel. • Promote the development of teachers and coaches within Swim21 clubs through the

provision of bursaries for training courses. • Encourage clubs to work together within Swim21 networks through provision of funding

to enable network-based activities. • Encourage the development of distance swimming through support for Distance Meets. • Ensure the development of volunteers through support for CPD courses. • Support the licensing of officials through payment of fees. • Support talent camps through the provision of funding. • Enable Channel Island Swimmers to take part in mainland-based Talent Camps and level

1 meets through the provision of travel funding.

Processes The Development Group uses the following processes:

• Meetings: with formal Agenda, Notes and Action Points. Normally six per year. • Preparation of an annual budget and monitoring of spend. • Receive reports from the Regional Director and other staff and groups • Receive requests for funding and consider how these can be funded. • Ensure information on bursaries and other funding is available on the Regional web site. • Liaise with other groups through the members of the Development Group.

Roles • Chairman: sets the agenda and runs meetings • Regional Director • Group Members – with knowledge, experience and interest in the development of swimming • Board Members

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• Swim21 panel members • Coaching Representative

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ASA South East Region – Proposed Regional Management Board Dates 2014/15

Date Meeting Monday 6th October Regional Management Board Sunday 23rd November Regional Management Board & Discipline

Managers Tuesday 9th December Regional Management Board Wednesday 7th January Regional Management Board Sunday 15th February Regional Management Board & Discipline

Managers Monday 16th March Regional Management Board Tuesday 12th May Regional Management Board Wednesday 10th June Regional Management Board Thursday 9th July Regional Management Board Monday 7th September Regional Management Board Saturday 12th September ASA SER Annual Council Meeting Tuesday 13th October Regional Management Board Saturday 17th October ASA Annual Council Meeting

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APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS AND CHANGE TO BANK MANDATE PURPOSE OF REPORT To enable the Board to review the list of persons authorised to approve payments from, or sign cheques drawn on, the Region’s bank account. PROPOSED ACTION The Board is invited to RESOLVE 1 To authorise [insert names] as approvers of payments/signatories on

cheques, instead of the Regional Director and [insert name].

2 To adopt the resolution required by HSBC Bank plc to give effect to the above decision.

SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1 At the very first meeting of the Regional Management Board, in October 2005,

it was decided that the Regional Director, Ray Hedger, Roger Penfold and Roger Prior be authorised signatories on cheques drawn on the Region’s bank account. The named members were the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Board Member responsible for Finance at that time, and, indeed, have continued in those roles until April this year: of course, Ray remains Vice-Chairman, as this is written.

2 The Region’s Financial Regulations set out how many signatures were required

on each cheque, depending on its value. In the intervening period, the Board has introduced electronic payments, the vast bulk of payments being in this medium – only a handful of cheques have been issued in the past 6 months. The present arrangements require 2 of the “signatories” to approve payments, by an on-line system.

3 A significant change in the past 9 years has been that there is no longer a

regional director, and the Board decided at the time of the last change to ASA regional management structure that it would be inappropriate for the Divisional Business Manager to have any involvement in the Region’s financial arrangements.

4 It is suggested, given the changes in, for instance, the Officers of the Region,

that the Board reviews the list of persons authorised to approve payments/sign cheques, and make appropriate adjustments. While the system has functioned over the past year with just 3 authorised persons, it might well be appropriate to authorise 4 persons, to cover absences or unfortunate incapacity.

5 Any changes will need to be reflected in the mandate to the bank, which will

Regional Management Board· 2015-08-09· Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (25)

entail the adoption of a specific resolution. RFP 26.09.14

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ASA COUNCIL MEETING, 2014 PURPOSE OF REPORT To report the appointment of 5 further delegates to attend the ASA Council and the list of “starred items” for that meeting. PROPOSED ACTION The Board is requested to ENDORSE 1 the appointment of Eileen Adams, Ken Adams, Brian deVal, Ellie Purvis and

Shelley Robinson as delegates to the 2014 ASA Council, and Mollie Lewis and Peter Robinson as reserve delegates, and

2 the list of “starred items” on the ASA Annual Report and Accounts. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Appointment of Delegates 1 The ACM authorised the Board to fill the vacancies for 5 delegates to the 2014

ASA Council. 2 7 volunteers/names were put forward for the vacancies. 2 were Board

Members, who were “preselected” as delegates. Following a ballot of Board Members in respect of the other 5 candidates, the following were appointed as delegates:

Eileen Adams Ken Adams Brian de Val Ellie Purvis Shelley Robinson

3 The names of Mollie Lewis and Peter Robinson have been retained as reserves,

in the event of any of the delegates having to withdraw. Starred items 4 A number of points were raised, at the ACM, on the Annual Report and Accounts

of the ASA. These will be taken forward as “Starred Items” for the ASA Council. The latest date for submission of the list of starred items is 2 October 2014: copies of the submitted list will be available at the meeting.

