Real Gummy Bear Recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Elizabeth Marek · This post may contain affiliate links · 98 Comments

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This gummy bear recipe is perfect for customizing your own flavors and colors. I also use this recipe in my breakfast in bed tutorial for realistic looking eggs that are actually gummies! There are so many things you can do with this authentic gummy recipe.

This recipe is similar to my homemade candy gummies recipe but with a special ingredient added for that classic gummy bear texture.

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (1)

The best part is, these do not need to be refrigerated. Just like real gummy bears, you can put these in a bag and eat them at any time.

There are some special ingredients in this recipe that you will probably have to buy ahead of time though so be sure to check out the shopping list before you start.

What ingredients do you need to make a real gummy bear recipe?

Before you get started, get your ingredients together. You will probably need to order some of these online but shipping is fast and easy!

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (2)

Granulated Sugar - The main sweetener in this recipe which you probably already have
Water or flavored liquid like juice - I like to use water and then use candy flavorings and food coloring for my gummy bears but you can use fruit juice and leave out the granulated sugar for a healthier option.
Glucose - Gives the gummy bears that chewy texture and keeps them nice and soft. you can also replace glucose with corn syrup, golden syrup or honey for a more natural option.
Sorbitol - The magic ingredient for that perfectly textured gummy bear. You can leave this out if you absolutely do not want to order it but your gummy bears will be little softer in texture.
Gelatin - Helps set the gummy bears and gives them a nice chew. You can replace gelatin with agar agar if you would like a vegetarian option but be sure to follow the substitution suggestions on the box.
Citric Acid - This is actually really easy to find in grocery stores with the canning supplies. Citric acid is that sour taste from citrus fruits and gives gummy bears that tart flavor.
Candy Flavoring - I'm using Lorran oils candy flavoring which can be found at stores that sell candy making supplies like Michaels or Joanns. If you're using juice you can leave this part out.

What tools do you need for this gummy bear recipe?

It's pretty hard to make gummy bears without a gummy bear mold! I got this one off of Amazon and it came with three droppers as well. A great deal!

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (3)

It's also a good idea to have a scale for measuring your ingredients. Using cups is not super accurate so your results may not turn out the same if you try to convert. Read my blog post on how to use a kitchen scale for baking.

The only other tools you will need are a medium-sized saucepan and some food coloring if you want to color your gummy bears.

How do you make a real gummy bear recipe?

Making the actual gummy bear recipe is super simple. Pour your gelatin into your water or juice and stir to combine. Let the gelatin absorb the liquid for 5 minutes.

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (4)

Combine together your sugar, corn syrup and sorbitol in your saucepan and bring it to a simmer. Then add in your gelatin mixture and stir until it's all melted. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in your citric acid. Let your mixture sit for 5-10 minutes so the foam can rise to the surface.

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (5)

Scoop off your foam. If you don't scoop off the foam, it won't go away later. I just use a spoon.

Divide your gummy bear mixture into three bowls. I poured mine through a strainer to remove any lumps of sugar or gelatin left behind.

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (6)

Next, add in your candy flavoring. I chose raspberry, strawberry and tropical punch. My bottles came with a dropper so I used about two full droppers per bowl. I guess about ½ teaspoon of flavoring.

Then I added in a drop of food coloring. Pink for the. strawberry, blue for the raspberry and yellow for the tropical punch.

Making the gummy bears

I sprayed my mold with some grapeseed oil first so that the gummies come out nice and shiny and it prevents sticking. Spray the molds then turn them upside down on some paper towels to drain the excess oil out.

Real Gummy Bear Recipe (7)

All that's left to do is use the dropper tool to fill our mold. You should have just enough gummy bear mixture to fill all three of your molds all the way to the top.

Put your molds into the fridge for 6-24 hours before unmolding them!

Can you make these gummy bears with alcohol?

You can make these gummy bears grownup gummies by substituting the water for wine or vodka! Makes a great gift or treat for a party!

You might also like these gummy recipes
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Real Gummy Bear Recipe (8)

Gummy Bear Recipe

This gummy bear recipe makes shelf-stable gummy bears that taste just like the real thing! Switch up the flavors and colors and make them unique

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

cooling: 6 hours hours

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Servings: 105 gummy bears

Calories: 60kcal

Author: Elizabeth Marek


  • Food Scale

  • Gummy Bear Molds


  • 8 ounces granulated sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons sorbitol
  • 8 ounces corn syrup glucose, honey or golden syrup can be subbed
  • 6 ounces cool water fruit juice, wine or vodka can be subbed
  • 44 grams KNOX gelatin about 6 packets
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid leave out if you're using alcohol
  • 1 ½ teaspoon candy flavoring I used raspberry, strawberry and tropical punch

US Customary - Metric


  • Combine gelatin, and water (or flavored liquid) in a heatproof container. Stir gently to combine. Let sit for 5 minutes to give your gelatin time to bloom.

  • Combine together the corn syrup, sugar, and sorbitol in a medium saucepan. Stir gently to combine. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat.

  • Once simmering, wash down the sides of the pan with water using a clean pastry brush to make sure any stray grains of sugar is dissolved fully.

  • Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in your citric acid and gelatin mixture with a spatula until gelatin is melted.

  • Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and allow the mixture to clear and foam to collect at the top. After 10 minutes the foam should be able to be easily scooped off the surface with a spoon.

  • Divide your mixture by straining the liquid into three bowls and add in any coloring or candy flavorings that you want. I used pink, blue and yellow food coloring.

  • Spray your molds lightly with some oil and wipe out the excess. Pour your mixture into your molds.

  • Let your gummy bears chill in the fridge for 6 hours until the bears are set but 24 hours is best. Once they are set they can be stored at room temperature.



Serving: 20gummy bears | Calories: 60kcal | Carbohydrates: 12g | Fat: 1g | Sodium: 1mg | Sugar: 12g | Calcium: 1mg

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Real Gummy Bear Recipe (2024)
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