Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More (2024)

This past month, my four-year-old landed a second-degree burn on his leg, thanks to a cup of accidentally spilled hot cocoa. Thankfully I had an herbal burn salve in our medicine cabinet that was a perfect remedy for this painful situation.

The Story

Now isn’t that just the way things tend to happen? Kids always seem to get hurt when mom isn’t right there watching them. Here I was, stealing some peaceful moments nursing my one month old while my three older children enjoyed a snack, when all of a sudden, I’m startled out of my cuddle session by a blood-curdling scream… that lasted… and lasted… and lasted.

Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More (1)

I found him gripping his clothes, tears streaming down his cheeks, and sobbing so much he couldn’t even tell me what happened. However, his big brother was there to let me know he’d accidentally dropped his hot cocoa, right on his brother’s leg.I applied cold cloths to his leg until the heat had died down (as in it didn’t feel all that hot to touch any longer). Finally, I got a good look at his burn, and he was now able to tell me exactly what had happened.

It looked bad. The skin was peeling off and blisters were forming around it. I knew it was a second degree burn as it had made its way through the first layer of skin, and I knew I needed to handle this in a way that would help the burn heal without becoming infected and without leaving much of a scar.

The Plan

I knew just what to do seeing as how my 2-year- old had burned himself on our wood stove this past winter, and I’d used my homemade burn cream on it with much success. Unfortunately, the burn cream I’d previously made was no longer good, but I did find another herbal treasure in my cabinet: an all-purpose healing salve that contained some great herbs for burns.

I applied the salve to a non-stick bandage every evening before bed and removed it during the day so it could get some air. During the day, when the bandage was off, I applied the oil to the burn several times a day as calendula is a well-known herb for burns. I repeated this daily until the burn was completely covered by new, pink skin.

Since then, I’ve kept using the calendula infused oil only every day. His burn continues to look better and is showing no signs of scarring, I’m happy to report!

Herbal Burn Salve Recipe

So I bet you’re wondering what was in this burn salve and how it was made, right? Well, no worries. I have the burn salve recipe for you below.

Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More (2)

Herbal Burn Salve

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1 cup organic extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons organic comfrey leaf
2 tablespoons organic calendula flowers
2 tablespoons organic plantain leaf
2 tablespoons wilted St. john’s wort flowers (dried tops will work as well)
1 ounce beeswax
50 drops of lavender essential oil


  • In a double boiler, pour olive oil in top pan followed by dried herbs.
  • Heat over low heat for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat. Strain and compost herbs, reserving infused oil.
  • Melt beeswax in a clean pan over low heat.
  • Once melted, add herbal infused oil and lavender essential oil. Mix well.
  • Quickly pour salve into tins or glass jars and allow to cool before placing lids on and labeling.

About These Herbs for Burns

The herbs used in the herbal burn salve recipe above are commonly used herbs for burns. Below I’ll briefly explain each of these herbs and how they’re beneficial to using on burns.

Comfrey: Contains allantoin, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that speeds would healing and stimulates growth of new skin cells.

Calendula: Contains antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties which make it ideal for burns, and it is thought to increase oxygen flow to wounds in order to speed up healing.

Plantain:Like comfrey, it too contains allantoin, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that speeds would healing and stimulates growth of new skin cells. We also use plantain for bee stings, which you can learn more about here!

St. John’s wort: Contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, and is thought to help wounds heal more rapidly and with less chance of scarring.

Don’t know where to get these herbs? We recommend checking out Mountain Rose Herbs with online ordering options!

The Moral of this Herbal Burn Salve Story

The reason I’m sharing this story and recipe with you today is because you never know when something like this is going to happen… a complete, unexpected accident. I’m so thankful that I had a few herbal options available to me to use in this situation, and I’m thankful that if I didn’t have anything pre-made in my medicine cabinet, it wouldn’t have taken me long to whip this salve up with these four herbs that are always found in my herb closet.

Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More (3)

Be prepared by keeping common herbs on hand as well as ready-to-use herbal preparations. You never know when you’ll need them.

Check out Herbal Academy’s online herbal courses for more information on learning and using herbs.


Duke, James A. (2000) The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More (2024)


How do you make homemade burn salve? ›

Simply mix the lavender oil, honey and olive oil together and put in a glass jar. To use it, slather it over the burn, and cover it the injury site with dressing or bandage. That's it! Try this recipe, and keep it on hand … just in case!