5 Written responses will be issued by ASA HQ, by no later than 7 October. The

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Board, delegates to the ASA Council, and the person who raised the matter at the ACM (if not in the earlier categories) will be asked for their views on the responses. This will be covered by electronic communication.

6 There is an expectation that the written answers will be acceptable to the

raising Region. If, however, the answer from ASA HQ does not seem satisfactory, the Region’s delegation will pursue the matter, orally, at ASA Council. If this is the case, notice has to be given to ASA HQ by 9 October.

RFP 22.09.14

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ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan 2014/17 Draft C, September 2014 Page 1

ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan

2014/17 Draft B

Overview This document captures the plans for the development of Diving in the South East Region for 2014 to 2017 and moving on into the future. It is part of the overall Development Plans for the Region and covers the development of athletes, coaches, officials specific to the discipline. It is largely based on the bid for the Beacon Programme at Southampton and the success of the South East Region Diving Talent Scheme which started in January 1914.

Contents ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan .................................................... 1

2014/17 Draft B ......................................................................................................... 1

Overview .................................................................................................................... 1

1. Athletes/Talent .............................................................................................. 1

2. Coaches ........................................................................................................ 2

3. Officials ......................................................................................................... 2

4. Team Managers ............................................................................................ 3

5. Swim21 Club Network ................................................................................... 3

6. Championships and other Competitions ....................................................... 3

7. Key Process Indicators and Funding ............................................................. 4

1. Athletes/Talent

South East Region Diving Talent Programme The Regional Diving Talent Programme is a monthly programme hosted by Active Nation and Southampton Diving Academy at Southampton. It provides coaching, training, sports science, nutrition, land training, and other services, for divers that meet the criteria set by the ASA Beacon programmes. The Head Coach is Lindsey Fraser who a GB Coach producing many World and Olympic divers. The programme is funded by the ASA South East Region for divers from clubs in the South East. Divers from clubs in other Regions may be invited to attend but pay their share of the full cost. In addition divers from the host club have a daily training programme and weekly training sessions are available for divers from other clubs. The programme started in January 2014 with 16 divers qualified. In September 2014 the divers were re-assessed and 24 divers now meet the criteria and have been invited onto the scheme. This expansion of the scheme requires futher coaching and pool time, which has increased the cost.

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ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan 2014/17 Draft C, September 2014 Page 2

Pathway Camps These are held for divers that qualify for National Events and are aspiring to join the Talent Programme. They are held on the same days and venue with a complementary schedule of activities. They are available to clubs in the Diving Network for divers selected by their coaches. The focus for each camp is decided by the Head Coach depending on the need within the annual diving programme. (e.g. specific camp for divers preparing for the ASA Skills Competition). Network Camps These are for divers in Network clubs who do not meet the criteria for the Diving Talent Scheme or the Pathway Camps. They are available to clubs in the Diving Network for divers selected by their coaches and are held during school holidays or at week-ends not being used by the Talent Scheme. They may be held at other centres to provide support to divers and coaches who are unwilling or unable to travel to Southampton for Camps.

2. Coaches

Coaches’ Forum The coaches’ forum provides the opportunity for senior coaches from across the region to discuss issues, make recommendations and liaise with coaches within their County. (pass forward minutes and information) It is chaired by the Talent Programme head coach and meets on the days of the Talent Programme.

Coaches’ Development Training Formal IOS training courses for level 1 and level 2 coaches will be held in conjunction with the Talent Scheme.

Mentoring The head coach of the Talent Scheme will provide formal mentoring for other coaches.

Bursaries The Region provides bursaries for coaches from Swim21 clubs attending IOS coaches’ courses. These are covered in the General Development Plan. It is intended that from next year 2015/16 Coaches to get level 2 and level 3 bursaries will have to show that they have been involved in the Talent Scheme or Network Camps.

3. Officials

Training Training of officials will be carried out in conjunction with the Talent Scheme,

The Region will continue to support officials attending CPD courses and through payment of their Registration fees.

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ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan 2014/17 Draft C, September 2014 Page 3

4. Team Managers We will promote the training of team managers through IOS/ASA Team Manager Courses, Safeguarding, Time-to-Listen, etc. The Team Managers encouraged to be part of the Team Manager group with South East Region

5. Swim21 Club Network Create the ASA Swim21 Network of Diving Clubs. Use the Network by working together to address issues relevant to running diving clubs. The network exists in an informal way but needs to be formalised as a matter of urgency.

6. Championships and other Competitions The Diving Group will deal with the practical aspects of running the Championships and other Competitions run by the Region.

