Asher, Chavivi, Gilad, and More Popular Hebrew Boy Names (2024)

Naming a new baby can be an exciting if daunting task. But it doesn't have to be with this list of Hebrew names for boys. Research the meanings behind the names and their connections to the Jewish faith. You're sure to find a name that's best for you and your family. Mazel Tov!

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "A"

Adam:means "man, mankind"​

Adiel:means "adorned by God" or "God is my witness."​

Aharon (Aaron):Aharon was the older brother of Moshe (Moses).​

Akiva:Rabbi Akiva was a1st-centuryscholar and teacher.​

Alon:means "oak tree."​

Ami:means "my people."​

Amos:Amos was an8th-centuryprophet from northern Israel.​

Ariel:Ariel is a name for Jerusalem. It means "lion of God."​

Aryeh:Aryeh was an army officer in the Bible. Aryeh means "lion."​

Asher:Asher was a son of Yaakov (Jacob) and hence the name for one of the tribes of Israel. The symbol for this tribe is the olive tree. Asher means “blessed, fortunate, happy” inHebrew.​

Avi:means "my father."​

Avichai:means "my father (or God) is lives."​

Aviel:means "my father is God."​

Aviv:means "spring, springtime."​

Avner:Avner was King Saul's uncle and army commander. Avner means "father (or God) of light."​

Avraham (Abraham):Avraham (Abraham) was the father of the Jewish people.​

Avram:Avram was the original name of Abraham.​

Ayal:"deer, ram."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "B"

Barak:means "lightning." Barak was a soldier in the Bible during the time of the female Judge named Deborah.

Bar:means "grain, pure, possessor of" in Hebrew. Bar means "son (of), wild, outside" in Aramaic.

Bartholomew:From the Aramaic and Hebrew words for “hill” or “furrow.”

Baruch:Hebrew for “blessed.”

Bela:From the Hebrew words for “swallow” or “engulf” Bela was the name of one of Jacob’s grandson’s in the Bible.

Ben:means "son."

Ben-Ami:Ben-Ami means "son of my people."

Ben-Zion:Ben-Zion means "son of Zion."

Benyamin (Benjamin):Benyamin was Jacob's youngest son. Benyamin means "son of my right hand" (the connotation is of "strength").

Boaz:Boaz was King David's great-grandfather andRuth'shusband.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "C"

Calev:the spy sent by Moses into Canaan.

Carmel:means "vineyard" or "garden." The name “Carmi” means “my garden.

Carmiel:means "God is my vineyard."

Chacham:Hebrew for “wise one.

Chagai:means "my holiday(s), festive."

Chai:means "life."Chaiis also an important symbol in Jewish culture.

Chaim:means "life." (Also spelled Chayim)

Cham:From the Hebrew word for “warm.”

Chanan:Chanan means "grace."

Chasdiel:Hebrew for “my God is gracious.”

Chavivi:Hebrew for “my beloved” or “my friend.”

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "D"

Dan:means "judge." Dan was Jacob's son.

Daniel:Daniel was an interpreter of dreams in the Book of Daniel. Daniel was a pious and wise man in the Book of Ezekiel. Daniel means "God is my judge."

David:David is derived from the Hebrew word for “beloved.”Davidwas the name of the Biblical hero who slew Goliath and became one of Israel’s greatest kings.

Dor:From the Hebrew word for “generation.”

Doran:means "gift." Pet variants include Dorian and Doron. “Dori” means “my generation.”

Dotan:Dotan, place in Israel, means "law."

Dov:means "bear."

Dror:Dror mountain "freedom" and "bird (swallow)."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning with "E"

Edan:Edan (also spelled Idan) means "era, historic period."

Efraim:Efraim was Jacob's grandson.


Elad:Elad, from Ephraim's tribe, means "God is eternal."

Eldad:Hebrew for “beloved of God.”

Elan:Elan (also spelled Ilan) means "tree."

Eli:Eli was a High Priest and the last of the Judges in the Bible.

Eliezer:There were three Eliezers in the Bible: Abraham's servant, Moses' son, a prophet. Eliezer means "my God helps."

Eliahu (Elijah):Eliahu (Elijah) was a prophet.

Eliav:“God is my father” in Hebrew.

Elisha:Elisha was a prophet and Elijah's student.

Eshkol:means "cluster of grapes."

Even:means "stone" in Hebrew.

Ezra:Ezra was a priest and scribe who led the return from Babylon and the movement to rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem along with Nehemiah. Ezra means “help” in Hebrew.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "F"

There are few masculine names that begin with the “F” sound in Hebrew, however, in Yiddish F names include:

Feivel: (“bright one”)

Fromel: which is a diminutive form of Avraham.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "G"

Gal:means "wave."