How do you make the best comfrey salve? ›

The steps
  1. Gently remove dried comfrey leaves from their stems; crumble into mason jar.
  2. Pour carrier oil over dried comfrey leaves to the top of the jar. Cover with tight lid.
  3. Shake gently every day, strain after 3 weeks; it is good for 3 months.

What herb combinations for salves? ›

Salve for scrapes and burns
  • 8 oz. herb-infused oil using equal parts comfrey leaf (Symphytum sp.), oregon grape root (Berberis aquifolium), and calendula (Calendula officinalis)
  • 1–2 drops lavender essential oil (Lavandula sp.)
Feb 21, 2019

What is calendula and comfrey salve used for? ›

It is used to help with issues affecting skin, ligaments, muscles and respiratory system. Cuts, scratches, abrasions, stretched ligaments or muscles, minor burns, once well cleaned, benefit greatly from the application of an herbal ointment. It protects, soothes and assists with skin repair.

What are the side effects of calendula salve? ›

Calendula might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Some medications, called sedatives, can also cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking calendula with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.

What is the best natural burn salve? ›

Aloe Vera. Aloe vera has long been used to speed up the healing of first- and second-degree burns. In fact, one study found that people who used aloe vera on a burn healed faster than those who used another traditional remedy: petroleum jelly covered in gauze.

What is the best salve for burns? ›

Popular over-the-counter burn ointments include:
  • Bacitracin.
  • Polysporin (bacitracin / polymyxin B)
  • Neosporin (bacitracin / polymyxin B / neomycin)
Feb 13, 2024

What is the best homemade ointment for burns? ›

Aloe vera gel

Applying aloe vera gel to the burned area can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This natural remedy is known for its skin-repairing properties and can stimulate healing in the affected area. For maximum effectiveness, use pure aloe vera gel rather than products containing added ingredients.

What should you not do with comfrey? ›

You should never take comfrey by mouth. The toxic substances in comfrey can be absorbed by the skin. Even creams and ointments should be used for only a short time, and only under a doctor's supervision. DO NOT use comfrey on open wounds or broken skin.

Does comfrey salve really work? ›

Researchers have found it does seem to reduce pain in some conditions, including back pain, osteoarthritis, and ankle sprains. However, comfrey can also contain toxic substances called pyrrolizidine alkaloids that cause liver damage, cancer, and death.

How long do homemade salves last? ›

It's easy to adjust the consistency of a salve by adding a bit more oil to make it more spreadable or more beeswax to thicken or harden it. Homemade salves without any preservative agents will last about 6 to 8 months at room temperature out of direct heat and sunlight. Refrigerated, they'll keep for a year or more.

How to make a herbal healing salve? ›

Place beeswax in a double boiler and gently warm over low heat until the beeswax melts. Add herbal oils and stir over low heat until well-mixed. Remove from heat and add the essential oil(s). Quickly pour warm mixture into prepared tins, glass jars, or lip balm tubes and allow to cool completely.

How to make a salve from calendula? ›

How to Make Calendula Salve
  1. 4 oz infused calendula oil (Calendula officinalis) by volume.
  2. 1 oz grated or beaded beeswax (substitute carnauba wax for a vegan salve) by volume.
  3. Vitamin E oil, optional (For every 5 ounces of salve, add 1 capsule of vitamin E oil, or a ¼ teaspoon of liquid vitamin E oil.)

What is the best oil to infuse calendula? ›

The best carrier oils are organic, don't have a strong scent, and are liquid at room temperature. Orange calendula flowers turn the carrier oil orange over time. Many people use olive oil to make calendula oil since it's easy to find, has a long shelf-life, and can be used in many different skincare formulas.

How do you make salve from fresh comfrey? ›

You can make this by combining eight tablespoons of olive oil and eight of coconut oil in a pan on a low heat. Then add the comfrey as directed in step 2. Once the mixture has been strained, return to the pan on a low heat and melt in four tablespoons of beeswax pellets.

How do you make comfrey ointment at home? ›

Making comfrey ointment: this is how it works
  1. Clean and grate the comfrey roots.
  2. Make oil extract with coconut oil: simmer for 1 to 2 hours on a low heat and then sieve.
  3. Melt the beeswax and mix with the oil extract.
  4. Fill the ointment and leave to cool.
May 12, 2023

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