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ASA South East Region Diving Development Plan 2014/17 Draft C, September 2014 Page 4

7. Key Process Indicators and Funding 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Activities KPI Funding KPI Funding KPI Funding

Support SER Diving Talent Camps

10 Camps held £10000 10 Camps held £10000 10 Camps held £10000

Pathway Camps

8 Camps held £3000 8 Camps held £3000 8 Camps held £3000

Network Camps 4 Camps held 4 Camps held 4 Camps held

Run Coaches forum

Meets 4 times a year Meets 4 times a year Meets 4 times a year

Coaches’ Development Training

Run level 1 and level 2 courses

n/a Run level 1 and level 2 courses

n/a Run level 1 and level 2 courses


Coaches Mentoring 4 coaches mentored £300 6 coaches mentored £500 6 further coaches £500 Officials Training Train 1 per talent

scheme club n/a Train 1 per Network

Club n/a Train 1 per Network

Club n/a

Team Manager Training

Train 1 per talent scheme club

n/a Train 1 per Network Club

n/a Train 1 per Network Club


Swim21 Network for Diving

Establish network and business plan

(£1000) Execute business plan

(£1000) Execute business plan (£1000)

Total £13300 £13500 £13500

Notes: 1. Cost of SER Talent Camps has increased as the number of divers qualifying for this scheme has increased. It is part funded by divers on the scheme 2. Pathway Camps are for divers that qualify for National Events but do not make the Talent Camp criteria. The divers fund the major costs of this

scheme. 3. Network camps are funded by the divers attending and not funded by the Region. 4. The coaches forum is run as part of the Talent Camp and not specifically funded. 5. Bursaries, the Swim21 Network and Officials Licensing are funded through General Development 6.

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ASA South East Region Swimming Development Plan 2014/15 Draft D, August 2014 Page 1

ASA South East Region Swimming Development Plan 2014/17 Draft D

Overview This document captures the plans for the development of Speed Swimming in the South East Region as at 2014/17 and moving on into the future. It is part of the overall Development Plans for the Region and covers the development of athletes, coaches, officials specific to the discipline

Contents ASA South East Region Swimming Development Plan 2014/15 ................................ 1

Overview .................................................................................................................... 1

1. Athletes/Talent .............................................................................................. 1

2. Coaches ........................................................................................................ 2

3. Officials ......................................................................................................... 3

4. Team Managers ............................................................................................ 3

5. Open Meets ................................................................................................... 3

6. Championships ............................................................................................. 3

7. Key Process Indicators and Funding ............................................................. 5

1. Athletes/Talent

ASA Talent Camps ASA select a number of athletes and run two one-day camps for those swimmers. The Region had partly funded these camps and will be asked to do so from September 2014.

Beacon Program The Regional Beacon is a weekly program hosted by Portsmouth Northsea and provides training for swimmers selected by ASA talent and Beacon Head coach from National Youth Rankings who have potential to make the European Junior Championships. It is part funded by the ASA and part by the host club.

Off-shore Camp The Region runs and funds an Off-Shore camp to provide our swimmers with experience of traveling and competing abroad. In January 2014 this was for the Catalonia Championships in Barcelona. Selection is from SER Winter Championships and based on FINA points. It provides the opportunity for coaches to travel and coach at a meet abroad and for Team Managers to organize and manage an overseas camp. We expect to repeat this camp in the future.

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Network Talent Training Schemes (new) We propose to run Talent Training Schemes based on the Swimming Club Networks within the Region. (Similar to the SER Diving Talent Scheme). These talent training schemes will provide training for selected swimmers who are qualified for National Championships (and just below), but who have not been selected for Beacon Programs or who have problems travelling to Beacon Programs. These will be set up with the Networks at East Invicta, Milton Keynes and Portsmouth, with further schemes at Crawley and Oxford when they establish their networks. We will look to support schemes at further networks if/when they become established. Each scheme will:

• Run training sessions on two days per month. • Provide two hours pool training, one hour dry land training plus swimmer

education (nutrition, sports science, physio, etc.) • Be led by a Senior coach and provide mentoring for Junior coaches

The estimated cost of each of these schemes is £7500 per year. The Region will pay £5000, the other £2500 will come from the Network, the clubs or the swimmers.

2. Coaches

Coaches’ Forum The coaches’ forum provides the opportunity for senior coaches from across the region to discuss issues, make recommendations and liaise with coaches within their County. (pass forward minutes and information) It is chaired by the Beacon Program coach meets six times a year. The costs are funded by the Region.

Coaches’ Development Workshops These are one day workshops held at four locations twice a year and provide class-room and pool-side training on specific topics designed to complement the content of IOS training courses. They are aimed at Development coaches.