Gil:means "joy."

Gad:Gad was Jacob's son in the Bible.

Gavriel (Gabriel):Gavriel (Gabriel) is the name of an angel that visited Daniel in the Bible. Gavriel means "God is my strength.

Gershem:means “rain” in Hebrew. In the Bible Gershem was an adversary of Nehemiah.

Gidon (Gideon):Gidon (Gideon) was a warrior-hero in the Bible.

Gilad:Gilad was the name of a mountain in the Bible. The name means "endless joy."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning with "H"

Hadar:From the Hebrew words for “beautiful, ornamented” or “honored.”

Hadriel:means “Splendor of the Lord.”

Haim:A variant of Chaim

Haran:From the Hebrew words for “mountaineer” or “mountain people.”

Harel:means "mountain of God."

Hevel:means "breath, vapor.”

Hila:Abbreviated version of the Hebrew word tehila,meaning “praise.” Also, Hilai or Hilan.

Hillel:Hillel was a Jewish scholar in the first century B.C.E. Hillel means praise.

Hod:Hod was a member of Asher's tribe. Hod means "splendor."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "I"

Idan:Idan (also spelled Edan) means "era, historic period."

Idi:The name of a 4th-century scholar mentioned in the Talmud.

Ilan:Ilan (also spelled Elan) means "tree"

Ir:means “city or town.”

Yitzhak (Issac):Isaac was Abraham's son in the Bible.Yitzhakmeans "he will laugh.”

Isaiah:From the Hebrew for “God is my salvation.” Isaiah was one of theprophets of the Bible.

Israel:Thename was givento Jacob after he wrestled with an angel and also the name of the State ofIsrael. In Hebrew, Israel means “to wrestle with God.”

Issachar:Issachar was Jacob's son in the Bible. Issachar means "there is a reward."

Itai:Itai was one of David's warriors in the Bible. Itai means "friendly."

Itamar:Itamar was Aharon's son in the Bible. Itamar means "island of palm (trees)."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "J"

Jacob( Yaacov):means “held by the heel.” Jacob is one of the Jewish patriarchs.

Jeremiah:means “God will loosen the bonds” or “God will uplift.” Jeremiah was one of the Hebrew prophets in the Bible.

Jethro:means "abundance, riches.” Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law.

Job:Job was the name of a righteous man who was persecuted by Satan (the adversary) and whose story is recounted in the Book of Job.

Jonathan (Yonatan):Jonathan was King Saul’s son andKing David’sbest friend in the Bible. The name means “God has given.”

Jordan:The name of the Jordan river in Israel. Originally “Yarden,” it means "to flow down, descend."

Joseph (Yosef):Joseph was thesonof Jacob and Rachel in the Bible. The name means “God will add or increase.”

Joshua (Yehoshua):Joshua was Moses' successor as leader of the Israelites in the Bible. Joshua means “the Lord is my salvation.”

Josiah:​means“fire of the Lord.” In the Bible Josiah was a king who ascended the throne at the age of eight when his father was murdered.

Judah (Yehuda):Judah was the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. The name means “praise.”

Joel (Yoel):Joel was a prophet. Yoel means "God is willing."

Jonah (Yonah):Jonah was a prophet. Yonah means "dove."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "K"

Karmiel:Hebrew for “God is my vineyard.” Also spelled Carmiel.

Katriel:means "God is my crown.”​

Kefir:means "young cub or lion.”

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "L"

Lavan:means "white.”

Lavi:means "lion."

Levi:Levi was Jacob andLeah’sson in the Bible. The name means “joined” or “attendant upon.”

Lior:means "I have light."

Liron, Liran:means "I have joy."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "M"

Malach: means "messenger or angel.”

Malachi:Malachi was a prophet in the Bible.

Malkiel:means “my King is God.”

Matan: means "gift."

Maor:means "light."

Maoz:means "strength of the Lord.”

Matityahu:Matityahu was the father of Judah Maccabi. Matityahu means "gift of God."

Mazal:means “star” or “luck.”

Meir (Meyer):means "light."

Menashe:Menashe was Joseph's son. The name means “causing to forget.”

Merom:means "heights.” Merom was the name of a place where Joshua won one of his military victories.

Micah:Micah was a prophet.

Michael:Michael was anangel and messengerofGod in the Bible. The name means “Who is like God?”

Mordechai:Mordechai was Queen Esther's cousin in the Book of Esther. The name means “warrior, warlike.”