Coach Development Programme The West Midlands run a Coach Development Program for twelve selected coaches per year consisting of six workshops run by ASA talent and Sports Coach UK. We can look into using this in the South East. The cost will be about £5000.

Mentoring We will support mentoring by senior coaches of those junior coaches undergoing development training, either in a Regional program or a National program.

Bursaries The Region provides bursaries for coaches from Swim21 clubs attending IOS coaches’ courses. These are covered in the General Development Plan. It is

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intended that from next year 2015/16 Coaches to get level 2 and level 3 bursaries will have to show that they have attended the Coaches Development Workshops.

3. Officials

Course Leaders Forum We will support an annual forum of Course Leaders from across the Region so they can be made aware of any changes and so they can share experiences and raise issues they may have with officials training.

Officials Organisers’ Group We will support a meeting of officials, organisers within Counties/Sub-Regions to share experiences – if they feel this would be useful

Referees Forum We will support an annual forum of referees to promote common standards and practice at events across the Region.

Licensing of Officials We will continue to support the provision of CPD courses for officials and pay their Registration fees.

4. Team Managers

Team Manager Training We will promote the training of team managers through IOS/ASA Team Manager Courses, Safeguarding, Time-to-Listen, etc.

Team Manager Group We will form a group of Team Managers from across the Region who will meet to discuss and identify good practice and issues and from whom we will select for the Off-shore camps and Development Workshops (ideally 12)..

5. Open Meets

Licensed Meets Panel We will continue to improve the quality of Open Meets through the Licensed Meets Panel’s processes for approval and review of meets.

Funding for Distance Meets We will continue to fund the pool time for clubs that run distance-only open meets.

6. Championships The Swimming Group will deal with the practical aspects of running the Championships. The Development Group will feed in any issues or comments with regard to how the competition fits in with development.

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7. Key Process Indicators and Funding 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Activities KPI Funding KPI Funding KPI Funding

Support ASA Talent Camps

Camps held within Region

£2,000 Camps held within Region

£2,000 Camps held within Region


Support Beacon Programmes if needed

Beacon programmes continue

£0 Beacon programmes continue

£2,000 Beacon programmes continue


Offshore camp Run off-shore camp £10,000 Run off-shore camp £11,000 Run off-shore camp £12,000

Network Talent Training Schemes

Establish two schemes

£10,000 Two more schemes £20,000 Two more schemes £30,000

Run Coaches forum Forum active £300 Forum active £300 Forum active £300

Coaches’ Development Workshops

Run 8 Workshops £8,000 Run 8 Workshops £8,000 Run 8 Workshops £8,000

Coach Development Course

Run coarse £5,000 Run coarse £5,000

Mentoring 6 coaches mentored £500 6 further coaches £500

Establish Course Leaders Forum

Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300

Establish Officials Organisers’ Group

Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300

Establish Referees Forum

Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300 Meeting held £300

Team Manager Group Establish Group £300 Hold forum £300 Hold forum £300

Licensed Meets Panel Panel active £300 Panel active £300 Panel active £300

Funding for Distance Meets

2 meets per year £1,000 2 meets per year £1,000 2 meets per year £1,000

Total £32,800 £51,300 £64,300

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ASA South East Region Development Plan 2014/15 Draft E September 2014 Page 1

ASA South East Region

Development Plans 2014/17

ASA SER Development Group

Draft E

September 2014

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ASA South East Region Development Plan 2014/15 Draft E September 2014 Page 2

Table of Contents

Overview .................................................................................................................... 3

Vision ......................................................................................................................... 4

Organisation of the Plan ............................................................................................. 4

General Development ................................................................................................ 5

1. Overview ....................................................................................................... 5

2. Teaching ....................................................................................................... 5

3. Coaching ....................................................................................................... 5

4. Athletes ......................................................................................................... 6

5. Participation .................................................................................................. 6

6. Accessibility ................................................................................................... 6

7. Organisation .................................................................................................. 7

8. Officials ......................................................................................................... 8

9. Volunteers ..................................................................................................... 8

10. Increase in Organisation and Support ........................................................... 8

11. Summary of the General Development Plan ................................................. 9

12. KPIs and Funding ........................................................................................ 10

13. Discipline Development Plans ..................................................................... 11

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Overview This document captures the plans for the development of aquatics in the South East Region for the years 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 and moving on into the future. It is based on the Vision for the Region as developed by the Board when the Region was formed.

This draft has been discussed by and agreed by the Development Group, it will be presented to the SER Board for review, improvement and approval..

The South East Region is the largest Region in England based on population and members of the ASA. In terms of producing athletes at international level, it is the dominant region for Synchronized swimming, one of the leaders for Diving, average for Open Water and Disability swimming, but is relatively weak for Speed Swimming and Water Polo.

Development of the sport includes the development of athletes and improvements in the organization at all levels. This includes Clubs, Networks, Counties/Sub-Regions and the Region itself.

Previous versions of the plan have related the activities of the Development Group to the Vision and formed the basis of the work of that group and the funding required for development common to all disciplines. In previous years the Discipline Groups have managed their own development and had their own budgets to fund their activities. During 2013/14 and 2014/15, the Discipline Groups have extended their activities and taken a larger role in developing their discipline of the sport. To support this they are producing their own Development Plans which show their development aims and activities and the funding required to support them.

The plan includes activities that will start or increase over the years covered. The Key Process Indicators and funding needed to support the activities are shown for each year and reflect the increase in activities over the years.

It is expected that the ASA staff will provide leadership, administration and support for the plan and that this will require an increase in paid staff within the Region.

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Vision The Vision for the South East Region as developed by the Board when the Region was formed is expressed in the following statements:

• Every child is taught to swim by a qualified teacher following an accredited

teaching programme • Every swimmer can develop to his or her full potential within an accredited

club-based programme with qualified coaches • Talented athletes in all aquatic disciplines have the opportunity to progress

through long-term athlete development pathways to achieve success on the world stage

• More people swim as part of an active lifestyle, improving health and well-being throughout life, helping create stronger and safer communities

• Swimming is an open sport providing opportunities for all - regardless of age, gender, creed, ethnic origin, ability or disability, economic or social position

• ASA South East Region is pro-active in promoting swimming through organisations, professional staff, volunteers, Counties and Clubs developing and working in partnerships to ensure the provision of facilities, teachers, coaches, officials, programmes and competitions to achieve this vision.

Organisation of the Plan This document is organised as follows:

• The Overview and Vision for the Region • The General Development Plan – covers basic development of clubs,

networks, athletes, teachers, coaches, workforce, volunteers, officials • Discipline Plans – as annexes - cover development of athletes, coaches,

officials specific to the discipline

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General Development

1. Overview The General Development Plan covers those aspects common to all aquatics. It is presented against the items in the SER Vision.

2. Teaching


Every child is taught to swim by a qualified teacher following an accredited teaching programme


Promote the formal qualification and development of teachers


Provide bursaries for teachers in Swim21 clubs to attend standard IOS Teacher Courses at Level 1 and 2.

Run Teacher Workshops to cover areas not included in IOS Teacher Courses but essential for good teachers. Two sets of one day courses delivered at four locations each. Attendance at these courses required for further bursaries.

3. Coaching

Policy Every swimmer can develop to his or her full potential within an accredited club-based programme with qualified coaches.


Promote the formal qualification and development of coaches


Provide bursaries for coaches in Swim21 clubs to attend standard IOS Coaches Courses at Level 1, 2 and 3.

Run Coaches Workshops to cover areas not included in IOS Courses but essential for good coaches. Two sets of one day courses delivered at four locations each. Attendance at these courses required for further bursaries.

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From SER Development Group budget.

4. Athletes


Talented athletes in all aquatic disciplines have the opportunity to progress through long-term athlete development pathways to achieve success on the world stage.


Provide Talent Camps for talented athletes.


Support Talent Development Camps within each discipline


Provide funding to cover camps run by ASA Talent Team. (In discipline plans)

5. Participation


More people swim as part of an active lifestyle, improving health and well-being throughout life, helping create stronger and safer communities


‘Get People Swimming’


ASA, Divisional Business Manager and Aquatic Officers working on Programmes with Pool Operators


Through the ASA staff.

6. Accessibility


Swimming is an open sport providing opportunities for all - regardless of age, gender, creed, ethnic origin, ability or disability, economic or social position

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Enable talented athletes with funding issues to attend Beacon Program and Talent Camps


Provide bursaries for athletes from low-income families to attend Beacon Program

Provide bursaries for talented athletes with excessive travel costs to attend ASA Talent Camps, Training and Qualification meets


Development Group Budget.

7. Organisation


ASA South East Region is pro-active in promoting swimming through organisations, professional staff, volunteers, Counties and Clubs developing and working in partnerships to ensure the provision of facilities, teachers, coaches, officials, programs and competitions to achieve this vision.


Working with and supporting Clubs, Counties, Swim21, Networks, Partnerships, Officials, Volunteers, Teachers, Coaches, and ASA Staff.

Leading the development of Younfg Volunteers and the Youth Forum.


Promote club accreditation through Swim21. Provide support for Swim21 accreditation (RCDO)

Establish Networks of Clubs across the Region so clubs can benefit from helping each other for example with regard to pool time, coaching, open meets, officials, experienced organisers, volunteers, training courses. Provide support through ASA CDO and RCDO.