Moriel:means “God is my guide.”

Moses (Moshe):Moseswas a prophet and leader in the Bible. He brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Moses means “drawn out (of the water)” in Hebrew.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "N"

Nachman: means“comforter.”

Nadav:means "generous” or “noble.” Nadav was the eldest son of the High Priest Aaron.

Naftali:means “to wrestle.” Naftali was the sixth son of Jacob. (Also spelled Naphtali)

Natan:Natan (Nathan) was the prophet in the Bible who reprimandedKingDavid forhis treatment of Uriah the Hittite. Natan means “gift.”

Natanel (Nathaniel):Natanel (Nathaniel) was King David's brother in the Bible. Natanel means "God gave."

Nechemya:Nechemya means "comforted by God.”

Nir:means "to plow” or “to cultivate a field.”

Nissan:Nissan is the name of a Hebrew month and means “banner, emblem” or “miracle.”

Nissim:Nissim is derived from the Hebrew words for “signs” or miracles.”

Nitzan:means "bud (of a plant)."

Noach (Noah):Noach (Noah) was a righteous man who God commanded to build an ark in preparation for theGreat Flood. Noah means “rest, quiet, peace.”

Noam: -means "pleasant."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "O"

Oded:means "to restore."

Ofer:means "young mountain goat” or “young deer.”

Omer:means "sheaf (of wheat)."

Omr:Omri was a king of Israel who sinned.

Or (Orr): means "light."

Oren:means "pine (or cedar) tree.”

Ori: means "my light."

Otniel: means "strength of God."

Ovadya: means "servant of God."

Oz: means "strength."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "P"

Pardes:From the Hebrew for “vineyard” or “citrus grove.”

Paz:means "golden."

Peresh:“Horse” or “one who breaks ground.”

Pinchas:Pinchas was Aaron's grandson in the Bible.

Penuel: means "face of God."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "Q"

There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “Q” as the first letter.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning with "R"

Rachamim:means "compassionate, mercy."

Rafa: means“heal.”

Ram: means “high, exalted” or “mighty.”

Raphael:Raphael was an angel in the Bible. Raphael means "God heals."

Ravid: means "ornament."

Raviv: means "rain, dew."

Reuven (Reuben):Reuven was Jacob's first son in the Bible with his wifeLeah. Revuen means “behold, a son!”

Ro’i:means "my shepherd."

Ron:means "song, joy."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "S"

Samuel:“His name is God.” Samuel (Shmuel) was the prophet and judge who anointed Saul as the first king of Israel.

Saul:“Asked” or “borrowed.” Saul was the first king of Israel.

Shai: means "gift."

Set (Seth):Set was the son of Adam in the Bible.

Segev: means "glory, majesty, exalted."

Shalev:means "peaceful."

Shalom: means "peace."

Shaul (Saul):Shaul was a king of Israel.

Shefer:means "pleasant, beautiful."

Shimon (Simon):Shimon was Jacob's son.

Simcha:means "joy."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "T"

Tal:means "dew."​

Tam: means“complete, whole” or “honest.”​

Tamir:means “tall, stately.”​

Tzvi (Zvi): means“deer” or “gazelle.”

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning with "U"

Uriel:Uriel wasan angel in the Bible. The name means “God is my light.”

Uzi:means "my strength."

Uziel:means "God is my strength."

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "V"

Vardimom: means"the essence of rose.”

Vofsi:A member of the tribe of Naftali. The meaning of this name is unknown.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "W"

There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “W” as the first letter.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "X"

There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “X” as the first letter.

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "Y"

Yaacov (Jacob): Yaacov was the son of Isaac in the Bible. The name means “held by the heel.”

Yadid: means "beloved, friend."

Yair: means "to light up” or “to enlighten.” In theBibleYair was a grandson of Joseph.

Yakar: means "precious." Also spelled Yakir.

Yarden: means "to flow down, descend."

Yaron: means "He will sing."

Yigal: means "He will redeem."

Yehoshua (Joshua):Yehoshua was Moses' successor as leader of the Israelites.

Yehuda (Judah): Yehudawas the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. The name means “praise.”

Hebrew Boy Names Beginning With "Z"

Zakai: means“pure, clean, innocent.”

Zamir: means "song."​

Zechariah (Zachary):Zachariah was a prophet in the Bible. Zachariah means "remembering God."​

Ze’ev: means "wolf."​

Ziv: means "to shine."

Asher, Chavivi, Gilad, and More Popular Hebrew Boy Names (2024)
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