Promote liaison between Clubs, Counties and the Region through working meetings with Counties, Club Chairs, others at County Development Days and Executive meetings.


Swim21 panel costs – Development Group Budget

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Meetings to establish Networks

Support working meetings for Swim21, Club Chairs, Counties

Provide funding for Swim21 Network set-up and programs

8. Officials Officials training – for swimming organized through Counties, for other Disciplines – through their Discipline Group/Plans

Pay Officials Licensing fees

9. Volunteers Provide support for CPD courses

Organise the development of Young Volunteers through training days and mentoring within their clubs. Establish and support the Regional Youth Forum of selected Young Volunteers. Young Volunteers and Youth Forum: Development Group Budget.

Support for Aqua force Awards

10. Increase in Organisation and Support Up to the present, development activities have been supported by the ASA and Regional Staff.

Rosa Gallop, Helen Mack and Bryony Gibbs have been involved in proposing, arranging, organising and evaluating various programs including Bursaries, the Diving Talent Scheme, and the Swimming Overseas Camp; which have been in addition to their standard work in Club Support and Networks, Swim21 and Administration and Finance. The additional activities being brought into the development in the South East will need a significant increase in work that will not be possible within the current available effort. A preliminary estimate is that this support will be of the order of one person half time. This needs to be further clarified and the means o providing this support discussed within the Regional Board and with the DBM.

Note: In principle the KPI and Funding table includes current staff paid by the Region.

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11. Summary of the General Development Plan Why = ASA South East Region Policy What How

• Every child is taught to swim by a qualified teacher following an accredited teaching programme

Promote the formal qualification of teachers

Provide bursaries for teachers in Swim21 clubs

• Every swimmer can develop to his or her full potential within an accredited club-based programme with qualified coaches

Promote the formal qualification of coaches

Provide bursaries for coaches in Swim21 clubs

Promote the development of coaches

Support training days for Coaches

• Talented athletes in all aquatic disciplines have the opportunity to progress through long-term athlete development pathways to achieve success on the world stage

Support Talent Development Camps

Provide funding to part cover camps run by ASA Talent Team

• More people swim as part of an active lifestyle, improving health and well-being throughout life, helping create stronger and safer communities

‘Get People Swimming’

RD and AOs working with Pool Operators

• Swimming is an open sport providing opportunities for all - regardless of age, gender, creed, ethnic origin, ability or disability, economic or social position

Enable talented athletes with funding issues to attend Beacon Programme and Talent Camps

Provide bursaries for athletes from low-income families to attend Beacon Programme

Provide bursaries for talented athletes with excessive travel costs to attend ASA Talent Camps, Training and Qualification meets

• ASA South East Region is pro-active in promoting swimming through organisations, professional staff, volunteers, Counties and Clubs developing and working in partnerships to ensure the proPolicy of facilities, teachers, coaches, officials, programmes and competitions to achieve this Policy.

Promote club accreditation through Swim21

Provide support for Swim21 accreditation (RCDO)

Fund Swim21 panel costs

Promote liaison between Clubs, Counties and Region

Support working meetings for Swim21, Club Chairs, Counties

Promote clubs working in partnership

Provide funding for Swim21 Network set-up and programmes

Develop Licensed Officials

Officials training (provided through Counties and Discipline Groups)

Pay Officials Licensing fees

Ensure clubs have access to training for volunteers

Provide support for CPD courses

Support Young Volunteers Programme.

Recognise volunteers

Support for Aquaforce Awards

Provide organization and support for further development activities

Increase the support provided by professional staff

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12. KPIs and Funding 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Activities KPI Funding KPI Funding KPI Funding Teachers Bursaries 50 L1&l2 provided £20,000 50 L1&l2 provided £20,000 50 L1&l2 provided £20,000 Teachers Workshops 4 worshops held £8,000 4 worshops held £8,000 Coaches Bursaries 50 L1, L2, L3 £20,000 50 L1, L2, L3 £20,000 50 L1, L2, L3 £20,000 Coaches Workshops 8 workshops per year £8,000 8 workshops per year £8,000 8 workshops per year £8,000 Support athletes to attend Beacon Programmes

All selected from low-income families

£1,250 All selected from low-income families

£1,250 All selected from low-income families


Swim21 panel Maintain no of Swim21 clubs

£500 Maintain no of Swim21 clubs

£500 Maintain no of Swim21 clubs £500

Swim21 network meetings

4 potential networks £200 4 potential networks £200 4 potential networks £200

Working meetings for club chairs

6 groups of chairs £400 6 groups of chairs £400 6 groups of chairs £400

Swim21 network set-up 2 new networks £4,000 2 new networks £6,000 2 new networks £6,000 Officials- Pay Licence Fees

Maintain number of Licensed officials

£1,000 Maintain number of Licensed officials

£1,000 Maintain number of Licensed officials


Support CPD courses for volunteers

10 courses supported £2,000 10 courses supported £2,000 10 courses supported £2,000

Support Young Volunteers 4 training days £1800 4 training days £1800 4 training days £1800 Youth Forum 4 meetings per year £500 4 meetings per year £500 4 meetings per year £500 Support Aquaforce awards

Support for Nat and Regional awards

£500 Support for Nat and Regional awards

£500 Support for Nat and Regional awards


Increase administration support for development

Increase number/hours of regional staff

£50,000 Increase number/hours of regional staff

£60,000 Maintain level of staff £60,000

Total £110,150 £130,150 £130,150

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13. Discipline Development Plans

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PROPOSAL FOR SOUTH EAST REGION DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND EMPLOYMENT OF FURTHER REGIONAL CLUB DEVELOPMENT OFFICER A PURPOSE OF REPORT To inform the Board of Development Plans for the sport within the South East and propose that the Board employs a further Regional Club Development Officer to support these activities. B PROPOSED ACTION The Board is asked:

• to approve the Development Plans in general, • to agree to the funding of activities in the plans that can be carried

out within the remainder of the current financial year through to variation of budgets,

• to request that disciplines base their future budgets on development plans for their area,

• to agree to the recruitment of a further RCDO, • to agree the Terms of Reference for the post • to act to make the appointment.


1 Draft development plans for general development and the development of Speed Swimming have been produced by the Development Group and were circulated Board prior to their last meeting. A minor update has been made to the general development plan to separate out the activities regarding Young Volunteers. Plans for the Development of Diving and Waterpolo are being produced and it is expected that plans for all disciplines will be produced.

2 Up to now the Region has operated on the basis that Competition and Development of the Sport is the responsibility of the Discipline groups and they submit Annual Budgets which are approved by the Board. However, some groups have not been pro-active in developing the sport, have not associated development activities with their budget, and have repeated the same budget year on year, or left major development activities, such as overseas camps, out of their budget.

3 Over the last year the Development Group has worked on the introduction and monitoring of the Regional Diving Talent Programme and the Swimming Overseas Camp. It is also working with the Water Polo group on their development activities.

4 The Development Plans are being produced to clearly state what the activities are, what they are expected to achieve and what budget is needed to carry them out. These will then form the basis of the budgets.

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5 At the SER Board Meeting on 4 September 2014, the plans were briefly discussed under Any Other Business. It was pointed out that a further Club Development Officer would be needed to support the extended activities contained in the plan. Part of the discussion was that the Terms of Reference had not been produced but was required. A draft Terms of Reference has now been produced.

6 The Board currently has two development officers, one employed by the ASA and reporting into Loughborough, and one paid for by the Region and employed through Freedom Leisure.

7 Whereas some of the objectives of the ASA and the Region are common and there is a sharing of some objectives (for example the Region’s Club Development Officer does a lot of work with clubs achieving Swim21), the Region has no control over the ASA Club Development Officer and their post, agenda and objectives can be changed at any time. To date such changes have typically occurred every two years, which has not been helpful. It is therefore felt that the activities within the plans which re specific to the Region should be covered by the Regional Development Officers.

8 The Board is urged to deal with this matter in an active and timely manner. Leaving this till the budget round due for the next financial year and allowing for a three month lead time to make an appointment would mean it would be implemented around June 2015.

John Davies 29.09.14

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Author: John Davies Dept: SER Development Date: September 2014

Job Description

JOB TITLE: South East Regional Club Development Officer (additional post)

RESPONSIBLE TO: Divisional Business Manager SALARY: Dependent on experience – All hours LOCATION: To work from home, but travel to meetings across the

South East Region

JOB PURPOSE: To promote and implement the strategic objectives of the ASA South East Region for the development aquatics within the Region.

Requirements of the role

1. To work with members of the Regional Groups, Counties and Clubs, including travel for evening and weekend meetings.

2. To support the development and implementation of Development Plans for the South East.

3. To work with other ASA departments to support wider ASA South East Region objectives.

4. To implement and support activities for the development of aquatics in general and within the specific disciplines.

5. To implement and support projects such as the establishment of Swim21 Networks and Coaches Development Workshops.

6. To monitor, evaluate and report on performance against agreed targets and work areas.

7. To work with the ASA Club Development Officer and existing South East Regional Club Development Officer to ensure co-ordination of activities.

8. To comply with all policies set down by the association, in particular policies relating Equality & Diversity.

9. To undertake any other reasonable duties as directed by the South East Region Board and Development Group.

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Author: John Davies Dept: SER Development Date: September 2014

Person Specification & Competencies

Skills Essential Desirable 1. Ability to absorb and impart factual information to others E 2. Ability to analyse and interpret data D 3. Work within organisation standard operating procedures E 4. Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) E 5. Ability to work on own and as part of a team E 6. Proven numeracy and literacy skills E 7. Excellent time management skills E 8. Ability to prioritise and deliver across multiple work areas E 9. Ability to apply business planning principles E 10. Ability to problem solve E 11. Ability to identify and deliver the appropriate approach to a range of

stakeholders D

Knowledge 12. A levels or Equivalent E 13. Degree level or Equivalent D 14. Understanding of sports development D 15. Understanding of swimming D 16. Understanding of commercial operations D 17. Understanding of the health agenda D 18. Business and financial knowledge within the sector D

Experience 19. Previous experience in sports development, leisure or physical activity

sectors D

20. Experience of managing the implementation of programmes D 21. Experience of working within a business environment that focuses on

financial performance D

22. Experience of customer relationship management E 23. Experience of working with CRM systems D 24. Experience of working with volunteers and clubs E

Approach 25. Portray a positive image of yourself and the organisation E 26. Participative and self confident E 27. Consistent and effective delivery of work E 28. Able to work flexibly E

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Alan Lewis reports that the Development Group considered, at its meeting on 18 September 2014, an application for a bursary from Trevor Jones, the Water Polo Secretary. However, Trevor’s club is not Swim 21 accredited, although they are in the process of taking the first tentative steps towards it. Therefore, the Development Group was unable to approve the application.

Alan says that, “in view of the tremendous amount of work he [Trevor] has done and is continuing to do for Polo in our Region, virtually keeping everything going for a number of years, we would like to propose that we make, subject to Board approval, a discretionary/ex-gratia payment of £200 to cover some of the cost of the course”.

The Board’s decision is sought.

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Service Standard

South and West Division – Service Standard for the Regional Management Board

South East Region

The DBM will;

1. Provide day to day line management for the regionally employed officers (club development) however any work programme will be set by the Regional Management Board.

2. Provide an update report on divisional activity to each Regional Management Board meeting.

3. Commit to attend one meeting at least 6 monthly of the Regional Management Board or other regional meeting, if requested.

4. Provide a 6 monthly state of play report compiling all activities of the Aquatic Officers and any other Divisional staff, to be circulated to the Regional Management Board.

5. Meet monthly as requested with the Chair of the Regional Management Board. 6. Provide administration support, through the services of an administrator, as detailed

below; 10 – 15 hours administration time per week. Website management Financial management through SAGE Administration of license meets Administration of bursary scheme Annual council meeting preparation and organisation Annual report collation Utilising ASA PC / laptop and ASA IT services Use of the ASA phone and internet line Minutes secretariat provided for the RMB meetings, to an amount no more

than £850 per annum. This shall be invoiced to the ASA on a quarterly basis. 7. For the year 2014-15 there will be no cost of this administration support within the

boundaries identified above. Any additional requirement will be chargeable.

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South and West Divisional Team Update

With the departure of Alison Usher, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the interim arrangements. I am pleased to report that Alan Green will move to a Team Leader role, this decision has been taken to ensure that you as a team are supported.

Lesley Hill Central Divisional Business Manager will provide support to Alan.

Please note that your first point of call should be with Alan Green.

Key responsibilities of the Team Leader Team Leader will:

• Manage and support the Aquatic Officers – this will be carried out in a variety of different ways,

skype, team meetings and one to ones • Manage and support the Office Manager and the Administrative Support Staff • Support the Regionally Funded Club Officers • Be the point of contact for all work related matters • Ensure all work areas are carried out to meet business objectives and agreed KPIs • Ensure the relationship with both Regional Management Boards are maintained and are supported

in line with the agreed Service Level agreements • Attend GPS Management meetings

What the Team leader will not be doing:

• Attending meetings with staff unless agreed in advance • Finance – this area of work will be dealt with by the Divisional office and Lesley Hill, however Alan

Green will be involved with the process In order to fulfill the key responsibilities, Alan will be dedicating the equivalent of two days a week to the role.

It is never easy in a time of change but I hope you will support Alan in his role and enable him to provide the support you all deserve in the coming weeks. Your primary contact will be Alan who will liaise with Lesley however as you all know my approach has always meant that I have an “open door” policy so you can contact me directly if you feel the need. I say this because The South & West Divisional team are a very strong unit with a great mix of skills and experience and an asset to the GPS team, I will work hard to find the right replacement as soon as possible in order to minimise the impact on the team.

Thank you for your patience.


Paul Davies Director - GPS

Regional Management Board · 2015-08-09 · Regional Management Board Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October 2014 1 Regional Management Board Minutes of the meeting held on Monday - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.